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  1. #1
    lucas90x is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Saskatchewan Canada

    First try/cycle at it... need some info

    Hi all,

    I'm currently in the process at looking what I want to get on my first go at this and after reading I just want to confirm some things with you all on here that have been at it for a while. I am going to get some Test Enanthate 250mg/ml and Deca 300mg/ml. I already have had some Anadrol and Clomid lying around too so what would I want for an ideal first cycle? I read that taking just Test for a the first is a good start? Would mixing Deca in with this do me some good? Also what all is best for PCT these days? I pretty much have access to it all so let me know and I'll make my decisions as to what I want to get. Much appreciated in advance!

  2. #2
    Gaspaco's Avatar
    Gaspaco is offline "The Italian Stallion"
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Hey man!

    What are your stats?

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