what is the difference Between start pct after the last shot from steroids cycle and start pct after the end of active life of the steroids in the cycle ... and what is best
what is the difference Between start pct after the last shot from steroids cycle and start pct after the end of active life of the steroids in the cycle ... and what is best
Well it's to let the hormone clear so it would be pretty pointless to start pct if you had hundreds of mg of what ever you were using still suppressing you natural test when you were trying to start it back up again
what is the best fore thise cycle
1-6 500 mg Testosterone-Propionate
i in a cycle now
Please stop what your doing. At 17 you are taking some serious risks here
i have alot of frinds take steroids before 21 years
and i just ask
If he's on it, and you're telling him to stop, which he should, at least giving proper pct advice would be decent...
But, OP, everything you need to know, has already been asked 100 times, so do some searching, and reading, instead of being a lazy Child!!
Really really, way to young to be doing AAS! Just because other kids are doing it, does NOT mean that they are going to be ok, in the end!
i in week 4 in the cycle and i very good !
i now alot of frinds take steroids in my age and have a child !
so i in cycle now whit the best for pct
Posted less than 3 weeks ago
You are too young to even be a member of this site. Are you truly doing a cycleOriginally Posted by m4ever
Unrelated question... Is English your first language? If so, do you talk like you write?
This is insane! You inject yourself with a drug you know nothing about and after a month into it you start to get worried about what to do afterward? There dozens of threads about this, read "the young and steroids;" go to the HRT section to see what you could be dealing with in 10 years. There is a thread for individuals under 25 that had consequences, there should be a thread with all these people under 20 who came in with no knowledge and DIDNT get any affirmation to start. Maybe need 10 posts minimal to create your own thread to maybe force people to read information (of course they would probably end up spamming...)?
Hopefully one of the more experienced lifters has a solution for you.
any realy answer ?
Stop taking steroids and go into pct and try and recover your natural test before you do yourself damage.
Dont be surprised if you have ED problems later down the road.And that is only one of the many problems you may occur.
i in the cycyle and i will not stop take steroids for any reason and I do not care
any realy answer
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This thread should close.
take clomid and nolvadex. good luck
oh my gah......
I'm thinking this fits:
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For other uses, see Stupidity (disambiguation).
Stupidity is a lack of intelligence, understanding, reason, wit, or sense. It may be innate, assumed, or reactive - "being 'stupid with grief' as a defence against psychological trauma",[1] a state marked with "grief and despair...making even simple daily tasks a hardship."[2]
Contents [hide]
1 Etymology of the word
2 Definition of Stupidity
3 Laws of Stupidity
4 Playing stupid
5 Intellectual stupidity
6 Persisting in folly
7 In culture
7.1 In comedy
7.2 In literature
7.3 In film
7.4 Awards
7.5 In technology
8 See also
9 References
10 Further reading
11 External links
Etymology of the word
Engraving after Pieter Breughel the Elder, 1556. caption: Al rijst den esele ter scholen om leeren, ist eenen esele hij en zal gheen peert weder keeren (Even if the Ass travels to school to learn, as a horse he will not return
Stupidity is a quality or state of being stupid, or an act or idea that exhibits properties of being stupid.[3] The root word stupid,[4] which can serve as an adjective or noun, comes from the Latin verb stupere, for being numb or astonished, and is related to stupor:[5] in Roman culture, "the stupidus of the mimes" was a sort of "professional buffoon - the 'fall-man', the eternal he-who-gets-kicked."[6]
According to the online Merriam-Webster dictionary, the words "stupid" and "stupidity" entered the English language in 1541. Since then, stupidity has taken place along with "fool," "idiot," "dumb," "moron," and related concepts as a pejorative appellation for human misdeeds, whether purposeful or accidental, due to absence of mental capacity.
The word "stupidest" is increasingly common in newspapers.[7][8][9]
Definition of Stupidity
The modern English word "stupid" has a broad range of application, from being slow of mind (indicating a lack of intelligence, care or reason), dullness of feeling or sensation (torpidity, senseless, insensitivity), or lacking interest or point (vexing, exasperating). It can either imply a congenital lack of capacity for reasoning, or a temporary state of daze or slow-mindedness.
In Understanding Stupidity, James F. Welles defines stupidity this way: "The term may be used to designate a mentality which is considered to be informed, deliberate and maladaptive." Welles distinguishes stupidity from ignorance; one must know they are acting in their own worst interest. Secondly, it must be a choice, not a forced act or accident. Lastly, it requires the activity to be maladaptive, in that it is in the worst interest of the actor, and specifically done to prevent adaption to new data or existing circumstances."[10]
Laws of Stupidity
The economic historian Carlo Maria Cipolla is famous for his essays about human stupidity. The essay, The Fundamental Laws of Human Stupidity, explores the controversial subject of stupidity. Stupid people are seen as a group, more powerful by far than major organizations such as the Mafia and the industrial complex, which without regulations, leaders or manifesto nonetheless manages to operate to great effect and with incredible coordination. These are Cipolla's five fundamental laws of stupidity:
Always and inevitably each of us underestimates the number of stupid individuals in circulation.
The probability that a given person is stupid is independent of any other characteristic possessed by that person.
A person is stupid if they cause damage to another person or group of people without experiencing personal gain, or even worse causing damage to themselves in the process.
Non-stupid people always underestimate the harmful potential of stupid people; they constantly forget that at any time anywhere, and in any circumstance, dealing with or associating themselves with stupid individuals invariably constitutes a costly error.
A stupid person is the most dangerous type of person there is.
Playing stupid
Eric Berne described the game of "Stupid" as having "the thesis...'I laugh with you at my own clumsiness and stupidity.'"[11] He points out that for the protagonist (White), "there is considerable external gain, since the less White learns, the more effectively he can play....He has known from an early age that everyone will be satisfied with him as long as he is stupid, despite any expressions to the contrary. People are surprised when in times of stress, if he decides to come through, it turns out that he is not stupid at all - any more than is the 'stupid' younger son in the fairy tale."[12]
In a Kleinian view[disambiguation needed] as "outlined by Wilfred Bion...pseudo-stupidity is a consequence of the massive tendency toward projection and the resulting inability to internalize new knowledge"[13] in the arrogant.
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