Hey there.
Dont worry this is not another thread with main subject id front loading long estered drugs works or not. I have heard so much different opinions, I decided to try myself.
After 2 months post competition cruise @250mg Test E/week today I am starting my first Reload according to Ronnie Rowland's slingshot system. It will consist of Test E 500mg/E3D (meaning 1,1g/week) and Deca 250mg/E3D (meaning 580mg/week).
I am going to front load both compounds and see what happens. To calculate amount to front load I used formula: inject on day 1 an amount which is the sum of what the usual injection would be plus the sum of what the total injections would be over the half-life of the particular drug.
So for Test E: 500/3*10,5 (amount over the half life) + 500 = 2250mg
and for deca: 250/3*14 + 250 = 1426mg (I injected 1500mg)
My question is: Have somebody ever tried this? What can I expect? I know Test E usually kicks around second week and deca around third week, so if front loaded I think it might be working in a few days, week top. Is that correct?
And the another question. This reload will last for 8 weeks and than 2 weeks deload will follow. So during this deload 250mg test E/week will be injected. Than another reload comes and dosage will be again as previous and Anadrol @100mg/day will be added. My question is, should I front load Test and deca again, because during those 2 weeks, levels will drop down roughly to half.. So should I inject 1500mg Test E and 100mg deca for the first reload dose, or normally continue 500mg and 250mg?