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  1. #1
    dom1983's Avatar
    dom1983 is offline New Member
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    May 2013

    First cycle. Looking for input.

    Hey guys,

    So I've been reading over these forums for the past few days hoping it would shed light on my current query. And while the information here is great there is just sooo much of it. So I was hoping I could get a few answers from the guys here on a few issues and concerns I have.

    Firstly I'll give a quick bio so people have a baseline of where I am at to answer questions better.

    I'm 29yrs old with 4-5years lifting and Army fitness training. I currently work as a Physical Trainer Instructor for a Para-Trooper Regiment. So basically training is my daily way of life.

    I have recently been doing a lot of cardio training and due to a recent tour of afghan have stopped lifting for about 1 year. I'm ready to get back in the saddle and have been hitting the iron heaving for a few months again.

    A friend of mine competed in his first amatuer bodybuilding show last year and I have recently got talking to him again. He mentioned that I had lost a lot of size and asked if I ever tried a stack. I take all the usual supps like Creatine Mono/ Protien and ZMA but never cycled.

    So he suggested a 6 week course of An.adrol 50 and Wins.trol as that is what he took recently. Having read your forums I am a bit apprehensive of it because of the side effects and the fact that my friend claims to have no used a Post Cycle Treatment and claims I dont need one either.

    This is were I stopped listening to him and came to these boards. Having already ordered the Wins.trol 50mg and Ana.drol 50mg orals I have set them aside for now and will instead be using a different cycle for my first that I would like the experts to look over here.

    I was thinking of something like this -

    10 week Cycle

    Tetracycline Pre Loaded for 1 Month Before Cycle
    Fina Pre Loading for 1 Month Before Cycle
    letro Pre Loading Before Cycle at 0.50mg ED for 2 Weeks

    Week 1 - 3 An.adrol - 50mg/ED
    Week 1 - 10 test E - 500mg/Week

    PCT -, clo.mid and HC.G, Topical

    That is what I have come up with so far. I am still looking into dos.age and such and will not commence cycle untill I am 100% sure of it.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated guys.


  2. #2
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Hcg needs to be used during the cycle to maintain testicular function. You need to research the use of an AI on cycle as well. Adex or aromasin

  3. #3
    dom1983's Avatar
    dom1983 is offline New Member
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    May 2013
    Yea, I'm still in the research phase. This is all just a projection as I am no where near were I wanna be before I start a cycle. Thanks for the input i will look into that.

  4. #4
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Take your time.. Research and research some more. Make sure you understand the risks that come with the use of aas and I can't emphasize enough to never ever start a cycle without having everything you need on hand including pct meds

  5. #5
    ChiveOn's Avatar
    ChiveOn is offline Senior Member
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    There is NO need for Letro at all in your cycle. ESPECIALLY at .5 mg ED before you start. You're going to absolutely destroy your estrogen levels and hate your life before ou even begin

    Look into aromasin or adex as an AI on cycle and save the Letro for the case where you develop gyno. It is a very harsh compound

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