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Thread: 400 mg sust, 3 step?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    400 mg sust, 3 step?

    Hi guys.

    I just got my hands on some 400 mg/ml sust.
    How often a week would you shoot it due to the high amount of prop in it?

    100 mg prop
    100 mg enan
    200 mg cyp

    Also, doesn´t it seem strange that the sust has enen and cyp since they have a very similar half life?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    new york
    Quote Originally Posted by goatofthunder View Post
    Hi guys.

    I just got my hands on some 400 mg/ml sust.
    How often a week would you shoot it due to the high amount of prop in it?

    100 mg prop
    100 mg enan
    200 mg cyp

    Also, doesn´t it seem strange that the sust has enen and cyp since they have a very similar half life?
    you should shoot eod. What are your stats and what dosage are you planning on running it

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    new york
    yes seems like a weird pointless blend. should just be enanthate and prop or cyp and prop not all three

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    sustanon is a 4 ester blend usually...prop, phenyl prop, isocaprioate, and I think deconate...I may be wrong..

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by oliver2828 View Post
    you should shoot eod. What are your stats and what dosage are you planning on running it
    Haven´t decided the dosage, I plan on using it at low dose and run tren at a higher dosage.
    Love those cycles..

  6. #6
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by goatofthunder View Post
    Hi guys.

    I just got my hands on some 400 mg/ml sust.
    How often a week would you shoot it due to the high amount of prop in it?

    100 mg prop
    100 mg enan
    200 mg cyp

    Also, doesn´t it seem strange that the sust has enen and cyp since they have a very similar half life?
    I am NOT a fan of sust!

    In order to maintain blood serum levels as consistently as possible, you need to base your injection protocol on the fasting acting esther in the cocktail. and since that is prop, I'd recommend pinning every day, and if you don't like needles, then every other day at the most.

    Make sense?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    I am NOT a fan of sust!

    In order to maintain blood serum levels as consistently as possible, you need to base your injection protocol on the fasting acting esther in the cocktail. and since that is prop, I'd recommend pinning every day, and if you don't like needles, then every other day at the most.

    Make sense?
    I have no problem pinning ed or eod. I plan on using this sust at a low dose and running it with tren at a higher dose...

  9. #9
    I took sus when I started out but found that a single ester lowers my sides (acne) and gives good results. Sus hurts like a mother too. Over time, with any ester, you're going to have a stable sustained endogenous Test level. I prefer to stick with a short ester like Prop or go with a longer ester like Eth or Cyp. I don't see the need to mix esters. My .02

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    I took sus when I started out but found that a single ester lowers my sides (acne) and gives good results. Sus hurts like a mother too. Over time, with any ester, you're going to have a stable sustained endogenous Test level. I prefer to stick with a short ester like Prop or go with a longer ester like Eth or Cyp. I don't see the need to mix esters. My .02
    I agree with you although sus has never worked any differently for me then enan and i shot it 2x a week (traditional sust blend)
    The only reason i bought it was due to a high test level per ml and crazy good price.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    It's a good price but my guess it that due to the high concentration, it will be painful.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    It lo

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Garden of England
    It looks like test 400 to me it hasn't got the deconate etc

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