Hello Everyone!
I am going into my third week of a Sustanon 250 and Winny cycle pinning 500mg of Sustanon a week and .50mg of Winny EOD. I am 5'10' 195lbs and 15% body fat. I work out an average of 4 days a week, but picked it up to 5 days a week once I started my cycle. My diet is pretty clean with low carbs and high protein.
A couple of questions:
1. I am feeling very lethargic and have flu like symptons with body aches. I've read that this is very common when taking Sustanon, but was wondering when I could expect to see these symptoms go away. Is there anything I can take twhile on cycle hat would help boost energy and relieve some of these symptoms?
2. I have clomid and nova lined up for my PCT, but was wondering if it is necessary to take both since this is my first cycle or should I take one over the other?
I apologize in advance if these questions have already been asked, but I am new to the board and this is my first cycle so I am hoping to get some advice and also provide a resource thread for newbiew like myself.
Thank you - C