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  1. #1
    Swtsamtron is offline New Member
    Join Date
    May 2013

    First cycle questions

    Been doing my research, and Im down to this so far:

    Testosterone 100ml/mg (1ml)
    Anavar + PCT afterwards

    Taking the straight test every second day at 1 ml for 10 week cycle, then taking anavar and PCT for recovery and lean cut.

    Does that sound like a good first cycle?

    I have a few people convincing me to do dbols instead. All opinions are helpful.

    Weigh 170
    Height: 5"8

    Been building for about a year, got a solid base. Started at 121 pounds!

    Protein: 150-180 grams a day
    Water: 4-6 + litres a day
    Last edited by Swtsamtron; 05-04-2013 at 08:17 PM.

  2. #2
    ChiveOn's Avatar
    ChiveOn is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    SoCal USA
    Welcome! this is gonna sound like a lot but please answer the following questions so we can tailor a response to your individual needs.
    First of, how old are you.
    Test is estered and depending in the ester you're using it will depend on the pinning schedule and dosing. I'm assuming from your description you were thinking of using test prop.
    What is your anavar dose? You're aware you cant run an oral for all 10wks?
    You can either run var or dbol , not both. It's too liver toxic.
    If our running orals what were you planning for a liver support?
    No mention of an AI? What is your plan for that
    Also, no mention of HCG . Are you planning on using this or do you prefer the small nuts look?
    Lay out your pct schedule for us. Pct means nothing unless we know what it is.
    Finally, what is your body fat %

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