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  1. #1
    Myers's Avatar
    Myers is offline Associate Member
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    DOing the research!

    So as my title says , I have a few questions regarding AAS and cycling.
    It's still research mode as I'm only 19 and not even near my genetic potential(i'm gonna w8 till 22-23 at least).
    But i am allowed to ask right?
    So my questions are these:
    1)When doing pct,do you include both clomi and nolva or just one of the components?
    2)Is AI really necessary? Let's say bodybuilders,dealers etc. here are still prettymuch uneducated about AIs so Arimidex or similar stuff is impossible to get.
    That would be all for now,thanks.

  2. #2
    JWP806's Avatar
    JWP806 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Myers View Post
    So as my title says , I have a few questions regarding AAS and cycling.
    It's still research mode as I'm only 19 and not even near my genetic potential(i'm gonna w8 till 22-23 at least).
    But i am allowed to ask right?
    So my questions are these:
    1)When doing pct,do you include both clomi and nolva or just one of the components? Yes, clomid and nolva.
    2)Is AI really necessary? Let's say bodybuilders,dealers etc. here are still prettymuch uneducated about AIs so Arimidex or similar stuff is impossible to get. Yes, high estrogen causes other problems than just gyno. Why would you risk not running an AI? Guys on trt can get by without one sometimes if they don't aromatize much and they are on true trt doses.
    That would be all for now,thanks.
    In red

  3. #3
    Gaspaco's Avatar
    Gaspaco is offline "The Italian Stallion"
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    1. I run both
    2. It is

  4. #4
    ppwc1985's Avatar
    ppwc1985 is offline Productive Member
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    Yes your allowed to ask ? That's why the site is here. To your ? About pct, yes it is recommended that you use both clomid and nolvadex . To your 2nd ? Yes you need an AI to control sides. Good choice to wait and educate before you medicate. Take your time and learn.

  5. #5
    Freestyle Child is offline Junior Member
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    Good idea to ask questions bro, theres so much to learn about take the right path! Im in the same boat!

    As for PCT: Yes both clomi/nolva are essential as they both have different effects but are similar at the same time
    AI: Yes, and AI would be necessary as well, i'd rather not have to worry about estrogen side effects, AI's are very easy to obtain IMO.

    Check Ar-r (site sponsor)

  6. #6
    Myers's Avatar
    Myers is offline Associate Member
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    Thx for the info,so 2nd question is still biggest concern , as i've talked with a lot of people around here, they either never heard about AI or just don't have it OR even if they get it they overprice it(would cost more than HGH ),let's say my country is like 20 years behind USA...about ar-r i don't think it would pass customs here,unless i had a good connection with either some1 from the hospital or customs.
    I was actually amazed how much people don't know here,even the ones that cycle frequently and for over 10 years,with this research i'm doing i'll probably know more than some experienced cyclers around which is tbh pretty bad and shows how uneducated we are,and thank god i came across this forum.
    I hope things will change in a few years and some1 might actually start getting the stuff lol...

  7. #7
    JWP806's Avatar
    JWP806 is offline Senior Member
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    If they don't know about AIs then they probably don't know shit about running gear. What country do you live in?

  8. #8
    Freestyle Child is offline Junior Member
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    I've learnt more through this forum then what i've heard from frequent cyclers... Sometimes their absolutely wrong it blows my mind!

    You wouldn't want to have a major gyno flare and not even be able to obtain an AI. Always important to have on hand.
    I know some people who don't need as their body doesn't aromatize majorly and aren't gyno prone.
    Take a read.

  9. #9
    Myers's Avatar
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    I live in Serbia. Just looked at the ar-r ,shipping would cost 41$+the component price ,would be most expensive part but oh well..price is never big enough if it helps u to keep ur health.

  10. #10
    carbo's Avatar
    carbo is offline Associate Member
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    I like how someone 19 yrs old can get all the answers under a simple assumption that they're going to wait 4 more years.

  11. #11
    Freestyle Child is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by carbo View Post
    I like how someone 19 yrs old can get all the answers under a simple assumption that they're going to wait 4 more years.
    Putting forward an effort to learn is what counts IMHO.

  12. #12
    JWP806's Avatar
    JWP806 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by carbo
    I like how someone 19 yrs old can get all the answers under a simple assumption that they're going to wait 4 more years.
    So people who are 19 shouldn't have any questions answered? They were basic questions, not cycle critique or advise. If no one answers his questions all he has to do is create another account and lie about his age and you'd probably be answering his questions too.

    I like how you wasted your time posting that thought.
    Last edited by JWP806; 06-02-2013 at 04:19 PM.

  13. #13
    carbo's Avatar
    carbo is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JWP806 View Post
    So people who are 19 shouldn't have any questions answered? They were basic questions, not cycle critique or advise. If no one answers his questions all he has to do is create another account and lie about his age and you'd probably be answering his questions too.

    I like how you wasted your time posting that thought.
    Obviously, you have hard time understanding sarcasm. I'd like to see you go ahead and extend your point to all the age/stats enforcers you see all over this place.

    And please, management of my time should be least of your worries.

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