Fellas need some input for my buddy. Want to double check some info for him and give a quick background. First off I know and I've preached its best to have them come on here but given the fact he doesn't have internet access other than at work (he's cheap like that) I figured I'd check into things. He's dedicated to the gym and eats like a horse. Last I saw at the gym he was weighing in at 220 not sure on b/f exactly but vascularity is pretty unreal with defined 6 pack (needless to say B/F is low). Diet is on point (spends all his money on food) boiled chicken, tuna, ground turkey, brown rice, sweet potatoes, oats are his main foods.

In any event he did a test/tren cycle for his first cycle about a year ago at the advice of one of our mutual friends. I did tell said friend he was a moron for recommending that cycle to him but he did it anyway. Against my advice he never got caber before the cycle. He did run aromasin but believe the dose was too low and needless to say he ran into some undesirable tren related issues. Frantically the mutual friend called me asking what he could do to help since essentially it was his fault. I told them to get some caber and all was well after he ran that.

This time around he comes to me for advice and I'm just trying to get everything down pat prior to passing it along as I don't want him to run into issues again. He's got the test and tren and has ample amount to run a cycle (prob 2).

He's been bugging me to help him order his AIs and PCT.

As far as AI and PCT go I've been looking into Aromasin more and more trying to educate myself on it before I suggest it to him but seems like his best option. Also I'm going to have him get his Caber prior to starting and run it during cycle since he had past issues.

Anyway here's what I'm going to suggest, just want to see if there is anything that should be changed, added, or deleted.

1-12 Test Cyp - 500mg/ wk

1-8 Tren A - 75 EOD

6-14 Var - 100mg/ ED

1-14 Aromasin 12.5mg ED (split in 2 doses; will start there and suggest he adjust as needed)

1-9 Caber .25 E3D (Adjust as needed)

For PCT I've always gone with Nolva/Clomid but have been reading up more on toremifen. I don't believe he had any issues in the last PCT and I think it was the old nolva/clomid combo. If it worked for him I'd just suggest that again.

In any event would there be any issue with running the aromasin through PCT or would that just be a waste (saw it has been shown to increase test levels over baseline; figure that couldn't hurt in PCT).

I do understand it would be best to have him come on here but I know that won't happen. He's pretty set on getting things going so I'd much rather give him good advice than the piss poor advice he got before. I did suggest him doing a test only this time as I think he would get a ton of results with just that given him diet and workout routine but he seems fairly set on this. If I can convince him of test only I'd prob suggest 500/wk with the aromasin and nolva clomid PCT.
