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Thread: Need Advice currently on Test Cypionate

  1. #1

    Question Need Advice currently on Test Cypionate

    I'm looking to step up my current process. Currently on 200MG Test Cyrp 1ML weekly+ HCG 1100iu ~ 250iu every other day+anastrozole 1 mg twice weekly, B-12 MIC injections every other day. I'm at a point i can't see any more improvement. Started awhile go weighing at 249, 5-10" last 6-8 months lost 33lbs i feel good but want more. Considering dropping the trt and trying something else. I work out 4 times a week and consider myself to work out pretty hard gained a lot of muscle since first started. Joints ache so might try deca for the soreness. I've been serious thinking of doing a cycle but not sure if i should continue with the trt or which would be the best cycle to start. Any advice?

  2. #2
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Well, you can make progress at 200mg but it depends on your metabolism and other factors. 200mg may not really bring your T level all that high. Consider the average test cycle is 500mg per week split between two injections with adex at .25mg EOD. HCG should be at 250 IU's 2-3 times per week. Not EOD. 1mg adex twice weekly at your current Test dose will quite possibly crash your E2 level in due time. You really don't want that. It's probably why your joints ache now. It's usually what you notice first with low E2. Sore joints and loss of libido. Reduce your adex to an appropriate level and I'd bet your joint pain goes away. Maybe cut it in half to 1mg total split into .5 x 2 (just a thought.) Some BW including a sensitive E2 assay would be prudent. See

    Dropping TRT? Are you legitimately on TRT due to hypogonadism? Primary, secondary? If so, you don't just drop it. Gotta explain that one a bit more for us please.
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  3. #3
    Your right I currently just can't drop it. Its a treatment prescribe to me by my clinic doc. I'll give the half dose of adex a try with the HCG-EOD is what my doc prescribed to me. My latest test results last month back came back as Test-Serum 1334, Free Test (Direct)41.2, Estradiol 52.2. Suggestions are welcome as I'm a novice with all this stuff. I've been doing some reading but would rather hear from somebody with Experience on a good cycle to start with. Thanks in advance for suggestions.

  4. #4
    By the way before i started trt I was under a 300 level at age 37.

  5. #5
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Your T level is just barely over the top of scale. Do you know if your E2 test was a sensitive assay? A good goal for E2 is between 20-30 but this is subjective to the individual.

    First cycles should really be test only along with hcg and an AI. Normal cycle is 500mg T with hcg at app 250 IU two or three times per week and an AI at .25 eod depending on BW. PCT not required as you are on TRT. Search up "Beginners Cycles" here and have a read.
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