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    Jonnyg419's Avatar
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    Shorter Cycle, shorter HPTA recovery?

    I just want to see if I understand this, and if I don't please help me fill in the blanks. So far I have been doing 12 week cycles and my HPTA doesn't begin to feel back to normal until about 2 weeks after I have completed my PCT. I am planning on a Tren 100mg eod/ Prop 50mg eod cycle in the fall. Will shortening my cylce with faster releasing esters help me to have a quicker recovery from the cycle? Or once I am shut down, I am stuck for the same length of recovery no matter what I do. What are the supposed benefits?

  2. #2
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    How many weeks are you planning to run your cycle? Have you been using hcg during your prior cycles?

  3. #3
    Jonnyg419's Avatar
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    I have been running HCG and I will do so for the next one, I'm planning on 8 weeks

  4. #4
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jonnyg419
    I have been running HCG and I will do so for the next one, I'm planning on 8 weeks
    How much hcg are you running? Are you running an AI alongside during the cycle?

  5. #5
    Jonnyg419's Avatar
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    For my 12 week test E 500/ deca 500 cycle I began taking HCG at 250 twice a week on the days that I pinned starting week four. I ran it all the way up to a couple days before PCT. I also took adex at .25 eod. And caber 2x a week. I am all about investing the extra money to do it right, but I am apparently very susceptible to HPTA shutdown, because even with all of that, I completely lost my libido at the beginning of my PCT and my overall energy levels have been shit, I have no pep in my step and have to really push myself to my mental limits to get quality gym sessions in. I am not experiencing any Post Cycle depression that I have heard others mention, so at least that is a plus. But I would like to do everything I can to avoid what I am dealing with now in the future. That is why I purchased short esters for my next cycle and plan to implement them as follows:

    Test Prop- 50mg eod week 1-8
    Tren Ace- 100mg eod week 1-8
    HCG 250, 2x ew I assume I will start using it the first week since they are short esters
    Adex .25 e3d? or as needed, since I will be running relatively low Test levels.
    Caber e3d - or once again as needed to control prolactin levels

    PCT- 3 days after last pin:
    Clomid- 50/50/50/50
    Nolva- 40/40/20/20

    How does that sound?
    I am really hoping that keeping the cycle short will in some way help me to have a quicker recovery back to normal Test levels. Because right now having 4 weeks of a nonexistent sex drive, with a possiblity of another couple weeks to come has got me pretty bummed out. I love weight lifting and bodybuilding..........but I LOOOOOVE sex haha

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  7. #7
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    How long have been off cycle and pct?

  8. #8
    ChiveOn's Avatar
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    Yes, it makes sense that the shorter you are suppressing your HPTA the faster you'll be able to restart it. If your taking all the necessary precautions such as HCG , AI, prl control, then pure doing everything you can. Everyone is different and there's no magic formula as to how long you'll be shut down. Maybe look into to liquid CIA. It really helps as far the whole sex issue lol

  9. #9
    TbolzNdbols's Avatar
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    prop at 50mg eod? Is that a typo?

    If not why so low?

  10. #10
    Jonnyg419's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027 View Post
    How long have been off cycle and pct?
    I actually just finished my 28th day of PCT yesterday, although my shutdown still feels so apparent that I am considering using nolva at 20mg ed for another week, does that sound like a decent idea?

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    Quote Originally Posted by ChiveOn View Post
    Yes, it makes sense that the shorter you are suppressing your HPTA the faster you'll be able to restart it. If your taking all the necessary precautions such as HCG, AI, prl control, then pure doing everything you can. Everyone is different and there's no magic formula as to how long you'll be shut down. Maybe look into to liquid CIA. It really helps as far the whole sex issue lol
    I actually have liquid CIA haha, it does work very well at a 2ml dosage, but I still don't lust after vagina the way I like to lol. And achieving orgasm is still much harder.

