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Thread: cycle

  1. #1
    dickster is offline Associate Member
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    I would welcome any advise, I am 53 years of age, male, 182lbs, 5 9", too much fat around the middle.
    I have trained since the age of 23, I have done the supplements to death.
    I have read all the mags and books and gains have been by trial and error.
    I started out at 138lbs, a bag of bone,so not genetically gifted. The only time I used any AS was at 43 years of age, just TBOL for 7 weeks at low dosage, I made good gains in strength and put on 10lbs, most of all I felt fantastic and trained harder, I used pct,but prob not needed.
    My training consists of squats 5s or 8s x5 0r 3, deads 3 sets but only one at max, cleans 5 sets to max, rows, shoulder and bench press, chins. I swap it about twice a year from 3 day a week for 3 exercises, then 6 days per week a day for each bodypart.
    I like many others took the tbol as too worried about injections, but know orals are more toxic.
    Anyway enough ranting, I am looking for advice on the best way forward, I am thinking of Test e, or c, and running it on it's own, I know 500mg is the minimum they say it takes to grow, but I was thinking of 250 for 2 weeks, 400 2 weeks, 500 two weeks, 250 two weeks all with pct. (just need to get over the injecting).
    I am looking loose some mid section fat, maybe 10lbs and replace it with good muscle, I also want to put the feelgood factor back into my training, at 53 I spend most of my rest days knackered. I have a shed large outbuilding which houses all of my equip, I train alone, hence can't get honest and proper advice, any help would be appreciated, thanks Dickster.

  2. #2
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Hey dickster.

    500mg is not the minimum to grow. That is just a random statement someone must have made. There is no need to ramp up and down with your doses.

    Fat will not go away unless your diet is fixed, which you can do so by posting your current diet in our nutrition section and allowing the pro's there to critique it.

    Need to know your actual body fat percentage to continue advice. "Too much fat around the middle" doesn't tell me anything really.

    Good luck.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  3. #3
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Agee with Austinite. Nutrition is key. A few more details would help. Never to late to get in great shape. I'm in my 50's and look better than I did at 35.

  4. #4
    dickster is offline Associate Member
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    Hi, cant believe all the advice I am getting, thank you, b/fat is around 20%, diet used to be clean, but lack of muscle growth, I did what others have done and went for calories thinking bit more fat wont hurt if I also gain muscle, the muscle when then help burn the fat (wrong). Body fat was always around 12% until I hit mid forties.
    Still eat well, lean chicken, turkey, tuna, eggs mainly whites, skimmed milk, green veg ect, don;t take whey anymore makes me fat.
    Use creatine and it makes a difference until I am saturated, but then lose the gains gradually as mostly water weight.
    I think I need to hit my body and give AS a proper shot, you only live once, I have spent more than 20 years training and wont be stopping for another 20 (touch wood). I am not stupid, I want to be safe, which is why I turned to these forums, to learn from others that have experience that I don't, thanks Dickster. Oh yes have upped cardio jogging and cycling.

  5. #5
    dickster is offline Associate Member
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    Hi, cant believe all the advice I am getting, thank you, b/fat is around 20%, diet used to be clean, but lack of muscle growth, I did what others have done and went for calories thinking bit more fat wont hurt if I also gain muscle, the muscle will then help burn the fat (wrong). Body fat was always around 12% until I hit mid forties.
    Still eat well, lean chicken, turkey, tuna, eggs mainly whites, skimmed milk, green veg ect, don;t take whey anymore makes me fat.
    Use creatine and it makes a difference until I am saturated, but then lose the gains gradually as mostly water weight.
    I think I need to hit my body and give AS a proper shot, you only live once, I have spent more than 20 years training and wont be stopping for another 20 (touch wood). I am not stupid, I want to be safe, which is why I turned to these forums, to learn from others that have experience that I don't, thanks Dickster. Oh yes have upped cardio jogging and cycling.

  6. #6
    Hunter-S-Thompson's Avatar
    Hunter-S-Thompson is offline Senior Member
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    most would advise to get yourself to around 15% bodyfat before cycling, which would not be too hard, figure you lose 2 pounds a week, and your at 20% right now, to get to 15 you would need to lose 10 pounds. so at 2 pounds a week, you would be down to 15% in 5 weeks. thats a little more then a month which is no time at all. itll probably take you about that long to get all your PCT/cycling needs in order and plan out a proper cycle anyway.

    so my advice would be to drop a few pounds, then go ahead and start your cycle. you can do 500mgs test e or c a week, you can do 400 as well if you like, you'll grow either way. but as said already, no need to ramp your dose up and down.

    the reason why it is suggested to be around at least 15% bodyfat is because you will have more of a chance of getting side effects at anything higher then 15%, such as estrogen sides from having to much in your body, etc. so in order for you to get the most out of your cycle, and be the happiest with your results as possible, get down a few lbs, then do test e or test c, for 10-12 weeks, then wait about 14 days and start PCT, which IMO should be:

    nolva 40 20 20 20 /or 40 40 20 20
    clomid 100 50 50 50 /or 100 50 50 25

    something along those lines, i played around with my PCT dosages in my cycles to find out what works best for me and i usually do what i suggested first, works best for me. good luck with your cycle.

  7. #7
    dickster is offline Associate Member
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    wow, thanks very much, will ramp up the running and clean up the diet, my enthusiasm has returned thanks to all the good advice coming my way, thanks Dickster.

  8. #8
    Hunter-S-Thompson's Avatar
    Hunter-S-Thompson is offline Senior Member
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    no problem. let me know if you have any more questions. good that you are following all the advice given to you, you will have a great first cycle if you do everything right. by the way, your first cycle that you did, tbol for 7 weeks.... baad choice. in my opinion and most everyone's opinion that has been cycling for a while, dont ever do an oral only cycle, test should be the base of every cycle. always using test ensures that you'll have the least chance possible of having any ED issues which NO ONE would like especially on cycle when you SHOULD be looking forward to being a monster in that aspect.

    everyone makes mistakes, just make sure you stick around this forum, ask any questions that your not sure of before you do anything and end up regretting it. read up about everything you can and your results will be 100x better then going into it with little/no knowledge.

  9. #9
    dickster is offline Associate Member
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    Again thanks, I will take on-board what you say.

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