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Thread: Newbie looking for advice

  1. #1
    mrhiggins is offline New Member
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    Question Newbie looking for advice

    I'm 43 years old. I'm interested in taking oral steroids only. I'm looking for a quick gain of 25 to 30 pounds, that's all I don't want to get huge. I've always been the skinny kid. Always had a hard time putting weight on. So my question is. What would be the best oral steroid to put on 25 to 30 pounds? And how should I quit them and keep my gains? I will continue to workout afterwards.

  2. #2
    Zodiac85's Avatar
    Zodiac85 is offline Associate Member
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    You won't find much love for oral only cycles here. When it shuts down your natural testosterone you need something to replace it. Most people here will simply
    recommend a test only first cycle. Check out the stickies though, tons of good info.
    mrhiggins likes this.

  3. #3
    Flacco's Avatar
    Flacco is offline Member
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    From "MRhiggins" and "I've always been the skinny kid", plus the way your thread thread comes off, It seems like you may be lying about your age. No offense lol. You could take oral Testosterone , but its expensive, and you need to do alot of it. Risk (Price) vs reward is definitely not worth it... from what people have told me. And even with that... what is your definition of "quick gains." Its highly unlikely you'll put on 30 lbs in even 3 months and keep it most of it. Oral test will break a highschool kids wallet You should list your stats (real . Prove you're at least somewhat knowlegable about working out and nutrition. You'll get better responses/advice that way. It sounds like you haven't done any research yourself. Again... No offense. Just my opinion.

  4. #4
    mrhiggins is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flacco View Post
    From "MRhiggins" and "I've always been the skinny kid", plus the way your thread thread comes off, It seems like you may be lying about your age. No offense lol. You could take oral Testosterone , but its expensive, and you need to do alot of it. Risk (Price) vs reward is definitely not worth it... from what people have told me. And even with that... what is your definition of "quick gains." Its highly unlikely you'll put on 30 lbs in even 3 months and keep it most of it. Oral test will break a highschool kids wallet You should list your stats (real . Prove you're at least somewhat knowlegable about working out and nutrition. You'll get better responses/advice that way. It sounds like you haven't done any research yourself. Again... No offense. Just my opinion.
    Well I don't really know how to prove my age to you. I was born in 1969. Graduated hight school in 1988, graduated college in 1995. Was married for 15 years and have a 14 year old daughter. I have done research, but I was looking for advice from real people on this topic but, maybe I have come to the wrong place.

  5. #5
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrhiggins
    I'm 43 years old. I'm interested in taking oral steroids only. I'm looking for a quick gain of 25 to 30 pounds, that's all I don't want to get huge. I've always been the skinny kid. Always had a hard time putting weight on. So my question is. What would be the best oral steroid to put on 25 to 30 pounds? And how should I quit them and keep my gains? I will continue to workout afterwards.
    Your nutrition determines what you gain and sustain. You won't find the answer in a pill or an injection. You need to start with your stats so we can determine your TDEE and how to plan your nutrition for success. If you can't gain weight, the answer is in your nutrition, not a pill.

    There are no quick answers. Steroids aren't magic just as there is no magic weight loss pill.

    Oral only cycles are ill-advised due to the hepatotoxic risk. There's no point increasing your LBM if you impair your liver function.

    The best way to approach this is to list your stats (height, age, weight, bf%), how long you've been training seriously, and your current caloric intake with macronutrient break down.

  6. #6
    Flacco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrhiggins View Post
    Well I don't really know how to prove my age to you. I was born in 1969. Graduated hight school in 1988, graduated college in 1995. Was married for 15 years and have a 14 year old daughter. I have done research, but I was looking for advice from real people on this topic but, maybe I have come to the wrong place.
    Well, my fault if all that is true. Sorry, I'm not well educated (conventionally speaking). Your thread just came off like someone who has no experience, and didn't research anything they are doing. Personally, when I get into things that I'm passionate about, I love researching/learning about them myself. If you'd done any research, you may have read that most do not recommend oral only cycles. Its pretty common knowlege. If you're skinny, and not over 6'3"/4"... 30 lbs is alot. Without knowing your stats (height/weight) I'm guessing 30 lbs would get you pretty huge compared to what you are now. "Quick Gains" are relative. As Zodiac said. Oral only's are a no no. Unless its Oral Test. If you are 43, I would suggest talking to a Doc and maybe get Tested for TRT. Maybe check out the TRT section of this forum.
    Last edited by Flacco; 06-20-2013 at 12:28 AM.

  7. #7
    roasteddonut is offline New Member
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    Seems like most people recommend injection Testosterone as a first cycle.
    Ive been doing a good amount of reading the past couple days and found out that its much safer to use needles than pills.
    My only concern is if the injection hurts a good amount or of it will leave behind scars?

  8. #8
    C3RB3RUS is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by roasteddonut View Post
    Seems like most people recommend injection Testosterone as a first cycle.
    Ive been doing a good amount of reading the past couple days and found out that its much safer to use needles than pills.
    My only concern is if the injection hurts a good amount or of it will leave behind scars?
    really? you're worried about pain and scars? i'll qualify for HGH prescription-legit soon. because of your age, look into TRT like was said. go from there! sounds like you have tons of legit options. however, a "cycle" is not just the-steroid and making yourself a user does not guarrentee satisfaction. the others are more than right about your diet and workout routines and know tons about injectables. note that there are all kinds of other unwanted effects that can accompany steroid use ; look into "Ancillaries," and become familiar with the way your chosen AAS works. there is a lot of garbage on the net; find the really intelligent guys' posts. i know a little bit about orals, and everybody here seems to be against them. they are easy to find and are hard on the liver for sure! Injectables are safer and the results are better from what i hear. although, i have a theory and that theory is that you can screw up an oral cycle and not have to pay as high a cost as you would have to pay by screwing up an injectable cycle. though, i don't have any experiance with injectables, so don't pay any attention to the latter sentence. moreover, i'm not at all familiar with the term "ester," so i'm going to read about it right now. here's a "WTF" for you
    Last edited by C3RB3RUS; 06-20-2013 at 04:13 AM.

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