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  1. #1
    ccben is offline New Member
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    Cutting Cycle Question

    Hi guys, I've been a longtime visitor to the site, but this is my first post...

    I've done 2 prior cycles based on the information I found here... both cycles went well. My last cycle was just under 2 years ago. I'm 39 years old, 5'-11" tall, 180 pounds, and currently about 17% to 18% body fat (based on different calculators I've found online). I've been steadily lifting for about 4 years at least 3 days a week like clockwork. What I'd like to do during this cycle is knock that big bf percentage number down quite a bit.

    I've got an iphone app that I track my food intake with daily, so I can pretty much hit whatever you guys recommend diet-wise. What should my net daily caloric intake be (minus workout calories burned)? How many grams of protein should I consume daily? And what should my macro-nutrient percentages be (carbs/protein/fat)?

    Also, I already purchased my gear, so I hope I didn't go wrong with that... I'll be going with Test E (don't like the every other day pin and pain of Test Prop) and Masteron . I was thinking 500mg per week of Test and 400mg per week of Masteron for 12 weeks. Does that seem about right dosage-wise?

    I'm shooting for a sub 12% bf percentage...

    Thanks a bunch for any help/advice you've got!
    Last edited by ccben; 05-11-2013 at 09:26 PM.

  2. #2
    10nispro's Avatar
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    IMO, your body fat should be lots lower before using masteron . You can cut with just the Test e. You need to go look and ask around in the diet forum to get eating square before starting the cycle.

  3. #3
    MACKATTACK's Avatar
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    Diet and Cardio will make your cycle a cutting cycle..........

    1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight.

    If you are cutting then you should be at a calorie deficit, you need to figure the daily caloric intake on your own, there are sites that help guesstimate it.

    Whats your PCT??

  4. #4
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Mast is a waste at your bf.And like said DIET n CARDIO does it all.And at 5'11 and 180 tells me you dont have no base.Something is wrong 2 cycles and only 180 with 18% bf.You dont need aas you need to learn how to eat bro.And until you do you can burn all the money you spent on aas.Beacuse it wont do you any good.As seen in your results.Good luck.

  5. #5
    ccben is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    Mast is a waste at your bf.And like said DIET n CARDIO does it all.And at 5'11 and 180 tells me you dont have no base.Something is wrong 2 cycles and only 180 with 18% bf.You dont need aas you need to learn how to eat bro.And until you do you can burn all the money you spent on aas.Beacuse it wont do you any good.As seen in your results.Good luck.
    Ok, I'm learning as I go.
    When I was on both times before (remember the last one was about 2 years ago), my weight went up to about 195, and was doing sets with a good bit more weight than I do now (40 pounds more than I do now in bench for example).
    And as for eating, I've been tracking my food for about 4 years. When on, I was doing about 220 grams of protein per day at a 40-40-20 (carbs-protein-fat... not sure what the normal order is, but im thinking its carbs-protein-fat) macro nutrient intake. Now I'm at around 130 grams protein per day at a 50-20-30 (carbs-protein-fat) macronutrient intake.

    Although I've gotten decent results before, i understand what you mean, and I definitely wanna see better results this time around and not waste my cash.

    So Test E only, diet and add cardio (haven't really done any cardio in years)? And run a slight calorie deficit?

    My PCT will be nolvadex and clomid run at the dosages and lengths I did before... I wanna say it was 4 weeks or so... I'll look it up again.

  6. #6
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    You shouldnt need aas to weigh 190 at your ht bro.This is wat I and telling you.You have NO base.And if you wat to get big track your ash to the nutrision section and talk to 405 or qbrice.Beacuse your diet or training isnt right.Beacuse you are too small for your size.Eat right train right get big.Then do aas.

