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Thread: First Cycle of Test Cyp

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2013

    First Cycle of Test Cyp

    32 years old
    200 lbs...197-202
    I have always tried to stay in shape; however, in the last year, I have packed on some pounds.
    I have gotten back into working out...nothing serious, just throwing some weights around several times a week and trying to eat right. I feel wore out. So, this is the part you are waiting for. My dude hooked me up with guy and got me some TEST CYP. Guy does this stuff all the time; but, dude doesn't have the okay from the miss to go green light. However, miss is an RN and gave me my first pinch on the right cheek last night. I'm doing the same days as guy is doing (wednesday and sunday)...he calls it the church cycle....aka, I call the righteous roids. Anyhow, guy says that this will put me back into the game. Lets make it clear...I'm new to this, never thought I would be here, and have questions ...just as noobs will have. Hopefully folks are learning stuffs right here and right now.
    1. The TEST went in after the area had been cleaned, and after some blood and oil came out. Not much really, but when it touches your briefs, it will look like quite a bit as it will spread out. I have read that this is normal. Correct if need be. We were all dumb as this was the first pinch. I didn't have a bandaide ready... I will have next time. I used a 22 needle and punched 1ml or 300mg as I had been informed. The vile had no labels. I didnt like this, but I trust guy and so does dude so miss just said okay and pinched. Miss said next time she will use the Z method. Everything seems okay. I hate needles and couldn't do this myself. Miss did a great job as far as I'm concerned...I was just worried that the load had backed out of the pinch site...any comments, suggestions, concerns?
    2. I have read that it will take some time to KICK in. I woke up last night at 2am with my belly growling. I have eaten all day. And, at 5am I had a rock hard package for the lady. This happens all the time, just not at 5am. Surely, I am not feeling anything from a pinch I got last I? Is this placebo paranoia? I didn't get up to eat at 2am; rather, I laid there for some time and went back to sleep. I did, however, have to do the deed at 5am...I wasn't able to roll over and sleep on it. So, question #2. How long for the KICK?
    3. YOU ask what are my goals. I just want to see what I can achieve. I want to slim the waist and pack on sum muscle. I'm gonna try and work out 4-5 times wkly. I did abs today and will do arms tomorrow with dude and so on. Will prob hit the gym with dude 3 times a week and do the rest here. Any supplements you guys recommend that I take while doing this? I have muscle milk and body fortress creatine. I hear this is to sugary and bla bla. Drop it and reload with some others? I take a multivitamin once a day and have started milk thistle. Dude also gave me some TAMOXIFEN CITRATE that he picked up from a's liquid, nasty looking pepto stuffs in a 20mg/ml 60ml bottle. Can anyone tell me anything about this product and how I should consume it when the time comes.
    4. The first week will be 1ml/300mg per two pinches divided between Wednes&Sunday for a total of 600mg that week. Everyweek after shall be 1.5ml/450mg times 2 for a total of 900mg. Does this sound okay to you for a first timer? All advice welcome.
    5. Anything that you would like to add...I would love to hear about it and will seriously consider advice, concerns and answer any questions you may have for me. Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    1. Its common. Use Z Track method.

    2. Placebo. Typically take 4-6weks to take full effect.

    3. This is determined by diet. And Tamoxifen is a SERM used during recovery (PCT)

    4. Keep your doses stable - no need to titrate up or down.

    What are your complete Stats?

    Body Fat %
    Previous AAS exp.
    Lifting Exp

    Attachment 137199

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2013
    im only on my 3 rd cycle, but if your started make sure you train your ass off !! dont take gear and just go half arsed youll just get fatter. its not a miracle drug you have to be perphared to work man !!!!!!
    1. i just make sure i hold the pinned site for a good few minutes massage the site prevents bleeding and loss of gear !!!!
    2. 4 weeks minium bro
    3.the good thing with test is it actually mobilizes fat makes it easier to get rid of

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Big apple
    2) Varies greatly amongst individuals. For long ester tests I start to feel libido increase during the first week, strength increase during week 4-6 and mass increase during week 7. I know individuals that do not feel a thing until week 6.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2013
    32 Almost 33 year of age
    I am 5ft 9inches
    200 lbs.
    29% body fat...says my scale.
    No previous exp.
    I have been lifting 1 time a week in the last few months mostly focusing on the arms with pushups for a burnout at the end of the work out and then doing some sit-ups. My diet has been awful as we eat everything mostly and now the lady is prego and eating more...however, I have started eating healthier since 2 wks ago. No sodas, no crap and so on. I am eating a lot of meats and veges with protein sup. I'm dedicating 5 days a week to working out and have the last 2 days. ( that sounds awful, but it's the truth) A year ago, i was working out 3-5 times a week and had been doing it for years just to have a hobby...nothing major, just stuff here in my house. I have a pull up bar, push up handles, and a bench now. I had a pulley system but gave it away...everyone says they are junk and lack focus on my stabilizer muscles. So now I'm just free weight. On the pulley system, I was maxed out on the weight of 207lbs...3times, give or take ...I don't remember; however, I couldn't lift that much on free...185, one time max.
    I'm just getting back into it and had the opportunity to get the TEST. It was offered to me and I said okay, This is the boost I need. Get back into shape.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    To have minimal chances if side effects I personally recommend getting bf % way down before using AAS of any kind

