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05-30-2013, 07:16 PM #1
Guys that have cycled before 25 get in here!
I think we should have a thread of peoples personal experience (good or bad) with cycling before the age of 25.
- At what age did you start?
- What compounds did you run and at what dose? PCT or no PCT?
- How many cycles did you do before 25 and how many are you at now?
- Did you experience any of the negative effects of cycling too young or cycling in general? (are you on TRT, erectile dysfunction, hair lose, heart problems etc.)
05-30-2013, 07:30 PM #2
First cycle (18 years) was test e 250mg (no pct - mom threw out my clomid and nolva)
Second cycle (20 years) was test e 500mg (clomid and nolva for pct)
Third cycle (23 years) was 500mg sust (clomid and nolva for pct)
Started blasting and cruising last year and have been running hcg throughout all of the following.
First blast (25 years) was 500mg test, 300mg deca
Cruised test at 200mg for 6 weeks
Second blast (25 years) was 500mg test, 350mg tren ace
Cruised test e at 250mg for 6 weeks
Currently (26 years) running 500mg test, 450mg deca
Never had ED, bp is in check, no aggression, very emotionally stable, had BW done 2.5 months ago and everything was good other than slightly elevated lipids and high estrogen.
There's a good chance ill be on trt moving forward and if so, I knew the risk before starting.
05-30-2013, 07:51 PM #3Junior Member
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During my senior, I did like four cycles of prohormones within a year! I was mindlessly following what everyone else in school was doing. The only side effect was slight gyno. After all of those cycles, I got blood work done and the doctor said everything was fine. I posed with OTC PCT's only. After all of that chaos, I took a long break, and was never as reckless as I was those many years ago...
05-30-2013, 09:49 PM #4
I used prohormones at 19-22, test levels were at 400 at 29 before I did my first AAS cycle. I had to go on TRT about a year ago. Test levels were bearly above 100. Never recovered after extensive PCT.
05-30-2013, 09:54 PM #5Junior Member
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05-30-2013, 09:56 PM #6
I did a Test E cycle just before I turned 24 with proper pct. I had been working out for over 10 years and also had researched for the better part of a decade too. I am almost 30 now and it is too early to tell any ill effects.
05-30-2013, 10:05 PM #7
Ran Sustenon 250 Redi-jects (Yup thats how long ago). Pin the 18 guage needle in my ass on an old school pyramid starting at 250 and went up over a gram I think (been a while) no pct. Got strong as hell then ran some TTokYYo Deca only 400 a week if memory serves.
Don't really know the effect it had on me. I'm 32 now and hypothyroid. Testosterone fluctuates between 450 and 615 roughly. No ED issues. Did gear cause any of this? Who knows? Probably not.
Would I do it again? Nope. I'm almost as strong at way better body fat %. I wasn't mature then. I am now. My next cycle will be the best. I don't even count the other ones.
05-30-2013, 10:44 PM #8Junior Member
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wut? Pinning with an 18g must have been fun.
Ran designers around 20 yo. Then test/tren (tren turned out bunk. Thought I was experiencing it the first week or so, turned out placebo) . Clen . DNP . Slin.
Always did pct but never really waited for on/off periods. Basically ran pct, stayed off for 2 months and hopped back on. No ED, Blood pressure was through the roof during pct (hypertension 2 levels). Got test checked a while back, came out normal. Granted I knew more about the compounds that I ran then most people. Everything from the chemical structures to their long term effects. Any compound I put in my body during that time and even now, I would spend at least 2-3h a day for a couple weeks researching and reading articles about, except slin and dnp (spent over 6 months researching both before first dose).
05-31-2013, 04:52 AM #9Junior Member
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Good idea for this thread!
1st cycle 18 y/o - anavar only @ 50mg (dont flame me-the cycle went amazing, gains were hard as F**K)
2nd cycle in the papers, researching like a freak.
Freestyle Child.
05-31-2013, 05:11 AM #10
First cycle was at 18 in 1989. 100 ml test suspension EOD for 8 weeks. No AI and no PCT, hell no one knew what that was back then in my circle anyway. Gained 22 lbs in that run and was ripped to shreds. Got a bit of gyno on the left nipple that persists to this day. Lost about 18 of those lbs after the cycle. I can't say for sure that it hurt me in any way, as shortly after, I continued to make progress in the gym up to about 24-25 when I plateaued at 185# at 11% BF or so. Honestly that summer I did the cycle was probably the best summer of my life.
05-31-2013, 05:35 AM #11Associate Member
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first cycle at 20 did 100mg prop eod with 80mg anavar gained 20lbs in 8 weeks and lost about 6lbs after cycle, did another cycle 4 weeks after first cycle ( was dumb) and did 500mg enanthate a week but stopped at week 6 as i was strongly advised on here. waited about 3 months jumped onto third cycle of sust 500mg and deca 300mg a week and avar 100mg a day did 10 weeks gained good had BW done 3 months after that and was all fine including test levels probally down to a good PCT
05-31-2013, 05:56 AM #12Not Here
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19yrs old. Eq only 1ml/50mg a week for 6 weeks. Started to read up on AAS and decided to stop and wait. No PCT. No problems. Didn't do 2nd cycle until I was 27yrs old. I have been cycling for 10 yrs now.
