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Thread: Was recently tested for gear.

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Santa clarita
    Quote Originally Posted by Milkbone33 View Post
    I love lamp, peanut butter, unicorns. I dont see how that contributes to anything. Also I was in the Army for 9 years yes they do random drug testing but no they dont test for steroids. UNLESS it is suspected and then if you are not a sh1t bag it gets swept under the carpet.
    Mmmmmmmm...... Peanut butter

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Well bro all I can say is good luck.And if its a good job smarten up.I wouldnt risk a good job over a little muscle that you most likely will end up losing.

  5. #45
    Join Date
    May 2012
    New York, New York
    We also got tested In the Marines random and I can say not once did we ever get tested for juice. That being said, milkbone is right, our company officer had direct knowledge of guy's in my company that were on the bean and no one gave a flyin' F. My situation is different a little. I play double AA baseball for an unnamed team and that form your talking about get's handed to us before every test. Last season more then a dozen players were suspended for positive results and i'll give you all 2 guesses what got them caught...winner gets a cookie

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by mr.slippyfist69 View Post
    We also got tested In the Marines random and I can say not once did we ever get tested for juice. That being said, milkbone is right, our company officer had direct knowledge of guy's in my company that were on the bean and no one gave a flyin' F. My situation is different a little. I play double AA baseball for an unnamed team and that form your talking about get's handed to us before every test. Last season more then a dozen players were suspended for positive results and i'll give you all 2 guesses what got them caught...winner gets a cookie


  7. #47
    Join Date
    May 2013
    my last job used to give us random piss tests all the time. it was required through their insurance. every month or so the insurance company would call in with a list of names, then as soon as we'd get back to the shop the boss would have a bunch of piss test kits for the unlucky ones. we smartened up REAL QUICK and always kept fake urine on us. there's several companies out there that make these fake piss kits. they come with heating packs and everything. there's even a thermometer strip on the outside of the fake urine bottle. dude i've even seen ones that you strap on and bleed it out through a tube.

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by mr.slippyfist69
    We also got tested In the Marines random and I can say not once did we ever get tested for juice. That being said, milkbone is right, our company officer had direct knowledge of guy's in my company that were on the bean and no one gave a flyin' F. My situation is different a little. I play double AA baseball for an unnamed team and that form your talking about get's handed to us before every test. Last season more then a dozen players were suspended for positive results and i'll give you all 2 guesses what got them caught...winner gets a cookie
    I am gonna guess nandrolone deca, since it hangs around so damn long. You can test hot for deca 18 months after last dose

  9. #49
    Join Date
    May 2012
    New York, New York
    You are correct it is indeed deca. Now I have to know why? The top 3 that I read in that report for the 2011 season were as follows: 1) HGH 2) Winstrol ( which makes much more sense in baseball) 3) Deca...Why Deca? All the compounds these guy's can get anytime and they want deca.

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    lone star state
    Any update?

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