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Thread: Test Prop + Primo Ace + Tren Ace + Halo?

  1. #1
    Randy_Mar's Avatar
    Randy_Mar is offline Associate Member
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    Question Test Prop + Primo Ace + Tren Ace + Halo?

    I've been thinking about this stack for my next cycle, and wanted your thoughts!
    I've ran test/tren numerous times, but this would be my first time with Primo. I was able to score an injectable acetate form of primo from a UGL.

    I was thinking:
    100mg test Prop EOD (Week 1-9)
    100mg Primo Ace EOD (week 1-9)
    100mg tren Ace EOD (Week 1-9)
    30mg Halotestin ED (week 6-9)

    The usual Nolva + Clom for PCT
    Letro for A.I. (Adex and Aroma just don't cut it for my gyno prone self!) + Prami each week
    Liver support during Halo.

    My Goal is pure strength, with as little weight gain as possible (In order to stay in my weight class!)
    Can I expect any strength from Primo? I'm sure most gains will come from the Tren, as usual.

    Age: 32
    Weight: 185lb
    Training: 14yrs
    Body fat 10%
    Experience: 8-10 past cycles

  2. #2
    OnTheSauce is offline Banned
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    Should be pretty baller although I think masteron would've been a better choice than primo.

  3. #3
    Randy_Mar's Avatar
    Randy_Mar is offline Associate Member
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    Wouldn't more steady strength gains come from Primo, over Mast?

    Although Mast would probably be better for the sex drive. And add aggressiveness (Which are both good!)

  4. #4
    ChiveOn's Avatar
    ChiveOn is offline Senior Member
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    I would agree with Patrick. Although I have no experience with Primo, it's generally tought that Tren and Mast work well together

  5. #5
    Randy_Mar's Avatar
    Randy_Mar is offline Associate Member
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    I always thought Primo helps build lean quality muscle and masteron is just a hardener but really wont help build muscle ?

  6. #6
    OnTheSauce is offline Banned
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    You got em switched

  7. #7
    OnTheSauce is offline Banned
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    Here's some good info on masteron posted by Ronnie

    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post

    "Proviron (oral 1-methyl-dihydrotestosterone) and Masteron (an injectable form of 2-methyl-dihydrotestosterne) are indeed structurally very similar. Both are DHT hormones with a minor modification (methylation) on each. This similarity, however, doesn't carry over extremely closely when it comes to function. Both steroids are DHT derivatives, yes, and because of this there is no estrogen conversion possible with either drug. They lack a structural trait necessary for their conversion to estrogen. This characteristic may also allow both steroids to offer some level of anti-estrogenic activity, as the non-aromatizable steroid may compete with other aromatizable steroids (like your own endogenous testosterone ) for binding to the aromatase enzyme. This should lower estrogen levels and heighten the ratio of relative androgenic to estrogenic activity in the body. As such, both steroids could be used to some extent for cutting or contest preparations. The main value in this regard is that both may help, instead of hinder, the visible retention of fat and subcutaneous water. With less water retained, muscle definition can increase provided body fat is low enough. But this is about where the functional similarities between the two agents end.

    The main difference between Proviron and Masteron is their relative level of anabolic activity in skeletal muscle. Both steroids are capable of attaching to and activating the androgen receptor in muscle tissue. As such, both are theoretically capable of supporting muscle growth. But there is one major problem with Proviron. Like the base steroid dihydrotestosterone, Proviron has a high affinity for the 3-alpha hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3HSD) enzyme. Why is this important? It is important because 3HSD produces a weaker steroid by removing the highly important 3-keto group on the active steroid molecule. It this case it produces what are known as weak steroid "diols". 3HSD is present in high amounts in muscle tissue, and represents a sort of blocking wall for the steroid to get through before it is able to find its corresponding receptor in the cytosol of the cell. Proviron and DHT will be actively looking for 3HSD if you will, and as a result very little will find the receptor before being converted to weakly active steroids. This is why people do not gain a lot of muscle mass while taking DHT or Proviron. The 1-methlation may result in improving the oral bioavailability of Proviron, hence the fact that it is an oral drug, but it doesn't do much to protect it from 3HSD.

    Masteron contains a 2-methylated derivative of DHT. Unlike the 1-methylation of Proviron, this alteration doesn't effectively protect the steroid during oral dosing. This is why we only see Masteron as an injectable medication. However, shifting the methyl group from the 1 to the 2 position on the steroid backbone very effectively prevents conversion by 3HSD. As a result, the steroid is well equipped to enter the cell and break through the defensive line of 3HSD enzymes. It will reach the cytosolic androgen receptor in high concentrations, and because of this may impart a measurable tissue-building effect. So the bottom line is that while both may help improve the look of hardness to the muscles during contest preparations, only Masteron is actually going to offer a strong effect in muscle tissue itself. This means the potential for much more muscle size and strength gains during building phases of training, and at the very least a greater level of muscle preservation during cutting phases of training (the latter due to anabolic action in muscle helping to counter the catabolic effects of calorie restriction). These two drugs illustrate well the fact that categorizing the actions of steroids based on the three derivative bases (testosterone, nandrolone , and dihydrotestosterone) is not a highly accurate practice. So the next time someone tells you "This is a DHT derivative... so", you can tell them "So what? I want to know what THIS steroid does, not DHT!"
    - William Llewellyn, Author of Anabolics 9th Edition and Underground Anabolics
    BBJT200 likes this.

