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Thread: Emergency!! My friends 10 year old son almost injected test!!

  1. #1
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    Exclamation Emergency!! My friends 10 year old son almost injected test!!

    Just found out this morning yesterday one of my buddies caught his son with his preloaded syringe of test. Here's what his wife told me happen. (note he's a friend of mine but not a close friend. I'm 100%against child abuse of any kind and have no problem em em reporting this to child services for the child's safety)

    So yesterday apparently a buddy of mine was injecting test p. His 10 year old son seen him and asked him what that was (NO ONE SHOULD DO THIS IN FRONT OF CHILDREN. HES A ****ING IDIOT). He responded to his son it's for a disease called "diabetes " and it's insulin to help keep sugar in his blood. "it's like candy son"


    Apparently his son seen where he put his preloaded syringe and decided to go get it probably thinking it's candy since that's what his idiot dad told him. His wife called me this morning and told me since we "use" to workout together sometimes. Neither of them knows I do aas but he tells me everything about his cycle. Only person who knows I use gear is my girlfriend in whom I live with and we have no kids.

    His wife wants to report him and his aas use for the child's safety and I agree that she should. No child should be putin harms wway because some idiot abuses aas.

    Just thought I'd share this in hope that people will be more aware of what they're doing especially when they have children in the house.

    Please guys if your going to do aas, use it safely, responsibly and away from children.

  2. #2
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    What a jack ass. Ever heard of a lock box? Hope he doesn't have guns too.

  3. #3
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    He's a dumbass for sure but why would the wife report her own husband? Are they planning on divorcing?

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by MartyMcFly View Post
    He's a dumbass for sure but why would the wife report her own husband? Are they planning on divorcing?
    Not sure but if she's reporting she's clearly divorcing. He obviously cares more about aas than his own family

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by anahny

    Not sure but if she's reporting she's clearly divorcing. He obviously cares more about aas than his own family
    I don't know if you can make that inference based on the situation. Just sounds like a dumbass. Did his wife not know he was on?

  6. #6
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    If I was a 10years old, I would never come even close to the needle, no matter if that should taste like a NUTELA.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by JWP806 View Post
    I don't know if you can make that inference based on the situation. Just sounds like a dumbass. Did his wife not know he was on?
    She knew. She even told him multiple times to stop. He didn't listen so now look at what happened. One thing I know is when it comes to a mother and her child's safety, she's willing to do anything to protect that child (hopefully). Maybe not divorce but I'm sure this is going to be the biggest lesson this guy will ever learn. Maybe now his eyes is more opened now.

  8. #8
    fit2bOld's Avatar
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    Lock box for all gear and behind locked door to administer. What a idiot.

  9. #9
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    We've all done stupid things, so let's not judge his character but for a flaw in judgment. First offense. If she reports him she clearly doesn't approve of aas use. Brining this whole situation to such a level as to authorities, all kinds of people getting involved will not do any good for the boy. It will scare him, hurt his feeling that people are out to get his dad. He didn't abuse the boy from what we know. Better left for two or three adults to discuss quietly and to maintain level headedness to educate everyone involved. By telling the boy what he did, clearly shows he wanted to protect the child but didn't realize what he said. Big Fvcking mistake yes but easily overcome with a sensible ruling. Be cool people, the WHAT IF, didn't happen. ...crazy mike

  10. #10
    SexySweetheart is offline "Decide you want it ƸӜƷ more than your afraid of it"Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by anahny View Post
    Just found out this morning yesterday one of my buddies caught his son with his preloaded syringe of test. Here's what his wife told me happen. (note he's a friend of mine but not a close friend. I'm 100%against child abuse of any kind and have no problem em em reporting this to child services for the child's safety)

    So yesterday apparently a buddy of mine was injecting test p. His 10 year old son seen him and asked him what that was (NO ONE SHOULD DO THIS IN FRONT OF CHILDREN. HES A ****ING IDIOT). He responded to his son it's for a disease called "diabetes " and it's insulin to help keep sugar in his blood. "it's like candy son"


    Apparently his son seen where he put his preloaded syringe and decided to go get it probably thinking it's candy since that's what his idiot dad told him. His wife called me this morning and told me since we "use" to workout together sometimes. Neither of them knows I do aas but he tells me everything about his cycle. Only person who knows I use gear is my girlfriend in whom I live with and we have no kids.

    His wife wants to report him and his aas use for the child's safety and I agree that she should. No child should be putin harms wway because some idiot abuses aas.

    Just thought I'd share this in hope that people will be more aware of what they're doing especially when they have children in the house.

