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Thread: To DO or not TO DO:Keep doing Test after cycle because of Low T..

  1. #1
    Hookonphonx4me's Avatar
    Hookonphonx4me is offline Junior Member
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    To DO or not TO DO:Keep doing Test after cycle because of Low T..

    Ok guys and gals
    I have came up with a good quistion that does not sound dumb.
    I would like to know if one would keep ur weekly dose of Test after a cycle?
    I would think ur levels would be up so maybe a few weeks after the cycle you could pick back up ur weekly dose.

    Thank you for the help .

    Winning the Hearts and Minds
    2 in the Heart
    1 in the Mind

  2. #2
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Are you refering o someone who is diagnosed with Low T??

  3. #3
    Hookonphonx4me's Avatar
    Hookonphonx4me is offline Junior Member
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    Yes Lunk1
    I should have put that in my post ..
    My Bad..

  4. #4
    havanakid's Avatar
    havanakid is offline Associate Member
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    Your body fat is high for cycling but as far as a theraputic trt dose of test thats a different thing and it will be beneficial but it all depends on bloodwork.Complete panels,testosterone ,estradiol.and psa.First step would be bloodwork.

  5. #5
    Hookonphonx4me's Avatar
    Hookonphonx4me is offline Junior Member
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    You r right on the BF I will not be cycling untill I get that down .
    I was on a TRT before I came to this god for saken place and i had to get off before i came over.
    I am tracking on checking the bw ,it was some thing i always thought about.
    I am OCONUS at this time so I have not been able to do the weekly thing in 2 years I do know when I went home the last time ,I got a shot and man I felt 100% for about 2 weeks.
    So Havanakid I am doing Homework now so when it is time it will not be a waste
    Thank you much for the help..

  6. #6
    Hookonphonx4me's Avatar
    Hookonphonx4me is offline Junior Member
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    Hey I will be heading home in a week and I will have some BW done and it will be at a lab not the Doc, What all do I need to ask for as far as panels that I would want other than to check the Test ?
    The one u listed here?"Complete panels,testosterone ,estradiol.and psa"

  7. #7
    havanakid's Avatar
    havanakid is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hookonphonx4me View Post
    Hey I will be heading home in a week and I will have some BW done and it will be at a lab not the Doc, What all do I need to ask for as far as panels that I would want other than to check the Test ?
    The one u listed here?"Complete panels,testosterone ,estradiol.and psa"
    Rbc,Hematocrit,Hemoglobin,lipids such as hdl.ldl.triglicerides.Get a complete checkup of your bloodwork done.My rbc/hematocrit was naturally high before I got on trt but it never dawned on me as to how important it is to have things like that in check before starting trt or even more an aas cycle.So get your stuff done and maybe report back to us with bloodwork results so we can get a better idea of whats goin on and whats the best route for you to take.

  8. #8
    Hookonphonx4me's Avatar
    Hookonphonx4me is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks H-kid I will be sure to do that .. in about 3 days I will fall off the grid as I will xfill back to the homested and see all the new toys I have bought and have not got to touch yet since it has been a year since I have been there..
    Thanx again and Be Well....
    havanakid likes this.

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