  8. #8
    gearbox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Randy_Mar View Post
    I've been thinking about this stack for my next cycle, and wanted your thoughts!
    I've ran test/tren numerous times, but this would be my first time with Primo. I was able to score an injectable acetate form of primo from a UGL.

    I was thinking:
    100mg test Prop EOD (Week 1-9)
    100mg Primo Ace EOD (week 1-9)
    100mg tren Ace EOD (Week 1-9)
    30mg Halotestin ED (week 6-9)

    The usual Nolva + Clom for PCT
    Letro for A.I. (Adex and Aroma just don't cut it for my gyno prone self!) + Prami each week
    Liver support during Halo.

    My Goal is pure strength, with as little weight gain as possible (In order to stay in my weight class!)
    Can I expect any strength from Primo? I'm sure most gains will come from the Tren, as usual.

    Age: 32
    Weight: 185lb
    Training: 14yrs
    Body fat 10%
    Experience: 8-10 past cycles
    With test tren and halo you will be a monster. Halo has a very strong androgenic affect. I wouldnt waste more $$ on mast or primo. Besides mast needs to be run at high doses to get the affect imo
    Lunk1 likes this.

  9. #9
    Randy_Mar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by patrick4588 View Post
    Here's some good info on masteron posted by Ronnie
    Appreciate the info! Yea, I guess I them switched. Do you think either would have a more negative affect on my pre-existing gyno?

    Quote Originally Posted by gearbox View Post
    With test tren and halo you will be a monster. Halo has a very strong androgenic affect. I wouldnt waste more $$ on mast or primo. Besides mast needs to be run at high doses to get the affect imo
    Yea, you do have a point! I've ran Prop + halo, which i loved. Also ran Test + Tren , which i also loved! So that combo (test/tren/halo) would probably be pretty badass!

    I love HALO! Although the last couple of batches I got really didn't effect me much, and I ran it HIGH!! I know it's easily faked though.

  10. #10
    Granovich's Avatar
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    I have no idea why would a person pick masteron over primo
    Beside the fact that u need heavy dose of primo like 700mg a week whoch means alot Of money
    But primo def beat masteron
    It builds more muscle and its amazing if u can get ur hands on real stuff
    Masteron isnt even close
    Randy_Mar likes this.

  11. #11
    Randy_Mar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Granovich View Post
    I have no idea why would a person pick masteron over primo
    Beside the fact that u need heavy dose of primo like 700mg a week whoch means alot Of money
    But primo def beat masteron
    It builds more muscle and its amazing if u can get ur hands on real stuff
    Masteron isnt even close
    So do you think 100mg EOD of primo is a waste? (Even if it's in acetate form)

  12. #12
    Granovich's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Randy_Mar View Post
    So do you think 100mg EOD of primo is a waste? (Even if it's in acetate form)
    I dont know about acetate but primo needs to be ran at high doses
    Like 100mg ed
    Thats what im honna run for my next cycle

  13. #13
    Granovich's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by patrick4588 View Post
    You got em switched
    Masteron DOES NOT build muscle at all

  14. #14
    Randy_Mar's Avatar
    Randy_Mar is offline Associate Member
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    Is there any better cycle for strength (Without much of the weight gain?)

    Compared to my proposed cycle

  15. #15
    Randy_Mar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Randy_Mar View Post
    Is there any better cycle for strength (Without much of the weight gain?)

    Compared to my proposed cycle
    Anyone wanna chime in?

  16. #16
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    My vote is 100% with Gear. If you are just wanting to gain overall strength then Test/tren /halo! Since you were not mentioning getting on a stage or changing your appearnce then drop the high $ primo/mast thought.
    Granovich likes this.

  17. #17
    Randy_Mar's Avatar
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    Yea, I need to just stick with the Test/Tren /Halo option. I was just hard-headed and wanted to add in something new, but realistically the primo probably won't make much difference (except in my wallet!)

    Haven't done tren ace in a long time! I'm excited about this combo. If this works like I'm hoping, in August I'll be qualifying for Arnolds 2014!

    Thanks fellas!
    Last edited by Randy_Mar; 05-01-2013 at 01:55 PM.

  18. #18
    Randy_Mar's Avatar
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    I do have a follow-up questions in regards to this cycle....
    In the past, if I had gyno issues on cycle (not consisting of tren ) , i could take Tamox or Ralox to calm it down.

    I'm pretty sure i know this answer, but wanted to be sure. I know I shouldn't take Tamox while on tren, but does the same go for Ralox? (My guess would be the same answer....I shouldn't)


  19. #19
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Randy_Mar View Post
    I do have a follow-up questions in regards to this cycle....
    In the past, if I had gyno issues on cycle (not consisting of tren ) , i could take Tamox or Ralox to calm it down.

    I'm pretty sure i know this answer, but wanted to be sure. I know I shouldn't take Tamox while on tren, but does the same go for Ralox? (My guess would be the same answer....I shouldn't)

    The broscience of not using Nolva or Tamox on 19nor cycles is BS!

  20. #20
    Randy_Mar's Avatar
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    Awesome!! Learn new sh*t everyday

    Thanks lunk!

  21. #21
    OnTheSauce is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Granovich View Post

    Masteron DOES NOT build muscle at all
    So you just didn't bother to read what I posted at all....

  22. #22
    Randy_Mar's Avatar
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    Planned on running this for 8-9 wks, to fall perfectly with my competition in August. I know it's a rule of thumb to run shorter esters for 8-9wks or so. How bad would it be to run this for 3 extra weeks? I have a 2nd tournament not long after.

    Is it risky to run shorter esters for 11-12wks?

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