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Thread: infection from injection

  1. #1

    Question infection from injection

    I usually do my injection into my right quad, this time it was with sust and tren ace. It is like a red circle, with a white dot in the middle of it, a little warm at touch and also feeling a little pain. Do you think I injected it badly ? What is your opinion ? Thank you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Big apple
    If its red and warm then you should monitor it becuase it can turn into an abscess. It will most likely swell down and go away.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    ive gotten a few of these, you can get an infection even if you alcohol very well, actually dont use too much alcohol. when the inflammation sets in, and its red and sensitive around the area i usually go to the doc and get an antibiotic and it starts to go away quickly in three or four days. i got it the last time i stuck an 18 gauge pin in my quad. its not a matter of injecting badly really, ive gotten them after swabbing up really good. when liquid comes in contact with other substances it has a pulling effect, its surface tension. so if you swab up really good with alcohol and inject, but then a few minutes after you are up and walking and a bead of blood comes out of the injection site, that bead of blood will pull in bacteria, even after you swabbed. so if you are prone to getting these inflammations dont just rub it off with your hand or let it wind dry. put a small band aid over it, or a dab of super glue. i like super glue. remember, that little bead of blood can pull bacteria in even after you swab.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    No Sources Given
    The first thing I noticed is that you said you usually do you injection in your right quad. This is a problem in itself, you always want to rotate sites. The standard easy ones and good enough for most casual users are the Glutes the Quads and the Delts ( in no particular order) this gives you six locations to pin in and is the minimum you should use. This way with short esters you have just short of a week between shots in the same site, with biweekly injections you have over two weeks between injections sites.

    As far as the injection goes, assuming you always use a new needle and syringe (I hope) and swab with alcohol? Then you most likely have some bunk gear that has a high bacterial count. You can either toss the gear or put it in a pressure cooker (15 psi for 45 minutes) this will kill a lot the harmful bacteria, however it will not (or course) remove impurites which also may be present in the gear.

    And yes always swab the area with an alcohol before injection. While I would certainly not wipe off the area with my hand or spit, I really see no need to glue shut needle holes as I doubt that many infections are being caused by blood drops wicking germs from a clean injection site...but I could be wrong, all I know is that in me and my friends thousands of injections rotating sites and with clean gear and alky swab and new needle/syringe combos I have never had anyone get an infection

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    What size pins you using?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    im sorry. i wasnt clear, i really didnt mean glue all your pin holes shut. when i hit a vein, and it bleeds, so to prevent excessive blood and infection i glue it after wiping it clean. thats just me. for me, im happy with how i pin.

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