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Thread: Steroids which are mainly Anabolic vs mainly Androgenic ?

  1. #1

    Steroids which are mainly Anabolic vs mainly Androgenic ?

    Hello, I know steroids are comprised into two things, Anabolic and Androgenic.
    As we all know anabolic is related to building muscle tisue and androgenic is related to sex characteristics and deepening of voice.

    My question is, when searching for steroids ... which is the most desired ratio? example higher anabolism or higher androgenism (<- not sure if a word)

    Also can anyone enlighten me to which one gives the strength gains? i'm guessing its steroids with higher androgenic properties? correct?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by dontcarealex View Post
    My question is, when searching for steroids ... which is the most desired ratio?

    Also can anyone enlighten me to which one gives the strength gains?
    Good questions, and you might get a number of different answers on these.

    What's the desired ratio? Testesterone is the AAS that our bodies naturally produce, and T's ratio is 100:100. So is this the perfect ratio? No. It it all depends on what your goals are.

    Regarding strength gains - Anabolism deals with cell volume, Androgenic properties deal with sexual differentiation, per definition both should increase strength. In practice, you need to look at the different compounds case by case.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Anavar is the purest anabolic, while proviron is the purest androgen (followed by masteron).
    But there is much more to a steroid's function than its A:A ratio.

  4. #4
    Thanks for the replys, anyone else want to help out too?

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