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  1. #1
    Vinuzzi is offline New Member
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    First cycle advice needed

    Hey, so I'm 24 yrs old, 5'8", about 165 pounds body fat last checked 10% via hand held machine....
    Been training seriously since 18. Always been a hard gainer...take in roughly 3000 calories a day, seem to have bit of fat upper abdomen and not sure if I have Gyno but nips r puffy and pointy when warm, when cold they look ideal for me...if I pinch them I feel small hard fibrous pain tenderness or it just breast tissue or is this Gyno?
    Started supplements around age 21 with natty test boosters, last year tried pro hormones such as h-drol and propradrol. Got solid but my goals are to put on mass and strength without getting a bad case of Gyno...
    Made a mistake this past week which is why I joined the forum to get sound advice...bought 2 vials of test cyp (not sure if I can say the brands?) also got dbol , anastrazole PO and nolva PO. I thought I'd be able to pin but I wimped out half because when drawing up in a 22 gauge it just went way too slow for my I'm questioning the source, hear good quality test should be like water? Anyway I started the dbol which I know is a no no. 25mg ED. I'm on day 2....not sure ill be able to get more test from a better source or man up to inject what I have...therefore, would like some advice on continuing with dbol only...I plan on using nolva 20mg ED for pct...should I incorporate a test booster like hcgenerate after pct? During? Also will take adex 1mg EOD starting week 2. Just curious...if I can get a hold of better test can I start that towards the end of dbol cycle(4-6 weeks from now). Again thanks for listening...would appreciate any help cuz I know I'm not in a good spot right now. Thanks!

  2. #2
    crazy mike is offline Banned for repping Dangerous Substances
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    Welcome. Never take Dbol only. Always use test with every cycle. Test Cyp is and oil you know and will draw slow with any needle. Is this your first cycle. Then don't take Dbol. and you need to see how your body reacts due to Gyno. The Dbol with lean toward Gyno by increasing the Aromatizing process. Did you inject enough air into your vial so you aren't pulling against the vacuum? Take the Dbol out it sounds to me you are non your way to the world of Gyno. IMOP . ...crazy mike

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  3. #3
    Iron-56's Avatar
    Iron-56 is offline Associate Member
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    So if you are aware that dbol only cycles are a "no no" why are you taking them? Since this is your first cycle I would not run them anyways. When you start to get really bad sides how will you know what is causing them? What I advise you doing is spend more time training naturally and improving your diet because you are far from your genetic limit. You also need to do allot more research because you don't seem like you have done enough

  4. #4
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Ok lots of questions in this post. Men do have a small amount of breast tissue usually not noticeable. If there is no pain swelling or itchyness I doubt you have gyno after 2 dbol tabs

    Drawing up test with a 22 will take some time and the viscosity of the oil has nothing to dowith the quality of the gear.

    Do not take 1 mg eod of anastrozole it will crash your estrogen.
    .25 mg eod is the usual starting dose

    Nolva alone is not enough for the cycle you seem to have in hand a bit of clomid is needed

    As for the big picture you are not ready to cycle. Put all your gear away. Do not take any more dbol and no pct is needed at this point.
    Time to learn what these compounds are for and how they are dosed.
    It won't go bad so after some serious research and getting your diet and training on point will be a better time where you will be able to keep the gains. Currently anything you were to gain would quickly be lost.
    Last edited by fit2bOld; 05-22-2013 at 01:35 PM.

  5. #5
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    grillin chicken
    Sorry double post
    Last edited by fit2bOld; 05-22-2013 at 01:33 PM.

  6. #6
    Vinuzzi is offline New Member
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    ok guys, thanks for the input and advice!

  7. #7
    Vinuzzi is offline New Member
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    First cycle advice needed-photo-319.jpg

    front pic cold

  8. #8
    Vinuzzi is offline New Member
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    Ok, just to clarify, when i feel i have reached my "genetic limit', ensure that my diet/training is on point then would a cycle like this look good:
    Test cyp: 500 mg a week (week 1-10)
    Nolva: 20 mg (week 12-14)
    Adex: .25 eod throughout cycle?

    If i were to use dbol as a kickstart, say week (1-4) is there a pct needed after week 4 too?
    something like HCG to be run?
    (alot of my choices are based on the source i have right now)

    Feel like i am at a plateau as i have been off pre workouts and creatine for 3 months and was hoping not too go back on pre workouts and instead use some gear to really aid in my development...just where my mindset is..thanks

  9. #9
    Vinuzzi is offline New Member
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    also is the "free bottle" from steroids .com legit to get that they offer for signing up here? lol

  10. #10
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    You are no where near your genetic limit bro.Hit the diet section and they will teach you how to eat.Once you learn that you will start to grow.

  11. #11
    Permabulk's Avatar
    Permabulk is offline Junior Member
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    Vinuzzi you need to take a long hard look at what you are doing, because by the looks of it, you aren't really sure.

    1. H-drol and Propadrol do not constitute cycle experience. Chances are your Endogenous Test production is just fine. Keep it that way dude. Don't rip your HPTA to shreds for 30 pounds of LBM you could have gained away.

    2. Thinking that thick oil is better, Is completely unfounded. I'm not even going to go into this.

    3. Long ester test takes 5 weeks to kick (My Personal experience), starting it at the end of your D-bol

    cycle will make you lose every single gain you had from the D-bol, AND extend your cycle length,

    leading to further shutdown of the HPTA.

    4. I have a fear of needles too. If you really want to do it, just do it. Going slowly will hurt 100x times worse than if you just jab the fuarker in there.

    5. You need to fix your diet. 3000 cals isn't enough for you if you really are a hard gainer.

    6. If you are prone to Gyno, why would you take AAS?

    In conclusion, pack your gear up in a box, keep it safe, keep it for later.

    Use your head, you're not ready!!


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