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  1. #1
    spiderman87 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Adding HCG to cycle

    Hey guys. I'm in week 4 of my Test Cyp/Anavar cycle.
    Currently 5'11- 190 pounds @ 13% BF.
    running 500mg/week test cyp and 75mg/day Anavar. Will run the test for 12 weeks. Anavar for 3 more weeks.

    The HCG should have been here when I started my cycle but after a lost shipment and having to order more I will finally get it tomorrow. It's a 5,000 IU bottle.
    I've never ran HCG before. I'm trying to understand exactly how it works as far as mixing.... what to mix and how much to take. I've read to take 250 IU twice a week. If I figured it up right, 2 ML of water is 200 IU. 5,000 IU/200 IU is 25 IU of HCG to 1 IU of Water. So I should be taking 10 IU each injection. Correct?
    I was only able to get one bottle of HCG so should I take during cycle or for PCT? I'm already taking Adex and have Clomid and Nolva for PCT.

  2. #2
    Gaspaco's Avatar
    Gaspaco is offline "The Italian Stallion"
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Mix 5000iu with 2ml of BW.

    0.10ml = 250iu

    Start as soon as you can and run it until 4days before PCT.

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