05-31-2013, 07:22 AM #13
24 years old.
05-31-2013, 08:24 AM #14
19 & 20 years old, both 8 weeks of test prop well researched & proper pct & ai usage. Got labs done after both cycles and recovered just fine (according to the labs)
05-31-2013, 10:51 AM #15
The needles came with them. Didn't know much. Knew about this website but didn't know about the forum. It might not have had one then as it was 2002 or 2003. It did suck. Had to get my college roommate to stick me. Two of my other friends were doing it with me. One dropped out and gave us the rest of his so we ran it.
dumb ass kids.
05-31-2013, 12:08 PM #16
First cycle around 20yrs old. Winstrol and EQ. Did this twice, 12wks each time with around 12wks off in-between. Took some Nolvadex in-between for 3wks.
Second cycle, Test, Deca , Dbol 12wks. Ran 2-3cycles a year from here out till around 24yrs old. Lot of test and Deca, some EQ, some Tren and Dbol and Anadrol .
24-28 on most of the year each year. Large cycles, high doses. Cycles were pretty basic in the off season but would get a little weird sometimes during contest prep.
29-30 nothing but 200mg/test/wk
Did one big cycle at 32.
Been on TRT since. Currently 34 on 125mg/wk. I'm sure I'll always need TRT. Am I on TRT because I started before 25? That doesn't matter, I would have ended up on TRT even after 25 running high dose cycles for months and months on end. No age or PCT plan would have changed this. Is having to be on TRT something that upsets me? No, I don't really think about it. It takes up a couple minutes of my time per week, that's hardly worth getting upset about.
05-31-2013, 02:24 PM #17
05-31-2013, 07:04 PM #18
05-31-2013, 07:29 PM #19
Was 21 sus250 500mg p/week up 10kgs after pct kept 8kgs bit of acne other wise went smoothly
05-31-2013, 08:11 PM #20
I have no idea. I don't have any kids and have tried not to have any so far so I have no idea. I could be but I could just as easily be fine. Think about it, take the top 20 bodybuilders out there now, they use a lot of gear, more than I ever did and most of them have kids and continue to have kids.
05-31-2013, 08:54 PM #21
22- sust 250mg e3d. Proper AI and nolva only for pct. dbol kicker wks 1-5
10wk cycle
23(coming up next week) test P, tren A, mast P, T3. At 210mg/450mg/500mg/100mcg
8wk cycle
Adex as AI and nolva (clomid maybe) pct
Used HCG in both at 250iu 2x wk
Had a cycle I started when I was 19 but I aborted after a few weeks. Supplier was my advisor so I was getting conflicting info and decided to stop. This was the only cycle I regret doing. I'm taking a year or more off after this second cycle to be safe
05-31-2013, 09:01 PM #22
24, test e/p 5 weeks, ran out of gear, broke a vial.. etc.. gained about 7 kgs or so, was a good learning exp
as for sides, felt a little weird on the days that i forgot to take my AI, and major PIP in quad for 1st pin..
didn't do a PCT (thought i had bunk gear)..
next cycle will be in july, ill be 25 by then, going with 8 weeks of test prop..
06-01-2013, 11:49 AM #23Productive Member
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At 22 I did a ten week cycle of 250mg Sustanon per week with no AI or PCT. I developed puffy nipples, which shrunk back several years later when I took Nolvadex , but I didn't develop a lump; at least not that I could detect. I gained 20 lbs and kept most of it, somehow.
Despite not performing PCT, I had no problems with sex drive after the cycle. I contribute this to my age, diet and the low dose of test.
On another interesting note, I took HCG three times between the age of 25 and 27. It permanently increased the size of my third leg each time, changing me from average to porn star size, and inhibiting my relationships with short women. Cervix be damned.
06-01-2013, 11:52 AM #24
22 yrs old
200 mgs of deca and test for 10 weeks
No pct
Recovery wasn't too bad, easier to recover when our younger, in my experience
But, was an emotional roller coaster as well, much less the older you get
06-01-2013, 07:25 PM #25
first cycle at 21, 2nd and 3d at 22, dbol as 1st only, no pct, no sides ( just minimal bloat).
2nd cycle at 22, did test e+ dbol with pct, got lots of acne towards end on shoulders with clomid.
currently on 3d cycle prop/var, with pct, no problems so far at all
06-01-2013, 09:02 PM #26
Can't join in. I died at 20 from using steroids . Sorry.
