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Thread: Need advice!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Need advice!!

    So guys I ****ed up... I know it. Please help me, but don't antagonize and make fun for not having this more planned out. The damage is already done.

    I did a tren /test cycle for 12 weeks great cycle everything was fine... I'm in college and finals hit I wanted to avoid having to go through PCT during finals. So I did 2 weeks of test prop at 30mg EOD I was told that this was good to let the tren clear out as well. My balls are about 2/3 there normal size, but I stopped injecting 6 days ago and can still get boners and and wanna have sex and stuff so maybe i'mm not completely shut down. Or it could just be lingering test and which case I will get right back on the low level test injects till I get whatever stuff you guys recommend. I need advice on what PCT I should do.

    My last cycle of just test prop I did Nova and Clomid and was fine in 3 weeks... but having had tren in the mix I know things are different now. I might need to put HCG in. That's fine if I do. I just want to try my best to get everything back to normal for good and just stay natural from now on.

    At my gym I have had people make several different recommendations...

    10,000 IU --5,000 once a wk
    Get Nov 40mg ED or Ameridex 1/2 a gram ED
    Start Clomid post HCG for two weeks
    100 mg then taper to just 50mg ED
    Then you good to go.

    HCG: 500 IU/day for 10 days. Start this now.
    Clomid: 50mg/day for 5 weeks (but feel free to use 100mg/day if it doesn't give you too many side effects).
    Nolva: 20mg/day for 6 weeks.

    50mg ed clomid
    25-35mg ed nolva
    2500ius hcg every 3-4 day
    4 weeks

    I realize that HCG should be taken while still on cycle waiting for it to clear out and not in the traditional PCT phase.
    What should I do guys??? PLEASE HELP!

  2. #2
    Can across this awhile ago, might clear some things up.
    forum won't let me post links so go to, go to the forums and find hackskii's post about Understanding PCT. He has some doctor info about jump starting your balls with HCG and a regimen like your #1 plan

  3. #3
    boz's Avatar
    boz is offline R.I.P. T-Gunz Gone but, Never Forgotten.
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    Quote Originally Posted by ellis7 View Post
    So guys I ****ed up... I know it. Please help me, but don't antagonize and make fun for not having this more planned out. The damage is already done.

    I did a tren /test cycle for 12 weeks great cycle everything was fine... I'm in college and finals hit I wanted to avoid having to go through PCT during finals. So I did 2 weeks of test prop at 30mg EOD I was told that this was good to let the tren clear out as well. My balls are about 2/3 there normal size, but I stopped injecting 6 days ago and can still get boners and and wanna have sex and stuff so maybe i'mm not completely shut down. Or it could just be lingering test and which case I will get right back on the low level test injects till I get whatever stuff you guys recommend. I need advice on what PCT I should do.

    My last cycle of just test prop I did Nova and Clomid and was fine in 3 weeks... but having had tren in the mix I know things are different now. I might need to put HCG in. That's fine if I do. I just want to try my best to get everything back to normal for good and just stay natural from now on.

    At my gym I have had people make several different recommendations...

    10,000 IU --5,000 once a wk
    Get Nov 40mg ED or Ameridex 1/2 a gram ED
    Start Clomid post HCG for two weeks
    100 mg then taper to just 50mg ED
    Then you good to go.

    HCG: 500 IU/day for 10 days. Start this now.
    Clomid: 50mg/day for 5 weeks (but feel free to use 100mg/day if it doesn't give you too many side effects).
    Nolva: 20mg/day for 6 weeks.

    50mg ed clomid
    25-35mg ed nolva
    2500ius hcg every 3-4 day
    4 weeks

    I realize that HCG should be taken while still on cycle waiting for it to clear out and not in the traditional PCT phase.
    What should I do guys??? PLEASE HELP!
    Steer clear now of jumping on any aas, thats a big no no at this point.

  4. #4
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Nov 2011
    grillin chicken
    Run a standard pct
    Nolva 40/40/20/20
    Clomid 50/50/25/25

    Stop playing with Roids till you get some knowledge

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Broxium View Post
    Can across this awhile ago, might clear some things up.
    forum won't let me post links so go to, go to the forums and find hackskii's post about Understanding PCT. He has some doctor info about jump starting your balls with HCG and a regimen like your #1 plan
    Why should anybody go to another site for answers?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    In case you missed this in the exact same thread you posted in the PCT forum

    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black
    This is another of your lying bullshit threads is it?

    Or are you genuinely in trouble after not listening to, and offending, plenty of members on here?

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