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Thread: Just started Cycle need Help and Advice from experience

  1. #1

    Just started Cycle need Help and Advice from experience

    morning all, I am new to all this not lifting though I weigh 197lb 5'7" used to power lift but had stopped lifting for about 5 years. want basically a bump to get me back in again.

    A friend of mine got me the following

    Testosterone Propionate = pure gear 100mg injectable
    PureArimidex 1 mg
    PureDbol 10mg

    He said take
    tes .5 Ml a day which inj = 50mg
    PureDbol 10mg x 3 times a day
    Arimidex 1/2 pill every other day.

    question I have is when I do this when do I start the PCT? what should I buy (Clomid) what mg? how do I take this stuff and for how long.

    Im really nervous about taking these but hell if they work then Im all for it. Any advice would be appreciated.

    I started this stuff and noticed nice gains but now i'm getting worried about all the side effects I hear when getting off it. how do I get off this stuff. So am I to far into it, or can I just quit now? Or would you suggest finish this cycle, then do the PCT? If so what do I do for the PCT just order some Clomid? since the Pure Arimidex blocks estrogen?

    Sorry I sound ignorant (Because I am), I just wanted a boost to get me back in the game after being blown up and put out of the military after my surgeries. I have a vast knowledge in lifting as I used to do USDFPA power lifting for years, but competition for me is long gone. I just want to get and maintain a nice physique.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    How long you been on? You can stop now sure. I would recommend you getting some nolva to go w/your clomid.

    I would stay on till you get your PCT straight and in your hands.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Where they take my ass
    What your taking about, wanting a "bump" could potentially hurt you being pretty new to the gym again, your body needs to readjust to lifting. Especially considering you've had surgeries, depending on what they were for of course.

    Glad your still with us though brother, what branch were you in?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2013
    ON, Canada
    Get some nolvadex and clomid . You'll start PCT 3 days after your last injection. With clomid 100/100/50/50 and nolvadex 40/40/20/20.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Freestyle Child View Post
    Get some nolvadex and clomid . You'll start PCT 3 days after your last injection. With clomid 100/100/50/50 and nolvadex 40/40/20/20.
    Ok is that 100mg, 100mg, 50mg, 50?

    Ill look it up as well. Im going to keep taking until I get this gear

    I copied this from ************.com

    Typical of a Nolvadex and clomid PCT is as such:
    Day1 300mg clomid + 20mg Nolvadex
    Day 2-11 100mg clomid + 20mg Nolvadex
    Day12-21 50mg clomid + 20mg Nolvadex

    is this how I should take it, or can someone be my Doc and write it like this??? I havent figured out the 100/100/50/50 thing and if I start 3 days after last inj, how long does the PCT go or how much gear do I order?
    Last edited by Cobra_im; 05-22-2013 at 07:17 PM.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    How long you been on? You can stop now sure. I would recommend you getting some nolva to go w/your clomid.

    I would stay on till you get your PCT straight and in your hands.
    I started about 3 weeks ago, with all this. I think Ill do that then Ill keep doing it as stated above Util I get the PCT stuff in my hands. don't want my hormones bouncing all over the place

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Armykid93 View Post
    What your taking about, wanting a "bump" could potentially hurt you being pretty new to the gym again, your body needs to readjust to lifting. Especially considering you've had surgeries, depending on what they were for of course.

    Glad your still with us though brother, what branch were you in?
    Hey Armykid thanks. I was in the Army for 20+ years LOL. I didn't mean bump cold right off the street, I went to the Gym to get my form back in order and for about 3 weeks prior to using gear. mostly doing light right now. bench is only 320, but I'm prop not going to go past 405 this time and maintain it there. max I have ever pressed was 505. but thats when I was in my prime competing in powerlifting, and before all my mishaps overseas happened.

  8. #8
    Essentiale Forte should I take this as part of my PCT or do you think its to much>?

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Cobra_im View Post

    Essentiale Forte should I take this as part of my PCT or do you think its to much>?
    im going to order these Clomid and nolvadex can anyone explain to me what this dosing means?

    i.e clomid 100/100/50/50

    i.e nolvadex 40/40/20/20.

  10. #10
    I can order this = PureClomid 50 50mg/tab

    and this PureNolva 20 20mg/tab

    how much of these do I order then does anyone have a schedule of how I would take these?

    someone on here posted this, should I just order this amount and take it as stated?

    Typical of a Nolvadex and clomid PCT is as such:

    Day1 300mg clomid + 20mg Nolvadex
    Day 2-11 100mg clomid + 20mg Nolvadex
    Day12-21 50mg clomid + 20mg Nolvadex

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    St Louis
    It means Clomid at 100mg etc ED, same with Nolva. 4 Weeks total length PCT. Take Clomid and Nolva at night

    Your pretty good with the dosages. You should have just started with the Test, but since your already almost done with dbol just finish up.

    Order 1 of the Clomid and 3 of the Nolva.

    Clomid Day 1-7 100MG ED Clomid Day 8-30 50MG ED
    Nolva Day 1-14 40MG ED Nolva Day 15-30 20MG ED
    Last edited by armyranger516862006; 05-25-2013 at 04:56 PM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    I like the look of that cycle.

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by armyranger516862006 View Post
    It means Clomid at 100mg etc ED, same with Nolva. 4 Weeks total length PCT. Take Clomid and Nolva at night

    Your pretty good with the dosages. You should have just started with the Test, but since your already almost done with dbol just finish up.

    Order 1 of the Clomid and 3 of the Nolva.

    Clomid Day 1-7 100MG ED Clomid Day 8-30 50MG ED
    Nolva Day 1-14 40MG ED Nolva Day 15-30 20MG ED
    thanks this is what I was looking for. what did you mean I should have started the test first? I do notice I have alot of test

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    I think he means a test only cycle for the first time to see how you handle the sides my friend

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Well bro you really need to educate yourself on wat you are doing.This way you will have a better idea on wats going on and why.Read the sticks bro there is a ton of info in there.Things you really needed to know prior to starting a cycle.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    How did you like the puregear products?

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Nomadic Day Laborer
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