low t seems to run in my family. My father had 15 siblings mostly male, all had symptoms of low T none made it to 70, most died early to mid 60's.
I had mine tested when I was 28, I was in excellent physical shape. I had a perfect diet and workout plan but couldn't gain weight unless I let my diet go and gained fat. When I had mine tested at 28 my level was around 300. I went on a compound that I rubbed on forever. Finally got my dr to switch me to injections about 3 years in and have been on ever since.
My son who is now 16, I had checked at 15. He seemed to have a similar very skinny build like me and working out was really painful for him. The scale then was like 65-800 he came in at 70.
The Dr. prescribed him Test E 100mg EW. He was on for 3 months. Took him off after 3 tried to clean up his diet some more and keep him in the gym. After 2 months of being off he was checked again and came in at 550, still low for his age.
He has been back on 200mg EW for 1 month.
My question is this, should I encourage the Dr. to put him on HCG now, is it too late to put him on now and when he comes off what should he take to jump start his levels back.
please advise.