06-01-2013, 10:22 PM #27
Finally, someone on TRT who doesn't complain about how big of a pain in the ass it is. I've been blasting and cruising for almost a year now and I will likely end up on TRT and I can't imagine it is near as bad as guys say it is. I mean obviously, no one wants to have the extra dr. visits, blood work or prescription refills but to have the test levels of a 18 year old for the rest of your life hardly sounds like something that will ruin the quality of it.
All of the side effects are controllable. I've heard that often, the biggest challenge is dialing in the doses of your test and AI... Seriously?
06-01-2013, 10:34 PM #28
06-01-2013, 11:21 PM #29
The thing is you never will know. It's the "path not taken". There is no way to tell later in a person's life, if they develop problems that *could* be attributed to anabolic steroids due to similarity of presentation / symptoms, if their anabolic use at < 25yo had anything to do with it. It's all conjecture at that point. I doubt if anyone outside of Nazi Germany ever held controlled studies for 30+ years to document what happens to kids later in life if given large doses of AAS. Who would volunteer for THAT study? and, we STILL would not know whether these same kids would have had issues later in life or not had they not been part of this hypothetical study.
The only way that I can think of to create a truly scientific study would be by using cloned humans so that there were 3 of each person, identical in every way. This is also known in the real world as "magic". Even clones don't have 100% the same environment and experiences that another has from birth to a chosen point in time. Impossible I tell you! Impossible to determine this one.
06-01-2013, 11:31 PM #30
Thanks to everyone for sharing. BUMP
06-01-2013, 11:38 PM #31
I don't get it either. A lot of people talk about the need to avoid TRT like you're trying to avoid cancer, it doesn't make any sense. That's not to say you should act like an idiot when you're young.
BTW, I don't take an AI at all with my testosterone . Another common myth is if you're on TRT this means you will need an AI. I'd say more guys need one than don't but that doesn't mean all guys need one. If your estrodial levels are in a good range taking an AI will only lower them to a problematic range.
06-02-2013, 06:20 AM #32
See...I don't get this mentality Metel. I'm not going to make myself a diabetic if I can avoid it. It's controllable and not a big deal for most that are but I bet very few are saying " yeah I'm a diabetic and I wouldn't change a thing".
Same goes for TRT...why take UNECCESSARY risks and bring the burden upon yourself if it can be avoided. Yes I realize that it's a risk for us all.That's why I was 36 before stating to mess with AAS...
06-02-2013, 06:25 AM #33Originally Posted by Metalject
06-02-2013, 07:33 AM #34
Well for me, I have to make a weekly visit to a clinic to get my shot. That requires me MAKING the time to make the trip to get the shot, and if I need blood work, get that done too. In that, it's a real pain. Plus, it's rather expensive. The money I spend on my TRT, I could be putting towards a lot of things.
But I agree with you, if your estradiol levels are in the normal range and you're not suffering from any estrogen-related symptoms, there is no reason why somebody should take an AI. We need some in us. But, we only really know what our levels are from blood work that people need to be getting done.
06-02-2013, 08:01 AM #35
06-02-2013, 08:43 AM #36
I originally had got put on TRT through an endo, but he wanted to just keep me on the androgel . I really don't like the gel too well, so I found this clinic (they have a chain of them) where they give me cypionate . But they do the injections them self, I'm suspecting just to keep getting every penny they can out of me.
06-02-2013, 08:47 AM #37Originally Posted by Lunk1
Also, it doesn't matter what age you start anabolics. One cycle can shut you down for good, whether you are 20 or 36.
Originally Posted by Java Man
06-02-2013, 09:24 AM #40Junior Member
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Age 17: Searle blue oval oxand on the old "pyramid" plan maybe 40 mg a day at the peak. Strength went up and as a skinny kid I got more vascular
Age 20: probably 5 or so cycles in military on Fina/EQ/test. We were clueless. Had no idea on dosage or pin protocol. Idiots. I went from 175 or so to 193 and got a hell of a lot stronger.
College: 3 cycles or so over 4 years....same idiotic behavior as above
That is the under 25 exposure.
I have a full head of hair....have 3 lovely kids and I have no problem sprouting wood.
I had a stent put in my heart at age 47. This was due to blockage in the LAD artery. IT was diet and stress related so I do not attribute it to AAS. However I did check in to the hospital with arithmea that night and I will always feel that the tren I was on did it. I had sweats, insomnia and I had elevated heart. The irony of it is that this (aas use) may have saved my life. It is because of this I had the heart cath done. Odd...I know. I would have NEVER had a wire run from my wrist to my heart. I was 80% blocked. It would have killed me in another 5 years or so.
The blessing in all this was the dosages were never heavy. They probably were not even in the "moderate" range and who knows what the quality of the supplements was.....I got lucky
Now I am a TRT "type" guy and will branch out here and there. I run blood work and found an MD (this week) who I can be open and honest with so I am under professional care. If he tells me to stop this or that.........I will
sorry for the babble
Last edited by tebby; 06-02-2013 at 09:32 AM. Reason: another thought
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