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  1. #1
    gain10lbs is offline New Member
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    May 2013

    Give me cycle input, PROP+ANAVAR

    age 30
    9% BF

    This will be my second cycle. My last cycle was prop only 2-3 years ago.

    Take a look and give me some input experienced users.

    1-9 Prop 60mg ED
    3-8 HCG 500iu x 2 a week
    6-9 var 40mg ED

    on hand arimidex , letro, will add during cycle if bloat or gyno occur

    10-14 Nolva 40/40/20/20

    My goal is to add about 10lbs of lean muscle, so all said and done I should be about 185 of lean muscle. My diet is in check. Think this will suffice? Thanks bros.

  2. #2
    MBaraso's Avatar
    MBaraso is offline Retired Mod
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    your gonna get sick of those ed the var starting week 3...
    IMO you could do a much better cycle if your stats are true...

  3. #3
    itsjayman02's Avatar
    itsjayman02 is offline Member
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    Upping the var to 80mg per day and for a minimum of 8 weeks

  4. #4
    vladan's Avatar
    vladan is offline Junior Member
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    Start with anavar earlier and up it to 60-70 mgs.

  5. #5
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
    qscgugcsq is offline Anabolic Member
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    Start the hcg at week-1

    Up the var to 80mg for the 6 last week or all the run it's your choice.

    Inject 120mg EOD instead of ED... ED will be a real pain in the ass... But if it don't bother you... Why not...

    Use arimidex at .25mg EOD You need to use it not only have it on hand.

    I would add clomid to your pct.

    I'm planning a very similar cycle.
    (the cycle I'm planing to do in september is 8 week prop/var prop:150mg EOD + Var 90mg/day)

    Good luck with that.

  6. #6
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Hcg at 200-250 iu 2 x EW should be plenty from the start of the cycle right up to 3 days prior to starting pct

  7. #7
    gain10lbs is offline New Member
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    May 2013
    thanks for the input fellas. I was thinking since I only have 3 weeks worth of var... 1000mg total (100x10mg pills). That I should take it at the end of the cycle to solidified what I gained using the prop, that was my thought on it. ED injections of TP should be okay for me, the cycle I did a few years back I did 100 EOD, got the test flu, got sore, and had acne+bacne. I did gain about 12lbs and kept about 8 of that though. I have read that ED injections of tp allows your test to be more stable, thus reducing acne in some individuals. I wanted to test it out to see if I am one of those individuals. I agree with one of you guys, I should take arimidex .25 EOD, so I will add that to my cycle, thanks. The HCG I am unsure about, since I have read many places that atrophy of the testicles doesn't even happen till about the third or forth week of therapy, that was my thought on starting it later rather than sooner. HCG at 200-250x2 a week, I have read that too, that lower doses should be fine, so I will take that into consideration too, maybe ill drop it down. I just figured I should use my whole 5000iu's up, since the bact water only stays good for 1 month. Any other input would be appreciated and I will link this to a new link once I decide to start the cycle and begin my log. Thanks bros

  8. #8
    gymfu's Avatar
    gymfu is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    lone star state
    Quote Originally Posted by qscgugcsq View Post
    Start the hcg at week-1

    Up the var to 80mg for the 6 last week or all the run it's your choice.

    Inject 120mg EOD instead of ED... ED will be a real pain in the ass... But if it don't bother you... Why not...

    Use arimidex at .25mg EOD You need to use it not only have it on hand.

    I would add clomid to your pct.

    I'm planning a very similar cycle.
    (the cycle I'm planing to do in september is 8 week prop/var prop:150mg EOD + Var 90mg/day)

    Good luck with that.
    That's everything I was going to say.

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