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  1. #1
    Judah's Avatar
    Judah is offline Member
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    Sust 250 cycle help - First Cycle

    19% BF

    Athlete my whole life. Pro Athlete for 2 years.
    Lifted for 10 years
    Never used AS

    Im starting my first cycle in 1 month. Was going to wait to drop more BF, but I'm just going to use the cycle to help cut BF along with diet. My plan is to run Sustanon 250 for 10 weeks.

    Sust 250 @ 500mg a week for 10 weeks

    Armidex during cycle @ 0.5mg eod

    PCT: Nolva 40/40/20/20

    May include HCG during cycle @ 250ius twice a week. Stopping hcg use the day I start PCT.

    I have read that unless your extremely sensitive to HPTA shutdown and have a difficult time restoring PC HCG isn't needed..but how would you know that if you have never cycled? Run a cycle without HCG and see how it works out? My concern is you can destroy your body's endogenous LH secretion if you use it all the time. So the answer is either don't use it and see how you fair or just run it after last pin up to first day of PCT?

    Can I bump the nolva up if I start to see signs of gyno? How much? Is there something better to keep on hand if this pops up?

  2. #2
    Gaspaco's Avatar
    Gaspaco is offline "The Italian Stallion"
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    I would reduce your bf before youll start the cycle!

    There is bigger chance of side effect with your bf.

    Try to go to 16% and under.

    Definitely run HCG during your cycle and I would extended by 2weeks because sust has dacanoat in it whats very long ester.

    12weeks sust than wait 3weeks and begin PCT.

  3. #3
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    How long have you been training? I agree reduce your bf before you start.I also would add clomid to your pct.Read the pct sticky it has a lot of good info bro.

  4. #4
    Judah's Avatar
    Judah is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    How long have you been training? I agree reduce your bf before you start.I also would add clomid to your pct.Read the pct sticky it has a lot of good info bro.
    I listed my training experienced in the original post

    I read that sticky and many other entries. Im still open minded to to the drum that everyone beats here regarding Nolva/clomid/HCG . My concern with clomid is I have read and spoken to some very experienced guys that say they would not take clomid even if they were paid to. It can have some nasty sides and Nolva does everything Clomid does (within reason) but better.

  5. #5
    toppinm's Avatar
    toppinm is offline Junior Member
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    I have found that I keep more gains i.e. test comes back much faster when I blast hcg before pct. also I've never had negative sides from clomid.

  6. #6
    Judah's Avatar
    Judah is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by toppinm View Post
    I have found that I keep more gains i.e. test comes back much faster when I blast hcg before pct. also I've never had negative sides from clomid.
    Good to know. Thanks for the input with your personal experience. Sounds like PCT, like the cycle itself works different for everyone.

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