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    Quote Originally Posted by TbolzNdbols View Post
    prop at 50mg eod? Is that a typo?

    If not why so low?
    Nope not a typo, I just want to do a trt dose of test to keep my body balanced, and really use the tren as my main anabolic .

  13. #13
    largerthannormal's Avatar
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    good choice, and yes the shorter it is supressed the easier it will be to recover. Thats that main point of running a short ester..( in my book anyway..

    not to mention who grows for 12weeks? muscles usually grow in short spurts.

    Do a prime then blast for a 8 weeks with prop/tren A next time if you plan on using those compounds. Recovery should be faster

    so yes I agree with next cycle.

    also i would take an AI all the time, not just as a precation, then in turn you shouldnt need the caber ( but keep on hand)

    Quote Originally Posted by Jonnyg419 View Post
    Nope not a typo, I just want to do a trt dose of test to keep my body balanced, and really use the tren as my main anabolic.

  14. #14
    largerthannormal's Avatar
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    labido can be cause by multiple things bro. You may have some other issues. Can you get some lab work done?

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    Quote Originally Posted by largerthannormal View Post
    labido can be cause by multiple things bro. You may have some other issues. Can you get some lab work done?
    I get my Dr. Appointments through the hospital. I don't know what I would say to them to ask for that kind of lab work that wouldnt very obviously look like I'm taking steroids . And when you said blast tren , did you mean start off with a higher dose than I would be running for the resat of the cycle?

  16. #16
    ChiveOn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jonnyg419 View Post
    I actually have liquid CIA haha, it does work very well at a 2ml dosage, but I still don't lust after vagina the way I like to lol. And achieving orgasm is still much harder.
    2ml! Holy crap. It's 30mg/ml the standard recommended dose for cialis is 5mg. The liquid is thought to be a bit weaker so it's usually used at 10mg. Unless that was a typo? I have a hard time believing that you're not having a "hard" time for days at a time haha

  17. #17
    largerthannormal's Avatar
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    Sorry , no anything 8 weeks i call a blast, lol

    100eod is what I am doing now, all the way through,

    you can do your own lab work for around $50-75$ with no one knowing.

    Im doing mine on Thursday

    Quote Originally Posted by Jonnyg419 View Post
    I get my Dr. Appointments through the hospital. I don't know what I would say to them to ask for that kind of lab work that wouldnt very obviously look like I'm taking steroids. And when you said blast tren, did you mean start off with a higher dose than I would be running for the resat of the cycle?

  18. #18
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    depends what your using it for, the 5mg is what we would use 2x a day for increased blood flow.

    some use as high as 25mg

    The half life is relatively short so thats why most use 2x a day but most will say they feel it for several days and only uses once every few days ( theses are the guys who use it for sexual reasons) this would be due to the several acvtive half lifes after.

    either way yes 2ml may be a typo lol

    Quote Originally Posted by ChiveOn View Post
    2ml! Holy crap. It's 30mg/ml the standard recommended dose for cialis is 5mg. The liquid is thought to be a bit weaker so it's usually used at 10mg. Unless that was a typo? I have a hard time believing that you're not having a "hard" time for days at a time haha

  19. #19
    Jonnyg419's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChiveOn View Post
    2ml! Holy crap. It's 30mg/ml the standard recommended dose for cialis is 5mg. The liquid is thought to be a bit weaker so it's usually used at 10mg. Unless that was a typo? I have a hard time believing that you're not having a "hard" time for days at a time haha
    Haha, once again not a typo. I definitely don't have trouble staying hard at that dose, but it is not the same as actually having a fully functional libido. Mentally I am just not my normal self. You can take that much CIA and you will be fine, I didn't notice a very significant change at 1 30mg dose, so I asked around and I doubled it. Thats not to say when my hormones are back to functioning normally 1 dose will probably work like a charm!

  20. #20
    largerthannormal's Avatar
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    I am the same right now... shit labido but I walk around with a rocket in my pants....

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