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2013
    recommending not to take as you not ready body wise !!!!!!!!!! 6 months - 1year of all out training first

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2013
    I have already taken the first pinch...there is no stopping now is there? I have already spent the money and got it in my head to take it and do the work.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by TOMMYLEE View Post
    I have already taken the first pinch...there is no stopping now is there? I have already spent the money and got it in my head to take it and do the work.
    That's nonsense and only an excuse TOMMY. Stop right now and you will NOT require PCT. Do it now.

    This will give you time to properly inform yourself and possibly prevent potentially serious irreversible health complications. You need to think about this. I would not begin this cycle until you are at least around 15% BF or less. This is very important.

    I recommend you adjust your diet and reduce your Body Fat to around 15% before you begin your cycle. This will also reduce your likelihood of experiencing unwanted sides attributed to high E2 levels like, Erectile Dysfunction (ED), Acne, Raised Blood Pressure, Increased Heart Rate, Bloating, Cardio vascular Issues, Mood swings, changes to your Cholesterol Factors (HDL-C, LDL-C, TG, TC)...ect.

    Excess fatty tissue is a huge proponent of Estrogen. "Adipose tissue can contribute significantly to the circulating pool of estrogens." You want your BF to be as low as possible before you begin your proposed cycle - very important! Read this clinical study…Estrogen production and action. [J Am Acad Dermatol. 2001] - PubMed - NCBI

    And then head over to the Nutritional Forums and the Specialists in there will assist you in developing a solid diet that will reflect your intended goals and slim you down to a more suitable and safe BF%. Remember, your gains and body composition begin in the kitchen, not the needle.

    Dieting 101: Lean Bulking

    ***Dieting 101: Lean Bulking***

    Nutritional Forum


  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2013
    I don't like hearing this as it delays the use of the product that I have purchased; however, I guess that it will be good to save and take later? I'm gonna take your advice. I'm gonna throw in the p90x video and fix the flat on the bike. I'm guessing that IS the first step that needs to be taken. Thanks. I'll stick around and keep an eye on the forum and when I manage to get down around 20% body fat...I'll repost stats and ask for opinions. Does this sound reasonable?

  11. #11
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Great choice sir! Stick around, read, get in killer shape then when you are ready your progress will be amazing!
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Where do I find some reads on things gone terribly bad with the use of juice?..and maybe photos and a brief description of why they went wrong. Do we have that here? Just building my knowledge of these things that can happen. THANKS in advance.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2013
    ALSO, How do you folks get your test levels checked? Family doctor?

  14. #14
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Search up "Cycles Gone Wrong for the Young" or similar here. There's a good thread on it.

    Family doctor or
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Good call man, seriously.

    Im glad to see you're thinking wisely, being mature about your health, and headed on the right path.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Thanks guy. It's not going to be easy but then again....nothing is. Been working out pretty hard the last couple days. I went and bought a standard 6ft bench bar as the curl bar I was using was hard to rack. The new bar is feeling much better. I was feeling that I might push 175 3 reps for 5 sets. My dude stopped me half way through and told me 5reps of 165 for 3 sets was better. Any thoughts there? I'm trying to stay away from getting worn out on the smaller stuff and pushing heavier. I was able to do it his way struggling with the last one or two in the end.
    I've been out on the bike for that last several days, trying to burn some fat off. I have a feeling it's going to be a good way to get it off because its killing me.
    The only thing that I don't like is my dieting. I'm trying but the lady like to eat out a lot. We have eaten out at two different mexican places two nights in a role. I told myself that wasnt all that bad...atleast it's not burgers and crap...any thoughts here? Is mexican food all that bad. chicken quesadillas, refried beans, rice, chips and dip.

  17. #17
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    I have been eating peanut butter in between meals instead of junk food...right off the spoon. Mostly meats and veges...roasts, and other meats. I have also been eating pork...ribs, bacon, chops. I have read that pork isnt very good? Is this true? should I stay away from that? Mostly chicken meals around here though.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Glad you decided to stop, you need a good foundation before aas. If you continued to many things could go wrong and it would just be a waste of money. It's a lifestyle change, diet, training the whole thing if not its just a waste of money cause you will most likely lose it all anyway. Stick around, there is an Abundance of Info here.

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