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  1. #1
    brandonln is offline New Member
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    May 2013

    switching from Tren Enanthate to Anavar

    To be straight up, i am not looking to get big, only rapidly cut a bunch of fat while gaining some lean muscle. I have been taking a stack of Tren Enanthate (100mg twice a week) and Test Enanthate(aprox 180mg twice a week/ .75mL) for about 6 weeks now. I picked tren because of its ability to promote lean muscle more than any other compound. My diet in camp is excellent and im exercising daily with about 45 mins of good cardio. My issue is that im getting a little larger than i would like and not cutting much weight. I have done Test E and Anavar in the past and had great results and am going to be switching back to that stack. My question is, should i be lowering my dose of Tren to kind of phase it out or just go straight into the Anavar(will be taking 50mg per day) and once i am done the Anavar should i start taking Nolvadex while finishing of the Test E i will have left, or stop it all once i am done the bottle of Anavar and take the Nolvadex then?

  2. #2
    BBJT200's Avatar
    BBJT200 is offline Senior Member
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    May 2012
    The norm: Cycle---->stop cycle---->PCT
    What you want to hear: Tren E+Test E--->Test E+Var--->stop cycle, two weeks later--->nolvadex

    If you're not cutting weight, eat less.

    You stop everything at once, and (depending on what you're using) PCT starts X days after that. Since you're using test E, two weeks after your last shot, you begin PCT.

  3. #3
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    6 weeks in? Well in any case i'd just drop the tren and forget the anavar . Your diet is most likely the issue cause your gains are rather fast for long esters. So i;m thinking you're gaining more fat than you want. But that's a low dose of test.

    Hit the Nutrition Section and post your diet. They'll help you get it straightened out.

    And without a good diet, nothing can help.

    Good Luck.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    200mg/wk Tren and 360mg/wk Test is not that much. Tren will cut you up and make you vascular. When I run Tren/Test I don't gain hardly any weight (I control my weight with food) but I get really cut up and hard. If this is your first cycle I'd drop the Tren. You could hurt yourself if you don't know how to take care of Tren sides.

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