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Thread: Dianabol and what else?

  1. #1

    Dianabol and what else?

    Hey folks I been lifting weights upper and lower body for about 8 months now, 5'6 193 lbs Ok folks I may have and I say I may because I'm not willing to say I do for sure but I may have a bottle of "SwessPharma Labs" Dianabol first question is has anyone ever heard of that brand and does it work? and my next question is what would be good to stack with this? I'll be using this page for purchase if I made any. I read up on it a bit and do have a bit more to do and it sounds like Test-600x is good so is that good and how would be the way to do it if I did. So I don't know if I can get the attention of yall but I read and read and read and tried for ever to make a post on her and now I learned how thanks folks. Also what would be a good PCT to take something to come off the roids?
    Your friend Dave.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Big apple
    You do know those are not real anabolic steroids correct?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    SoCal USA
    You can get pct and ancillaries from the sponsor AR-R but anything from buy is simply a play on steroid names for supplements akin to those found in a vitamin shoppee

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Big apple
    From the site,

    There are a lot of options and each one we've discussed runs much deeper and in several different directions; it's unfortunate that buying cigarettes is a much simpler process than the desire to buy steroids is for the everyday guy. Even so, there are legal avenues, you can obtain quality and potent anabolic supplements as we have discussed; yes, you read that correctly, "Supplements" in-truth they are simply supplements we use to aid in what we're already doing right. If you are looking for a quality, legal, very powerful and effective anabolic supplement, visit the banner above. If you've never used an anabolic supplement before be prepared to be amazed! If increased strength, increased muscle mass, a ripped physique and simply a better overall physique is what you're after, you'll be hard pressed to find better anabolic supplements than in the banner above.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Big apple
    Quote Originally Posted by ChiveOn View Post
    You can get pct and ancillaries from the sponsor AR-R but anything from buy is simply a play on steroid names for supplements akin to those found in a vitamin shoppee
    Anything non steroid related (vails, syringes, SERMs, AI etc) buy from ar-r. Great stuff.

  6. #6
    Thanks for the response Iron but when you say they are not real are you talking about the brand I reffred to or dianabol or what cuz I read up on it and a lot of folks talk as if it's really works d-bol that is so what do you meen Iron

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    SoCal USA
    Dbol does work. Your brand on the other hand, I don't know. Never heard of it.

    We're referring to the test 600x or anything from the banner

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2011


    Dude there are a lot of threads on here that you can educate yourself on...Just by reading your post,it tells me that you're not ready for a cycle...Do some more research before putting these chemicals into your body...Never heard of that DBOL by the way!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by poopfitter View Post
    Hey folks I been lifting weights upper and lower body for about 8 months now, 5'6 193 lbs Ok folks I may have and I say I may because I'm not willing to say I do for sure but I may have a bottle of "SwessPharma Labs" Dianabol first question is has anyone ever heard of that brand and does it work? and my next question is what would be good to stack with this? I'll be using this page for purchase if I made any. I read up on it a bit and do have a bit more to do and it sounds like Test-600x is good so is that good and how would be the way to do it if I did. So I don't know if I can get the attention of yall but I read and read and read and tried for ever to make a post on her and now I learned how thanks folks. Also what would be a good PCT to take something to come off the roids?
    Your friend Dave.
    First of all I'll give you some credit for seeking advice BUT you could definitely do some more research yourself to get some of your questions answered, so you gotta understand the frustration some of these vets feel and show in their replies. With that said with your ht/wt stats I'll have to assume your pretty jacked or, most likely the case, you still have some pounds to shed.
    I've personally never heard of the lab whose gear you think you have. That doesn't mean it's no good, I just can't speak to its legitimacy. That's why finding a trusted source is so important but also very hard to do depending on your location. As for what's good to stack with Dbol... Again your a beginner and assuming you have a higher than optimal BF% you shouldn't use it because of the potential negative side effects due to its aromitization in those excess fat cells. You do not want to get gyno. If your bf% is good, like 16% or less, then I would suggest using it to just kick start a cycle of Test400wk/Deca200wk. For your interest in the Test-600x.... It's not a steroid. It is a supplement. I have never purchased anything from that site and I have never read a thread or post on this site that indicated their products were any more effective than what you can pick up at a GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, etc. Before buying those gimmicks from that banner I'd say visit the diet forum put a meal plan together and you'll do fine. Finally to PCT, this is another one of those things that with a half ounce of research you could figure out for yourself. So I will leave you to do just that. You put together what you think is a good cycle including PCT, tell us your starting stats and what your goals are and I'm sure anyone on here would be willing to offer advice on adjusting it to fit your needs.

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