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  1. #1
    wayne89 is offline New Member
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    Questions about clen

    Hey, I've been working out for about 2 years now I'm at the muscle size I want to be at but am looking to strip the fat away as quick as possible. I'm looking at doing a clen only cycle. Is this possible? I'm on a strict diet at the moment but not getting results quick enough. Sitting on about 18%bf at the moment 5"10 90kgs. hoping to get to about 8-10% within 4 months and just need a boost.

  2. #2
    ChiveOn's Avatar
    ChiveOn is offline Senior Member
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    You can do clen only, or clen keto. But at 18% bf you aren't going to get the results I think you're looking for. It WILL help burn fat, but you won't notice any difference really. Diet and cardio man, it's really the best way. Maybe come take a look at clen when you're sub 14%

  3. #3
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    You need to burn bf slowly not quick other wise you can stripped precious muscle tissue, its a slow process burning bf and if your not getting results you need to adjust your diet and cardio to get things moving again. I wouldn't introduce a clen cycle yet until you have come to a brick wall with your diet and cardio.

  4. #4
    wayne89 is offline New Member
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    Well that's why I've thought about clen . I have hit the brick wall. I went from about 30 down to 18% and now getting nowhere. I do a weights session every morning followed by a short high intensity cardio in the cross trainer before breakfast then after dinner at night I also go a for a walk. Only doing carbs at breakfast after training and lunch. Dinner is either steak/chicken/fish and veggies no carbs. God damn plateau!

  5. #5
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by wayne89 View Post
    Well that's why I've thought about clen. I have hit the brick wall. I went from about 30 down to 18% and now getting nowhere. I do a weights session every morning followed by a short high intensity cardio in the cross trainer before breakfast then after dinner at night I also go a for a walk. Only doing carbs at breakfast after training and lunch. Dinner is either steak/chicken/fish and veggies no carbs. God damn plateau!
    You started a cycle at 30% bf wooow

    All you need to do is adjust your diet and cardio, you body adapts to everything you throw at it so go another step up the ladder and adjust things,
    Last edited by marcus300; 05-01-2013 at 02:09 AM.

  6. #6
    wayne89 is offline New Member
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    Nah haven't done a cycle ever. That was clean with lower cals and more cardio incorporated into my weights

  7. #7
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by wayne89 View Post
    Nah haven't done a cycle ever. That was clean with lower cals and more cardio incorporated into my weights
    Sorry I was thinking of another thread. Well done on dropping so much bf.

  8. #8
    wayne89 is offline New Member
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    Cheers man. It was a ****ing pain! Lol.. Hence why I want a little boost.

  9. #9
    wayne89 is offline New Member
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    Cheers man. It was a pain in the ass. That's why I want a little boost this time. So did lose a little bit of muscle too when lowering the cals but it was mostly BF

  10. #10
    wayne89 is offline New Member
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    Stupid phone reception.. Told me the first comment didn't work so I had to retry. Disregard that one

  11. #11
    evander87's Avatar
    evander87 is offline Senior Member
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    Congrats on the fat loss so far.

    I love clen but I would not recommend it to you. Clen is great for peeling off about 2% BF. (6 week cycle 2 on 2 off I like for my body to rest and heal and I can adjust my diet to continue to lose during the off weeks just not as fast.) If you're at 18% and can't adjust you diet you'll drop to 16% that in reality will be unnoticeable and because you can't adjust your diet you'r stuck here if not putting the fat back on.

    You can't cut out a 1/2 cup of carbs? A chicken breast? I hit a plateau as well so I really evaluated my diet. Really the only thing that was not beneficial was my creamer and DAMN if I wasn't using too much. Now all my coffees are creamer free and wouldn't you know it fat started coming off again. I was easily putting in 140 cal in my coffee and having 3 -4 cups a day. that crap adds up.

    So ask yourself when you get to 16% bf and are still not shredded for summer what are you going to do then?

  12. #12
    wayne89 is offline New Member
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    Being in Australia I still have 6 months till beach season so I reckon I'll get there

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