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Seriously thanks for the reply. The Dr prescribed the Compounded test cream. Everything else is all self diagnosed. I noticed with both the cream and the shots Im getting pretty consistent morning wood, which is really the only positive thing I have going for me. HOWEVER Im desperate to get my libido back because honestly not having one for a year starts to do horrible things to you mentally. Im going to see an endocronologist but they cant get me in for 2 weeks. I also have quite a bit of consistent anxiety. I know this can be caused by elevated E as well, or it could be life. But if it is the E2, and I can keep some pretty high test levels for a couple more months to get in better shape, I would love to know how to use this damn dropper. I realize its a pretty unique situation but Im praying someone can give me a starting point like: Take 5 drops EOD for a week or something. Again, thanks for your thoughts. I plan on coming off everything in a couple months, I have a big vacation planned in August so Im going to try to get in the best shape I can and then drop everything and start over.