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Thread: Frontloading Test E and Deca + Slingshot system question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Frontloading Test E and Deca + Slingshot system question

    Hey there.

    Dont worry this is not another thread with main subject id front loading long estered drugs works or not. I have heard so much different opinions, I decided to try myself.

    After 2 months post competition cruise @250mg Test E/week today I am starting my first Reload according to Ronnie Rowland's slingshot system. It will consist of Test E 500mg/E3D (meaning 1,1g/week) and Deca 250mg/E3D (meaning 580mg/week).

    I am going to front load both compounds and see what happens. To calculate amount to front load I used formula: inject on day 1 an amount which is the sum of what the usual injection would be plus the sum of what the total injections would be over the half-life of the particular drug.

    So for Test E: 500/3*10,5 (amount over the half life) + 500 = 2250mg
    and for deca: 250/3*14 + 250 = 1426mg (I injected 1500mg)

    My question is: Have somebody ever tried this? What can I expect? I know Test E usually kicks around second week and deca around third week, so if front loaded I think it might be working in a few days, week top. Is that correct?

    And the another question. This reload will last for 8 weeks and than 2 weeks deload will follow. So during this deload 250mg test E/week will be injected. Than another reload comes and dosage will be again as previous and Anadrol @100mg/day will be added. My question is, should I front load Test and deca again, because during those 2 weeks, levels will drop down roughly to half.. So should I inject 1500mg Test E and 100mg deca for the first reload dose, or normally continue 500mg and 250mg?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Lubbock, TX
    I just front loaded my test/deca blast and did not notice anything different than when I just run them the same dosage throughout. I was cruising at 250mg for 6 weeks prior to blasting.

    Based on information that I read, it will build up in your system much quicker when front loading but I really didn't notice a different. I still had the majority of my noticeable gains begin in week 5 and maybe even closer to week 6.

    I think you might want to deload for a bit longer since you are using such a long lasting ester (e and decanoate). I'd post that question up in Ronnie's thread as he knows far more than I do. For the sling-shot method, it would be a better idea to run short esters vs long esters. They build up quicker and leave quicker and what you want during the deload is a really marked decrease in the amount of AAS in your body (as I'm sure you know).

    I could be totally wrong here, but if you drop the test and deca for two weeks and then start anadrol, deca and test (higher dose) again after those two weeks, you're body is still going to have a lot of the nandrolone in your body and you wont really have that low amount of AAS in the body that you want during the deload. I have ran the sling shot method and the first reload I had great gains but I was using long esters (decanoate) and on the second reload I didn't have as good of gains. I feel like it was a result of using long esters to sling-shot. Like I said, could be totally wrong, but that is what I have determined based on my experience. I'd look at running NPP and prop for the sling-shot.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Micanopy/Gainesville, Fl
    Hey guys, this old man, crazy here is lost on this one. I see the principal but don't have a clue as to what you're doing with those front load doses. I front load all my meds and I do with aas but it is just a double dose for the first two weeks. I'll be on the outside here reading as this thread goes. Good thread. ...crazy mike

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by crazy mike View Post
    Hey guys, this old man, crazy here is lost on this one. I see the principal but don't have a clue as to what you're doing with those front load doses. I front load all my meds and I do with aas but it is just a double dose for the first two weeks. I'll be on the outside here reading as this thread goes. Good thread. ...crazy mike
    It doesn't require rocket science to explain... With this particular doses you will achieve stable (not rising) levels by the time of the half life of the drug. Just think about it like this... If I shoot 2250mg of Test E as front load, in 10.5 days (considering 10.5 days half life) there will still be around 1125mg of the drug in the system. But by this time, if I wanna take 500mg E3D so little over a 1g/week, I will shoot the same amount (well a bit more but the final levels will always be a bit higher than front load) as has been already metabolized back into the system. So I don't have to wait 3-4 weeks for the drugs to kick in, because in 10 days I will reach final levels. Of course your way is used as well but there is no way to achieve desired levels in the same or shorter time. I guess your meds starts working fully maybe after 2.5-3 weeks instead of 4? Am I correct?

    Another thing... I was in a gym yesterday... About 24 hours after injecting front load doses... Do you think it is possible to feel onset of the drugs already or it is just placebo effect? I was strong as hell, pumps were unbelievable but the main difference was energy and focus... I usually spend around 75 minutes in the gym with 15 mins warm up and about 60 mins training... This time if was different.. I was half way through the training, looked on watch and just 20 minutes passed.. I was finished in another 20 minutes with great feeling... Went home ate half a chicken and rested on the bed pumped like hulk

    So I am starting to think that this front load method works wonders. Maybe only think which drives me crazy is my ass hurting like hell after taking in 8ml of oil (4 into each half)... God I never thought sitting by the computer in work can be such painful

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