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Thread: what will happen took wiinie by itself no pct

  1. #1

    what will happen took winstrol (stanzolol) by itself no pct

    so i have this two friends who said they wanted to take steriods they said they did all there research that they read everything on it the steriod they took was winnie by its self i dont remeber where they bought it from but they say that it didnt work for them i asked if they took any pct or anything like that they said no they say they took any 50-60mg ed for about a month to a month and half i told them about the side effects but they said the only side effects they felt where on there joints did they get a fake batch or something should they worry about any other side effects or did they just get lucky sorry if the questions seems dumb
    Last edited by Lujanariel; 05-06-2013 at 11:21 PM.

  2. #2

  3. #3
    im sorry like i said i have to friend who recently told me that they took winstrol stanzolol whatevr its called n they said it had no effect and no side effects on them

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Lujanariel
    im sorry like i said i have to friend who recently told me that they took winstrol stanzolol whatevr its called n they said it had no effect and no side effects on them
    yeah don't do that. read the steroid profiles on here and then read just about every sticky until you fully understand them. then you'll be able to answer this question yourself.

  5. #5
    thank you for your time and answers

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    If you take a low dose of winn you can still produce your normal testosterone in your body. A higher dose with shut down your natty test even more causing ed estro imbalance and low testosterone.
    overall a bad idea, and its funny cause your buddy didn't get blood work done after so he actually has no clue if he is technically "fine" or not.
    Aas is not to be taken lightly. Even a more mild drug like winn

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