Hello all,
A brief summary of myself: I have competed in powerlifting for 8 years and for the past 3 years have made a slow transition to body building competing in my first show last year. I did place first in middleweights open and novice and won the overall novice. I am now preping for a national qualifer and I am two weeks into my cycle and am questioning the effects.
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 207
Body fat: 9%
Cycle History:
Well let me get this shameful part out of the way. When I was 20-22 I ran some prohormone cycles and two test cycles one with a kickstart of dbol. Three years went by not talking anything, but I felt like crap. Blood work had my test levels at 250 ng/dl. So, needless to say I a have been on TRT for the past year and progress is moving along again. So, I will list my most recent cycles since I have started TRT:
Normal TRT protocal:
200mg Test cyp e5d
250IU HCG e5d
1 mg arimidex e5d
cycle 1
wk1-6 test prop 600mg/wk
wk1-4 20 mg superdrol/day (don't tell me, I am so done with prohormones)
HCG and arimidex same TRT dose
gained 14 lbs after returning to my TRT dose for 8 wks, side note do not take superdrol it will beat your liver to death. I was off superdrol for 2 wks. ALT levels were 250 U/L, took another 4 wks to get them to 55 U/L. This is even with taking LiverCare and NAC.
cycle 2 (currently 10 days in)
wk 1-8 Dragon Pharm test cyp 500mg/wk
wk 1-6 Kalpa NPP 300 mg/wk
HCG and arimidex same TRT dose
caber on hand
My goal is to still bulk for the remainder of this cycle, Take an 8 wk break then hit my cycle for the show. My only concern is I do not feel like I am "on". I went into the cycle with 4500 cals on my training days maintaining my weight. I thought once I am a week in a will bump the calories and push the weight gain. But my strength has not increased, no pumps, I even feel achy. It almost makes my feel like my gear is underdosed, i am not taking enough, or I am just responding poorly. So, this is my question...Have I been on long enough to where I should notice something from my current cycle? I get that the test will take a little longer to be full swing, but there should be a gradual effect occuring of some sort. Any advice and feedback would be appreciated. I am glad to finally be part of this board and hope to learn a lot from everyone.