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Thread: looking for some advice

  1. #1

    Question looking for some advice

    im 25 back when I was 19 20 I experimented a couple of cycles. I got some good results then I was about 185 went up to 215 and was happy. now im 25 took a few years off of gear ive always trained, just not getting what I want out of it and now im thinking of trying tren ace with test e and Dbol. anyone want to give some advice about the cycle???

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Why tren ace? why is every one doing tren ace? I think you sould stick to a test, dbol cycle and get your feet wet again, then if you want to try tren later fine.

  3. #3
    will doing alittle research on the net and asking around I heard its the best out there right now and that's what im looking for.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    What are your complete Stats?

    Body Fat %
    Previous AAS exp.
    Lifting Exp

    Attachment 137199

  5. #5
    25, 6Ft, 215, Lifted For 10 Yrs, Did 5 CycLes and Don'tKnowMy BodyFat

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