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Thread: Adex question

  1. #1
    ChiveOn's Avatar
    ChiveOn is offline Senior Member
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    Adex question

    So the guy who introduced me to the world of AAS is having an issue and I'm not sure what to tell him. I finally got him to use an AI for the first time.
    He's cycling sust at 250mg/ every 4 days. So just under 500/wk

    However, this is the first time he's using an AI. AR-Rs liquidex .25mg EoD. It's been about two weeks and he's complaining of lethargy, poor workouts, and just a generaly tired and out of it every day.

    Now being that he didn't use an AI in previous cycles and never had any issues is it really possible he is crushing his E2 with such a small dose?
    His prior cycles are sust at 250mg/wk (yes, pointless) so maybe that's why he never needed an AI

    He's overseas on a deployment so I doubt he can get bloods done.

    He's 23


  2. #2
    bigsiv's Avatar
    bigsiv is offline Productive Member
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    Without bloods it would be impossible to say for sure but it is a symptom of low E but at such a low dose I'm not too sure. Ask him to take it every 4 days when he takes his injection, give it a week and see how he reacts. But again without bloods it's guess work

  3. #3
    ChiveOn's Avatar
    ChiveOn is offline Senior Member
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    Ya that's kind of what I was thinkingb he said he was gonna go off of it for a week and see what happens. I know bloods are the only really way to know. Just looking for any other options

  4. #4
    bigsiv's Avatar
    bigsiv is offline Productive Member
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    Yeah but of a nightmare for him. I wouldn't completely go off for a week though.

    Could be the fact he is on sust and only 2 weeks in. Maybe there isn't enough test build up to convert to estrogen yet and the Adex is overkill. But again guess work. It could be diet related or illness. Too many variables

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