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Thread: NEED ADVICE! ive ran a few cycles but....

  1. #1

    NEED ADVICE! ive ran a few cycles but....

    Ive taken Test,deca, E.Q.,dbol etc... Ive probably done about 5 cycles. I have never got blood work done. I have never taken anything else ever. Nothing. Just did my stack and when it was done it was done. I keep hearing about so many other thing people are throwing in their stacks to counter this or that. I have never seen a side effect, but at the same time I don't want to do permanent damage. I know right and wrong ways are debated all of the time, but I know im ammature in this world. What im saying is, I want to know what I can do to make sure Im doing it as close to perfect as possible lol. I just ran Cyp/Deca/E.Q for 16 weeks. Im going to run Sust250/masteron and dbol in a week. im looking to do 750mg sust/400mg masteron a week adding a 25mg dbol pill a day.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    SoCal USA
    Well first off, were gonna need your
    Body fat%

    Then, how long have you been off your last cycle?
    Also, it seems as if, and I may be wrong, you know nothing about PCT, AI, or HCG. All of which are necessary to be consisted a "safe" cycle.
    Please enlighten us with se more info

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Defiling Myself
    Get blood work done. Stop abusing steroids. You are hurting yourself.

  4. #4
    [QUOTE=ChiveOn;6526857]Well first off, were gonna need your
    Body fat%

    Then, how long have you been off your last cycle?
    Also, it seems as if, and I may be wrong, you know nothing about PCT, AI, or HCG. All of which are necessary to be consisted a "safe" cycle.
    Please enlighten us with se more info

    Im 36 and weigh 220 at 10%bf and im 6' 1" I just ran the cyp/deca/eq for 16 weeks. 2ml a week of each. That's done. Im going to start the sust/masteron and dbol next week. my goal is just to get as big as I can and stay under 10%bf. I play football now but that's going to end soon and I might get into body building, I don't know a thing about PCT, AI,or HCG.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    Get blood work done. Stop abusing steroids. You are hurting yourself.
    Capebuffalo, where would I get blood work done and what do I ask for? I really am looking to get more knowledge because I wont stop using. If im abusing then that's not on purpose. I am going to continue to run it. I honestly don't want bad results or to do damage. I only posted this out of concern. 2 things will happen, ill either get the help and advice I need or ill learn the hardway.

  6. #6
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    Just because you dont see or feel a side doesnt mean its not there. I think most people out there do their first few cycles incorrectly. I know I did. There was no internet, or fourms. With all of the information out there now, there are ways to make your cycle safer and combate sides.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Defiling Myself
    Any Lab Test. Labcorp. Your doctor.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    time on +pct = time off........ at the very minimum if your not the blood work type. best suggestion is like CB said, get labs done, but no way in hell are you anywhere near back to normal or does it look like you ever will be if you dont PCT,

    you need time to come back to natural stable levels. Staying on for longer than you already have will cause permanent damage

  9. #9
    clomid 50/50/50/50
    Nolva 20/20/10/10/10/10
    Im going to run this for PCT whats a good AI? I wont have any down time I plan on running right into my sust/masteron/dbol cycle so ill pct after that.

  10. #10
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    Defiling Myself
    Quote Originally Posted by mmaelite View Post
    clomid 50/50/50/50
    Nolva 20/20/10/10/10/10
    Im going to run this for PCT whats a good AI? I wont have any down time I plan on running right into my sust/masteron/dbol cycle so ill pct after that.
    Are you challenged ?

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    SoCal USA
    Ya, that's an awful idea....

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by mmaelite View Post
    clomid 50/50/50/50
    Nolva 20/20/10/10/10/10
    Im going to run this for PCT whats a good AI? I wont have any down time I plan on running right into my sust/masteron/dbol cycle so ill pct after that.
    Dosages are too low !!!

    Clomid 70/70/35/35
    Nova 40/40/20/20

  13. #13
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    SoCal USA
    The main concern here is just jumping from one cycle to another. You're aware that your HPTA is totally shut down right now, and that cyclin something straight away will just keep it suppressed even longer. That can risk permanent damage to your endocrine system and may very well lead you to be on test replacement therapy for life later on down the road.
    In addition to that you don't know what an AI is? It helps control your estrogen levels and can protect you from nasty sides. I would strongly suggest you follow the above PCT IMMEDIATELY and take somewhere in the range of 24-30 weeks off of everything

  14. #14
    [QUOTE=ChiveOn;6527367]The main concern here is just jumping from one cycle to another. You're aware that your HPTA is totally shut down right now, and that cyclin something straight away will just keep it suppressed even longer. That can risk permanent damage to your endocrine system and may very well lead you to be on test replacement therapy for life later on down the road.
    In addition to that you don't know what an AI is? It helps control your estrogen levels and can protect you from nasty sides. I would strongly suggest you follow the above PCT IMMEDIATELY and take somewhere in the range of 24-30 weeks off of everything[/QUOTE

    24-30 weeks off is a long time. Practically the rest of the year. Ive read post on guys that have stayed on for a year and did pct and bounced right back. I guess everyones body is different. Id hate to rest and lose any gains I made but I guess if it means getting serious permanent damage I should.

  15. #15
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    Time off = time on (16) + pct (4-6) + several weeks to be safe (4).

    Everyone is different, but noone is invincible. Sooner or later you're gonna get the sort end of the stock and not bounce back. Period

  16. #16
    boz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ReverendNewman View Post
    Dosages are too low !!!

    Clomid 70/70/35/35
    Nova 40/40/20/20
    When i did use to pct always ran my clomid at 100mg first 2 weeks to be safe. That was my protocol anyway. Especially if harsh compounds were involved.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Defiling Myself
    His pct is not the problem.
    His statement "
    Im going to run this for PCT whats a good AI? I wont have any down time I plan on running right into my sust/masteron /dbol cycle so ill pct after that.

    That's the problem. Hope you have good insurance because you will need it

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    sus, mast, and dbol is an odd stack....

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by mmaelite View Post
    24-30 weeks off is a long time. Practically the rest of the year. Ive read post on guys that have stayed on for a year and did pct and bounced right back. I guess everyones body is different. Id hate to rest and lose any gains I made but I guess if it means getting serious permanent damage I should.
    Me too, and Ive read 10x as many where people did not bounce back. You have been lucky so far but when it catches up with you your name will be added to the cycles gone bad list. Not a list I ever want to be part of.

    As said, time on = time off + PCT.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Me too, and Ive read 10x as many where people did not bounce back. You have been lucky so far but when it catches up with you your name will be added to the cycles gone bad list. Not a list I ever want to be part of.

    As said, time off = time on + PCT.

  21. #21
    Allright, thanks guys. you talked me out of it. I was feeling invincible ill admit that. I plan on starting my pct in 2 weeks. then ill get blood work. then ill take 4 months off. then ill find a better stack to run. who has a favorite, grand slam stack they wouldn't mind sharing so I can put an order in.

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