    Please guys if your going to do aas, use it safely, responsibly and away from children.
    wow and oh boy.
    reporting the father would lead to a sh!t storm for the mother and son as well... it should be a very last resort.
    I work in the system and have in different states, while each state is a tad different, the universal truth is that sometimes parents are not bad- they are just stupid about somethings.

    It sounds like the dads just an idoit that didnt think threw to the implications of describing is aas to his kid / has been using so long that he no longer sees it as an illegal and dangerous thing to be secretive of. Perhaps you could convey to your friend that having the state involved, and her in the home knowing of the fathers use could put her in jeopardy of loosing the child as well (depending on the state/ CPSW/ JUDGE) BUT 1 THING IS FOR SURE, THEY WILL MANDATE drug program of sorts and prob will remove the child if they believe dad wont stop while the states involved and she continues to reside with the father (esp if he dosent comply with the goals set forth for him by the state). even if they dont remove the child, having the state and all the programs constantly in your home/ making you jump through hoops / questioning everything... is a tense and scary thing

    in all honesty the states have their hands full with parents that are monsters and if this is the ONLY concern the mom has ~ it would be a waste to divert the state funds and time from more serious issues.
    suggest the a couple talk about boundaries, safety, location/time of usage, locked secure storage and the possible repercussions if the kid DID use - also discussing with the kid about off limit areas like the bedroom and daddys "medicine". there are ways to correct this with out possibly destroying a stable home or tapping the system of already short funds.
    I truly hope this is her only concern and that they take productive actions to correct it and prevent further instances

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazy mike
    We've all done stupid things, so let's not judge his character but for a flaw in judgment. First offense. If she reports him she clearly doesn't approve of aas use. Brining this whole situation to such a level as to authorities, all kinds of people getting involved will not do any good for the boy. It will scare him, hurt his feeling that people are out to get his dad. He didn't abuse the boy from what we know. Better left for two or three adults to discuss quietly and to maintain level headedness to educate everyone involved. By telling the boy what he did, clearly shows he wanted to protect the child but didn't realize what he said. Big Fvcking mistake yes but easily overcome with a sensible ruling. Be cool people, the WHAT IF, didn't happen. ...crazy mike
    I kind of agree with you Mike. Although, he
    1) did hear when his wife told him not to
    2) didn't keep his gear locked up
    3) administered it where his son could walk in on him

    Seems like a series of bad decisions.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazy mike View Post
    We've all done stupid things, so let's not judge his character but for a flaw in judgment. First offense. If she reports him she clearly doesn't approve of aas use. Brining this whole situation to such a level as to authorities, all kinds of people getting involved will not do any good for the boy. It will scare him, hurt his feeling that people are out to get his dad. He didn't abuse the boy from what we know. Better left for two or three adults to discuss quietly and to maintain level headedness to educate everyone involved. By telling the boy what he did, clearly shows he wanted to protect the child but didn't realize what he said. Big Fvcking mistake yes but easily overcome with a sensible ruling. Be cool people, the WHAT IF, didn't happen. ...crazy mike
    Good thoughts crazy mike and your probably right. Reporting him will definitely cause more problems for the boy. They had a big conversation last night about It but felt confused about what she would do. So I believe that's why she called me this morning and told me. Either way it's her decision what she wants to do. But I'm pretty sure he learned his lesson and won't make that mistake again. From what I know he loves his son a lot and haven't heard anything about him putting him in harms way until this. Yes people make mistakes but this is a big one.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by anahny View Post
    Good thoughts crazy mike and your probably right. Reporting him will definitely cause more problems for the boy. They had a big conversation last night about It but felt confused about what she would do. So I believe that's why she called me this morning and told me. Either way it's her decision what she wants to do. But I'm pretty sure he learned his lesson and won't make that mistake again. From what I know he loves his son a lot and haven't heard anything about him putting him in harms way until this. Yes people make mistakes but this is a big one.
    Exactly man. Authorities have NO PLACE in this one at this time. He loves his boy and he's being raked over, it is needed so no further punishment will do any good. Maybe you might pass that on if needed and the right time and place. ...crazy mike

  14. #14
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    Guy needs his head sortin out. reportin wud be right, but u run the risk if she was aware of the use that the kid could rnd up with no parents you know?, jusr seriously needs a.dMn good talkin to. N to keep that part of his life.behimd.closed.doors. really messed up.situ.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by JWP806 View Post
    I kind of agree with you Mike. Although, he
    1) did hear when his wife told him not to
    2) didn't keep his gear locked up
    3) administered it where his son could walk in on him

    Seems like a series of bad decisions.
    1) Ah yes, so you're married right? And you do AAS. What if you're wife told you to stop. Would you?
    2) Keeping gear locked up isn't necessary for a 10 year old, just a really bad-ass hiding spot. Either he lacked imagination, or his son is a super genius secret agent.
    3) Agreed, poor decision and poor planning.

