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Thread: your best clen dose experience?

  1. #1
    Just kinda seeing what you all have had success with. I know people work up to higher doses during two week periods and then two weeks off.

    Anyone ever ran it 4 weeks straight?

    I plan on starting it the day I start my PCT.

    I only have 10 days left of this 8 week cycle. Currently 211 6'0 8-9% (got skin fold tested and they say 8 but I think 9)

    I wanna shred it down to 7. I guess another option would be starting it now
    Last edited by Athlete127; 05-07-2013 at 04:02 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Clen during PCT you still need to be in a calorie surplus if you're bulking as you'll lose any gains. I tried clen at maintence calories during PCT and said bye bye to gains real quick. Expensive lesson learned.

    I've gone up to 120mcg a day. I've tried 140 but my workouts go to sh!t. I love two weeks on two off. I lose fat while on then adjust my diet to continue to lose while off just slower then hit it again and the fat peels off.

  3. #3
    I hear you can still gain muscle during PCT but lose some fat?

    I'd rather cut down to 205ish if it means dropping down to my bf % goal.
    Last edited by Athlete127; 05-07-2013 at 04:36 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    You might be able too. I'm just telling you my personal experience. Lost a whole cycle because I was eager to cut fat.

    Most people I've heard stay in a calorie surplus during PCT and take clen to prevent ADDITIONAL body fat. YMMV

  5. #5
    Did you do all your dose at once or spread it out? I work out at 5AM and have heard mixed opinions about using it before a workout

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    SoCal USA
    I take 140mcg/day upon waking 2on 2off. I've run 4 straight at 100mcg but I was utilizing 1.5mg of keto nightly

  7. #7
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    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Athlete127 View Post
    Did you do all your dose at once or spread it out? I work out at 5AM and have heard mixed opinions about using it before a workout
    It has a half life of 36 hours. I take it all at once.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    I have been on T3 for 1 month at 100mcg and lost about 10 pounds. I am looking at adding Clen to it. (I am trying to loose bf so I can start clean). As a percentage, what will running clen add to my bf reduction?

  9. #9
    austinite's Avatar
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    zero for me. 40mcg kicked my ass.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  10. #10
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    Mar 2013
    you don't really look like someone who needs to drop a whole lot of BF.... just saying...

    me, I am a chunky monkey right now

  11. #11
    I make work my way up to 140 a day for two weeks on off.

    I'm going on a pre workout break during this time so this should help me in the gym right?

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Athlete127 View Post
    Just kinda seeing what you all have had success with. I know people work up to higher doses during two week periods and then two weeks off.

    Anyone ever ran it 4 weeks straight?

    I plan on starting it the day I start my PCT.

    I only have 10 days left of this 8 week cycle. Currently 211 6'0 8-9% (got skin fold tested and they say 8 but I think 9)

    I wanna shred it down to 7. I guess another option would be starting it now

    I do very well at 80-100mcg for 21 days (3 weeks) and then take a break.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by trikydik View Post
    I have been on T3 for 1 month at 100mcg and lost about 10 pounds. I am looking at adding Clen to it. (I am trying to loose bf so I can start clean). As a percentage, what will running clen add to my bf reduction?
    between 2.7937582% and 2.6934275%

    Reality is nobody can answer that question. Are you cutting at TDEE-500, or TDEE-800, or even TDEE-1200 are you starting off at 20% bf or 10% Are you doing cardio? How much?

    If you're losing bodyfat now why change it? If you throw in clen and cut down a ways and hit a plateau what are you going to do to break through that plateau? You willing to run for hours on end?

    This is why I'm a huge proponent of cutting natty as long as you can. Yeah it'll be slow but it's still progress. Then when you can't trim your diet back any more and live sanely THEN add in a compound until you hit another plateau. Then add in another compound to break through that plateau.

    You're going to hit a plateau on T3 with your diet the way it is. You can either up the dose or cut back on the calorie intake but you're going to hit another plateau. How do you break through that plateau? Up the cardio? Cut the calories? Up the dose? Add in a new compound? These are all ways to hit your goal but eventually you'll run out of way to get down there. The hope is you've hit the look you're going for when you run out of options to cut with.

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