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Thread: Looking to get into First Cycle,

  1. #1

    Looking to get into First Cycle,

    Hey all was directed over here from my intro post in the new members thread soo the following is basically cut and paste from there

    Im 26 years old 186cm and 95-97kgs

    Ive been gyming since I was 16 on and off breaking due to either lack of time/work injury getting crook or just motivation slumps.

    Have begun getting a whole lot more serious in the last 3 years especially since sept 2011 after returning from a workplace accident with my left ankle, alcohol consumption has been scaled right back and diet sorted but has decent room for improvement, also like most guys there is still room for more mass in the legs im sure (one reason im keen to run a cycle).

    As a point of interest with regards to gains I was 83kgs in late 2009 (noticed this from a douche gym related FB post of mine from then)

    Thus far the closest ive come to using any form of steroid I guess would be using a course of some crap called "ANAVADRIOL" I peaked at 101kgs from 96kg in a 4 week period and got what appears to be slight gyno in my left side and nothing on my right no other side effects bar slight shrinkage of the love spuds being over the counter I didn't take it too seriously or expect much so ran it with "DIM" capsules, gains also didn't hang around too long after either.

    now the life story is out of the way...

    Im looking to run my first cycle my mate/training partner is currently looking to run his 2nd or 3rd cycle using Deca , Tren , Test E over I believe a 12 week period, is it a poor decision on my behalf to do this also as a first cycle? am I getting way too far ahead of myself?

    should I just stick with the novice cycles as listed here? also is there much more to be gained from my body naturally given my current age and dimensions?

    cannot post a pic as it wont let my post links as a new user.

    Also im looking to run this cycle hopefully very soonish only thing is at the very start of September ive got a holiday booked for Singapore for 5 days which will likely involve drinking and such being it should fall at essentially the end is there any way to deal with it? at that time will it have adverse effects on me if I drink? (newbish and silly question I do realise but if I can get away with drinking it would be great as the trip is costing me $5k)

    Thanks for any help or info it is appreciated

  2. #2
    Seems like your buddy is running a stronger cycle than what your body would be ready for. May want to stick with something more simple to start with and get a cycle or two under your belt then you should be good to get into a cycle like the one you described. I started with cyp 2x/wk 1.2 ml each inj and ran winnie from weeks 6-10 at 30 mg/day. No issues with gyno or anything outside of the expected testicular atrophy. Running clomid for pct as well, but probably need to add arimidex or something similar. Didn't get a lot of clear info on that portion. Hope this help sand good luck.

    Oh and I'd try to hold of on heavy drinking, or as much as possible as that is a lot of strain on the liver. Enjoy the trip.

  3. #3
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    grillin chicken
    Welcome to the board Powerhead. I'll start by this is a great place
    To do researh and recommend that be first. Your knowledge is limited and you should know the how and why of each compound your going to introduce to your body. Test only is a first cycle along with an AI (aromatase inhibitor) HCG and proper PCT(post cycle therapy).
    You say your legs are weak, if so this should be corrected before AAS. Legs are the key to overall development and could be what's holding you back from your goals as well as nutrition.
    Hope this helps other will chime in as well.

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