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  1. #1
    Ante2212 is offline New Member
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    Tren A and Test E !!!!!!

    Help to all......
    I am 41 prior SpecOps in US military, lots of damage to all joints, shoulder surgery bilateral, both hips and knees, lumbar surgeries etc. etc.

    I let military Doctors tell me that my life was just going to be different from others my age.........until I found my current ortho Doc. He is a miracle worker, any who after 3 years of just sitting and doing nothing I found my self at 228lbs 36yo 5'7" and size 44 waist. Then this doctor truly took the time to correct my issues and helped determined all that was going on with me, one of the discoveries was that from all the abuse to my body I developed hypo-gonnadism and hypo-pituitarism, so my test level was at 4 and my GH level was at 12.

    I started HRT with Test Cyp and Humatrope, the changes started to happen with in 3 months fast forward to today..... I keep my diet in check not perfect by in check I am a size 30-32 205lbs and 16% bf I am solid and most guys at gym always complement me on my legs.

    So after two years of working hard to get here I would like to see we're I can get with a bit of extra help, I run upto 15 miles/wk and lift 5 d/wk.....last blood work all hormone levels are in great shape test at 925, GH at 155 all cholesterol levels are great and my blood pressure is 125/62 pulse at rest is 54.

    I have Tren A 100mg/ml and Test E 200mg/ml I take 2cc of test/wk and looking to add 75mg of Tren A on Sunday and Wednesday nights. I have arimidex 1mg tabs on script and B6 to help with prolactin never had any issues with estrogen and I have been using test for almost 4 years as HRT, would like to gain some additional mass but not ridiculous amount just to make a small difference

    Please comment,recommend help educate me some more and in advance I appreciate all

  2. #2
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is online now AR-Hall of Famer
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    Before you get to far ahead of yourself... How is your nutrition?

  3. #3
    ChipChelios's Avatar
    ChipChelios is offline Junior Member
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    If you start tren you'll lose a lot of endurance.

    On this forum we recommend a first cycle of 500 mg of test, seeing as you are on TRT why don't you just up your dose of test?
    Tren is basically one of the strongest AAS... Stick to something small and build your way up.

    Test is king.

  4. #4
    OnTheSauce is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChipChelios View Post
    If you start tren you'll lose a lot of endurance.

    On this forum we recommend a first cycle of 500 mg of test, seeing as you are on TRT why don't you just up your dose of test?
    Tren is basically one of the strongest AAS... Stick to something small and build your way up.

    Test is king.

  5. #5
    Ante2212 is offline New Member
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    (grams) Carbs
    (grams) Fat
    (grams) Calories
    1st meal, 7:00 am
    6 oz. of oatmeal 17 106 12 600
    12 oz. of skim milk 12 17 1 141
    1 slice of whole wheat bread with 1 tsp. peanut butter 7 15 9 214
    8 oz. of orange juice - 18 - 80
    1 gelcap of 1-TU - - - -
    Subtotal 36 156 22 1035

    2nd meal, 10:30 am
    2 oz. of protein powder (whey, calcium caseinate, egg albumin blend) mixed in 8 oz. of water 45 5 1 215
    Subtotal 45 5 1 215

    3rd meal, 1:00 pm
    2 hamburgers made of 7 oz. ground beef 35 - 28 395
    4 slices of whole wheat bread 12 76 4 384
    2 oz. of tomatoes, lettuce, onions, mustard 1 4 - 20
    1 gelcap of 1-TU - - - -
    Subtotal 48 80 32 799

    4th meal, 5:00 pm (pre-workout)
    6 oz. of oatmeal 17 106 12 600
    1 oz. of protein powder (same blend as above) 22 2 1 384
    8 oz. of water - - - -
    (mix everything in blender and drink or eat out of bowl)
    Subtotal 39 108 13 707

    5th meal, 7:30 pm (post-workout)
    1 serving of Vitargo-CGL mixed in 20 oz. of water - 70 - 287
    45 minutes later:
    1 Meal Replacement Packet preferably Lean Mass Matrix by Prolab 40 40 8 390
    Subtotal 40 110 8 677

    6th meal, 10:00 pm (sustained protein delivery)
    4 oz. of ground beef 20 - 16 225
    2 slices of cheese (medium-fat) 14 2 12 173
    3 whole eggs (large) 18 - 15 225
    1 gelcap of 1-TU - - - -
    Subtotal 52 2 43 623
    Total 260 463 119 4056

    Sorry for the structure but this is my 5 day meals, sub with tuna,salmon,chicken,tilapia and lean beef

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    First off think you for your service! I have never ran tren but I hear its very harsh and it does affect your endurance. But I also heard its top 3 greatest compounds. From what you wrote about the wear and tear on your body I would recommend Deca . Deca is a miracle worker on the human body. Aches and pains disappear like the night air. Run 200mgs a week deca and 300mgs a week test and you will love the way u feel. Just my opinion. Since you've been on test for so long I don't see a problem adding the Deca. Best of luck in your journey.

  7. #7
    ironbeck's Avatar
    ironbeck is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Being 40 and after putting my body through a lot with ironworking for 20 yrs and other stupid shit, and after having 5 knee surgeries, rotatory cup, hernia and nose surgery i can relate to having a spent body in an advanced fashion.
    My advise is that Tren ace is a short ester hormone that needs to be administered min eod you might be able to get away with 3x a week but the key is to keep blood levels stable to minimize sides...SO if your going to run tren ace I suggest running 50mg my experience this is the most amazing compound on the market and I love it! IF you keep your tren dosage under 500mg/week your cardio should not be compromised. Also very important to take breaks on TRen ace ITs not a compound to be used indefinitely(arguable) IMO so I would run it for 8-10 weeks with 6week breaks.

  8. #8
    ironbeck's Avatar
    ironbeck is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I also have some questions about your using humatrope, if you can PM me that would be great.

  9. #9
    Ante2212 is offline New Member
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    Iron beck ..... I can't pm as of this time... Email me ante2212 so that we may be able to communicate at yahoo dot com

  10. #10
    ironbeck's Avatar
    ironbeck is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ante2212 View Post
    Iron beck ..... I can't pm as of this time... Email me ante2212 so that we may be able to communicate at yahoo dot com

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