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Thread: Noob

  1. #1
    BTown89 is offline New Member
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    May 2013


    Hey everyone! I'm 24, 5'10 180 living a highly active lifestyle of building my body. I'm eating about 200 grams of protein a day, along with 200 carbs. I've always regularly supplemented with protein creatine yaddy yadda whatever, I'm just saying, I'm going to do introduced juice to the mix and I was wanting advice on how I should get started. Im good as far as getting what I need, I just need to know what to need. I've done most of my research on test/dbol stacks and what not, but I just wanted to basically someone who knows what they are talking about from exp give me a would be run down if a good beginner cycle for me?

  2. #2
    cantstopkane's Avatar
    cantstopkane is offline Junior Member
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    The first answer you will probly get will be food pipsqweak,

    The second and viable answer, will be test e or test c at 500mg a week (2 250mg injections) for 12 weeks, followed by a serm for 4 weeks, nolva or clomid.

    Need to find our how your body reacts to test befor anything else.

    You should have an ai like letro you can take incase of sides like gyno. You could alternativly run amidex or aromisin the whole cycle to prevent sides. But I would sitll have letro on hand.

    Ill let the vets chime in on dossages and such just my 2 cents as a only slightly less noob

    Also I know this will have little effect on your decisions but I would wait until 25 just to be sure your endocrin system has stopped developing. No judgement just a disclaimer
    Last edited by cantstopkane; 05-02-2013 at 08:18 PM.

  3. #3
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    How long have you been training? Can you give me more details on your nutrition plan like breakdown the macros per meal and how many meals per day?
    Last edited by Bio-Active; 05-02-2013 at 08:25 PM.

  4. #4
    BTown89 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    May 2013
    My Typical Day

    Wake up Shake (GS Iso)
    3 Egg whites 2 whole egg 1 Cup Oats
    1 Slice Wheat Toast 1 Piece of Bacon
    Shake N 1 Cup oats
    16oz Chk 1 Cup brown rice Veggies
    Shake n oats
    6oz lean beef 1 cup rice Veggies
    Jacked powder
    Shake n Carbs
    8 w/o
    9 post shake n carbs
    930 usually like cottage cheese and some fruit or Greek yogurt

    Pre w/o shske

  5. #5
    BTown89 is offline New Member
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    May 2013
    I've been at it for 8 months. Went from 149 to 180 with this diet and working out the way I do. I really want to incorporate the juice for gain sake. I don't feel juice will be any kind of hero, because I know that other important factors cone into play.

    But, how much more will I need to eat. I basically am consuming 2500 cals a day, 200 grams of protein and carbs. I don't really just jump into anything uneducated which is the approach I took that got me where I am now. Nonetheless I wanted some basic info on how to properly incorporate juice to my training. I typically work Mon Tues Thurs Fri And Sat....will juice allow me to work my body parts twice a week if I eat enough?

  6. #6
    cantstopkane's Avatar
    cantstopkane is offline Junior Member
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    Apr 2013
    8 months a little early for the juice, what are your power numbers at? Bench, deadlift, squat? Those are some good gains, but its alot easier your first year but.

    Should probly only juice when those gains stop coming

    What is your body fat%?

    The juice increases your uptake of protien, thats what you need to increase, your calorie surplus should remain under 1000 or you will put on alot of fat.

    You can train muscles twice a week natural, infact alot of natural pros do that they just do less volume.

    You do not need to change your workouts on juice, do what is working for you just raise the intensity by lifting more and with shorter rest
    Last edited by cantstopkane; 05-04-2013 at 03:51 PM.

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