  16. #16
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    Jeezus...shooting illegal drugs in front of your 10 y.o.

    Does he have no tact or fukn sense?

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Jeezus...shooting illegal drugs in front of your 10 y.o.

    Does he have no tact or fukn sense?
    Yep, yep...good thought Lunk1. ..........keeping it short here boss.. ha, haaaa!

    Ah yes, so you're married right? And you do AAS. What if you're wife told you to stop. Would you? What does that have anything to do with. No generic answerer, no generic circumstances to make the decision. Just because she says or a good reason.
    when married it's a family affair

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazy mike View Post
    Yep, yep...good thought Lunk1. ..........keeping it short here boss.. ha, haaaa!

    Ah yes, so you're married right? And you do AAS. What if you're wife told you to stop. Would you? What does that have anything to do with. No generic answerer, no generic circumstances to make the decision. Just because she says or a good reason.
    It has everything to do with everything.

  19. #19
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    Its a shame we can no longer rely on natural selection to weed out idiots like this guy.
    His head is way up his ass .....

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by oscarjones View Post
    It has everything to do with everything.
    I disagree. My marriage has lasted 34 yrs. I don't just do what she says. ...crazy mike

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazy mike View Post
    I disagree. My marriage has lasted 34 yrs. I don't just do what she says. ...crazy mike
    34 years, I guess that's why they call you crazy mike. Lol I'm kidding that's pretty good. Most marriages don't make it past 5 year's like mine lol

  22. #22
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    wow. Crazy people out there.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  23. #23
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    I think reporting to CPS opens cans of worms better left in the can.

    Better to deal with internally as a family instead of bringing government into the problem.

    I think mom and dad both need to sit down and have a family conversation with the lad. No need to discuss AAS, but probably better to explain it is "medicine" that dad takes to help improve how his body feels. No need to go into all the details, but he needs to explain that his earlier explanation was a bad explanation and he is sorry for telling him "it is like candy".

    At this point, everything must be locked up, and he must not inject in front of his children.

    Back in my day, I would have thought "dad" was a junkie. Lord knows I've seen enough people on drugs (PCP, angel dust, LSD) when I was a youngster.

    Strike two for dad in his wreckless activities in front of his children


  24. #24
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    Sounds like she wants him to stop and he is not willing to, this may be her sick way of getting him to stop, not saying this is true but it is a possibility, not something my girlfriend would do but iv had ex's that were that crazy.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazy mike View Post
    I disagree. My marriage has lasted 34 yrs. I don't just do what she says. ...crazy mike
    That was my original point lol. Sorry. Maybe worded my response confusingly. Was trying to give the guy some credit for disobeying his wife about using, like so many of us AAS users do.
    Last edited by oscarjones; 06-05-2013 at 11:28 AM.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by oscarjones View Post
    That was my original point lol. Sorry. Maybe worded my response confusingly. Was trying to give the guy some credit for disobeying his wife about using, like so many of us AAS users do.
    OK, Thank you for the clarification. I forgive you...ha, haa, jking. ...not so crazy mike

  27. #27
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    dont ask for a source thx
    Quote Originally Posted by crazy mike View Post
    We've all done stupid things, so let's not judge his character but for a flaw in judgment. First offense. If she reports him she clearly doesn't approve of aas use. Brining this whole situation to such a level as to authorities, all kinds of people getting involved will not do any good for the boy. It will scare him, hurt his feeling that people are out to get his dad. He didn't abuse the boy from what we know. Better left for two or three adults to discuss quietly and to maintain level headedness to educate everyone involved. By telling the boy what he did, clearly shows he wanted to protect the child but didn't realize what he said. Big Fvcking mistake yes but easily overcome with a sensible ruling. Be cool people, the WHAT IF, didn't happen. ...crazy mike
    holy crap buddy I cant believe I read this whole post and understood what you meant and I agree fully, going to the authorities should be a last resort because everyone will suffer especially money wise...the guys a dumb ass but there are better ways of dealing with the problem like an intervention or something to that effect...if the wife wants out there are better ways, divorce is expensive as it is why get the cops involved...

  28. #28
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    Did I miss the steroid question?

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