Hi All,
I just got my blood work back today. I'm on my 6th week of 70 mgs a day of Anavar. I know most of you are against Var/Oral only cycles but I have done it in the past with great results. You can see from my test results that my Testosterone level is soooo low but that is to be expected. I think I'm going to throw in a little test (150-200 mg/week) to bring me up a bit.
I'm 5'11...31 years old...184 lbs. BF is 9%.
I have packed on about 6 lbs of lean muscle, I'm pretty ripped...abs came in nice. I still have another 4 weeks to go.
My question is...take a look at my results. Cholesterol and Pituitary is off....anything to really worry about?
PS - The left column are my numbers and on the right is the suggested targeted zone to be in. I'm in Canada...maybe the numbering scales are different from the rest of the world. Thanks