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  1. #1
    vomariv's Avatar
    vomariv is offline New Member
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    Sep 2012

    GHRP-6 and CJCC W/O DAC aka MOD GRF etc.......*NEED ADVICE* dosing problems

    hello everyone, im having a very tough time determining how to mix the BAC with the GHRP 6 and i tried really hard to read up on all the dif forums but i think the syringes i have are different from the ones everyone else uses normally.

    so im mixing 2.5 bac with my ghrp6 that is 5mg
    now everyone says with that it should be the 3rd tick mark that would be 100mcg

    my problem is, is that i use the peptidecalculator and it says 5 tick marks. the syringe i have is a U-100 1/2cc and it has 50 units.

    i know its probably a stupid question but can someone please tell me is it 3 or 5 tick marks for my dosage?!!?!?

    ALSO im taking the MOD GRF and i read that i should mix it with 2.0 bac and its only a 2mg vial....that being said how many ticks should that be? or to make it easier how many units??

    last piece of advice i need is that im starting out with two pins, once at night before bed and once in the morning before cardio. im going to increase my pin to 3x day with the 3rd being long should i wait to increase? also should i keep the GRF and GHRP6 in two separate syringes and pin throughout the day or mix them into one?! long should i be on it for? 6 months?

    i would REALLY appreciate anyone taking the time to help me because im super frustrated trying to figure this out now that i have my peptides and im eager to start taking them...i just want to be safe and do things properly...

  2. #2
    vomariv's Avatar
    vomariv is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    correction*** MOD GRF is with 1 bac for the 2mg vial

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