  7. #7
    ChiveOn's Avatar
    ChiveOn is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    Mast is a waste at your bf.And like said DIET n CARDIO does it all.And at 5'11 and 180 tells me you dont have no base.Something is wrong 2 cycles and only 180 with 18% bf.You dont need aas you need to learn how to eat bro.And until you do you can burn all the money you spent on aas.Beacuse it wont do you any good.As seen in your results.Good luck.
    Exactly this. Not only will mast be a waste unless you're already significantly under 12%bf but running it as low as 400/wkly is A bit low IMO also.
    Hit the nutrition section and get your crap under control now so when you do cycle your results will be more pronounced

  8. #8
    HeartBreaker's Avatar
    HeartBreaker is offline New Member
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    not that it applies to this question per se but what were your first 2 cycles? i agree w the guys that u should take a little time before the cycle to get the bf down and ur diet tip top and then run the test only and really eat clean. do you or have u ever used and AI?

  9. #9
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Have you hit the nutrition forum bro? With proper nutrition and cardio you should be able to drop close to 1% body fat each week. You need to get a solid base and lower your bf before considering cycling or it will just be a waste of time and hard on your body

  10. #10
    ccben is offline New Member
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    Lol! Guess I've been wasting time/money... But I'll get it right.
    I'll visit the nutrition forum, and hold off on starting this cycle.

    I'm not looking to be huge, just want a clean/lean/hard look at 190 or so...

    First cycle was
    Test E at 500mg/week for 12 weeks
    Dbol at 25mg everyday for first 5 weeks
    Anavar at 50mg everyday for final 3 weeks
    I used clomd at 50mg and nolvadx at 20mg 3 days/wk throughout, then pct was clomd and nolvadx after the cycle was over.

    Second cycle was
    Test prop at 600mg/week
    Equipoise at 600mg/week
    Both for 12 weeks
    And anavar at 100mg/day for the final 4 weeks

    I used clomd at 50/day 3 days/week
    And nolvadx as needed (but never saw any sides, so never used it)

    Pct was clomd and nolvadx

    I'm a sponge and wanting to learn what I need to do to get the look I'm after... Maybe I shoulda had my first post 4 years back before my first cycle! Lol
    Last edited by ccben; 05-12-2013 at 12:22 PM.

  11. #11
    ccben is offline New Member
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    Click image for larger version. 

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    Here is what I look like right now for reference. This is on a maintenance lifting routine (with no juice and no weight increases, just the same workout every week) for the past 2 years.
    Last edited by ccben; 05-12-2013 at 02:11 PM.

  12. #12
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Nice solid base bro! I think with proper nutrition and changing up your training you can still make gains

  13. #13
    ccben is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027 View Post
    Nice solid base bro! I think with proper nutrition and changing up your training you can still make gains
    Thanks man!
    So then yes, go ahead and start my cycle after reading up a bit and maybe posting for some advice on the nutrition forum? Or should i try to shed a few bf percentage points before starting? Is it still a "no" on the mast for now if yall think I should go ahead and start my cycle?
    And if I go test only, what's a good weekly dosage? For that matter, what's a good mast weekly dosage?

    Sorry for all the questions... Just a bit confused, and itchin' to get it right! Lol

  14. #14
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Yeah you look better than you described.BUT post your diet up so they can help you.This way you will get max results.

  15. #15
    ccben is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    Yeah you look better than you described.BUT post your diet up so they can help you.This way you will get max results.
    Alrighty... I've got a thread up over on the nutrition forum now... Thanks a bunch! Hopefully I can get this stuff all figured out for max results!

  16. #16
    ChiveOn's Avatar
    ChiveOn is offline Senior Member
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    Maybe I read I to it wrong (skimming) but nolva and clomid are not for on cycle. They are used every day for 4 weeks as your pct. an AI is different on cycle

  17. #17
    ccben is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChiveOn View Post
    Maybe I read I to it wrong (skimming) but nolva and clomid are not for on cycle. They are used every day for 4 weeks as your pct. an AI is different on cycle
    I haven't done a cycle in two years, but back then it was ok to run Clomid as an estrogen blocker and Nolva for sides... at least that's what I read back then. Now I'm reading that an AI like Aromasin is a good idea to eliminate estrogen as it is a carcinogen.
    But, from what I've also read, Masteron could serve as an AI? But I haven't found anything super definitive that states "if you're running x amount of Test and x amount of Mast, then you don't need to run an AI"... Any thoughts on what those amounts would be?
    Last edited by ccben; 05-13-2013 at 07:42 AM.

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