morning all, I am new to all this not lifting though I weigh 197lb 5'7" used to power lift but had stopped lifting for about 5 years. want basically a bump to get me back in again.
A friend of mine got me the following
Testosterone Propionate = pure gear 100mg injectable
PureArimidex 1 mg
PureDbol 10mg
He said take
tes .5 Ml a day which inj = 50mg
PureDbol 10mg x 3 times a day
Arimidex 1/2 pill every other day.
question I have is when I do this when do I start the PCT? what should I buy (Clomid) what mg? how do I take this stuff and for how long.
Im really nervous about taking these but hell if they work then Im all for it. Any advice would be appreciated.
I started this stuff and noticed nice gains but now i'm getting worried about all the side effects I hear when getting off it. how do I get off this stuff. So am I to far into it, or can I just quit now? Or would you suggest finish this cycle, then do the PCT? If so what do I do for the PCT just order some Clomid? since the Pure Arimidex blocks estrogen?
Sorry I sound ignorant (Because I am), I just wanted a boost to get me back in the game after being blown up and put out of the military after my surgeries. I have a vast knowledge in lifting as I used to do USDFPA power lifting for years, but competition for me is long gone. I just want to get and maintain a nice physique.