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Thread: Libido left, then girlfriend left. Libido still not back, confused on liquidex dosag

  1. #1

    Libido left, then girlfriend left. Libido still not back, confused on liquidex dosag

    Hey guys,

    Im on 200/week Test Cyp, plus 1 gram a day compounded test cream, and HCG 250 2xweek. I know this is not exactly a cycle and not exactly TRT but is it enough to raise E2 to kill my libido?

    I started this process a year ago to get my libido back. First bloodwork showed 348 Total Test. Tried clomid, doubled T, but didnt help libido. Then the girlfriend who was out of my league to begin with left, so certainly thats not helping.

    THen I tried Testim, actually got my libido back for a week but couldnt stand the smell/stickyness so I switched to shots.

    Next step 100/week Test cyp injections with HCG, then bumped to 200/week test cyp plus HCG, but shots didnt help libido like Testim did, then added compounding cream in hopes that DHA was was helped me on testim.

    Basically I dont give a shit about my T levels right now. Well I do, and I feel good overall, but at the moment that is a distant second to my missing libido. Sorry for the rant, Im just bummed and frusterated.

    From all I have read on here everyone responds to everything differently, but given what Im currently doing:
    200 test cyp/week (injected 100 M and Thurs)
    250 HCG injected sub q Sat and Sun
    1g compounded Test Cream daily

    What dosage of Arimidex would you START with? The bottle I have says "2mg 30 ml" I assume that means 2mg/ml as well.

    Sorry I seem so beat down, just getting tough dealing with this.

    FYI-Im 35, 190, 15% bf, eating clean, losing fat, lifting 5x week. And I realize this isnt a proper Cycle, nor is it a proper TRT. I wont do this forever, Ive been doing the shots for 5 weeks, and plan on cycling off with clomid, ect after 8 more weeks. If I havent found a libido cure by then I will PCT and start over. FML.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Personally, I think you should stop everything. Wait 14 days and PCT with clomid 100 100 50 50 and nolva 40 40 20 20. Give it a month or so after PCT, then get a sensitive e2 essay, free T and compete metabolic panel run.

    If you're having erectile issues, try Cialis at 3-5Mg day.

    Is your "treatment protocol" self diagnosed, or is it overseen by a DR?

    Hang tight.....other peeps will chime in soon

  3. #3

    Seriously thanks for the reply. The Dr prescribed the Compounded test cream. Everything else is all self diagnosed. I noticed with both the cream and the shots Im getting pretty consistent morning wood, which is really the only positive thing I have going for me. HOWEVER Im desperate to get my libido back because honestly not having one for a year starts to do horrible things to you mentally. Im going to see an endocronologist but they cant get me in for 2 weeks. I also have quite a bit of consistent anxiety. I know this can be caused by elevated E as well, or it could be life. But if it is the E2, and I can keep some pretty high test levels for a couple more months to get in better shape, I would love to know how to use this damn dropper. I realize its a pretty unique situation but Im praying someone can give me a starting point like: Take 5 drops EOD for a week or something. Again, thanks for your thoughts. I plan on coming off everything in a couple months, I have a big vacation planned in August so Im going to try to get in the best shape I can and then drop everything and start over.

  4. #4
    SexySweetheart is offline "Decide you want it ƸӜƷ more than your afraid of it"Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Stuart37 View Post

    Seriously thanks for the reply. The Dr prescribed the Compounded test cream. Everything else is all self diagnosed. I noticed with both the cream and the shots Im getting pretty consistent morning wood, which is really the only positive thing I have going for me. HOWEVER Im desperate to get my libido back because honestly not having one for a year starts to do horrible things to you mentally. Im going to see an endocronologist but they cant get me in for 2 weeks. I also have quite a bit of consistent anxiety. I know this can be caused by elevated E as well, or it could be life. But if it is the E2, and I can keep some pretty high test levels for a couple more months to get in better shape, I would love to know how to use this damn dropper. I realize its a pretty unique situation but Im praying someone can give me a starting point like: Take 5 drops EOD for a week or something. Again, thanks for your thoughts. I plan on coming off everything in a couple months, I have a big vacation planned in August so Im going to try to get in the best shape I can and then drop everything and start over.
    i wish you much luck, 2 weeks will go by fast yet seem to take fore ever ~ hopefully you get someone that knows their sh!t

    soory about your gf. as a girl i know we need to feel desired and with out/no sex drive translate to us that you flat our just dont want us...yet loosing a gal that decides your other qualities dont out weigh your low sex drive... no great loss to you (if you have been open with her and she understood that it was a med condition- not just that you dont get aroused by her)

    but of luck and stay with the pursuit of normality, no matter what or who are the helped me threw the guidance of these amazing members <3

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    I'm by no means a pro but for what it is worth .....find a HRT/TRT doc. I believe either your e2 is too high or too low but everyone is different and it does take a while to get your e and t levels dialed in so that they work for you.

    Try reposting this in the HRT/TRT forum the people over there can give you way more advice!

    Best Of Luck!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Honestly, i dont think youve been on the test long enough....5 weeks??

    Give it some time...i would continue the injections and let your body saturate with like 16 weeks, then see how you feel...i would even bump to 500/week, JUST to see if it really is a TEST least if you dont have a libido at 500/week @ 16 weeks, then you know something else is going on....

    And estro is good for your libido, i wouldnt use any form of AI, unless your getting sides..

    This is all just personal opinion.

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