I have done 8 anavar cycles the last 4 years with nolva PCT. Feeling the past year that the motivation, lidibo, the spark in life is not there.

Last cycle was 70mg anavar for 60 days with POWER PCT protocol. ( HCG , Nolva, clomid )

Now 10weeks after PCT i had bloodwork done. It read 199ng/dl (very low!)

My plan is to cut out the steroids for life and get my life back.

What would you recommend me to do? Wait a couple of months and hope for it to raise natural or should i do an second PCT? (Before i have another bloodwork done)

Iam 25 years old,

Here are the test

Im in europe so we measure nmol/L

P-Testo.Total - 6.5 nmol/L ( Range 7,6 - 31 ) ( Equal to 199ng/dl )
P-Shbg 17 ( Range 10-80 )
Test/Shbg - 0.39

All other, blood fats and such was in range.

All help is appreciated.