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  1. #1
    SnatchLvr's Avatar
    SnatchLvr is offline New Member
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    Calculating Cycle Schedule

    I calculate my cycle schedule based on the half-life of the compounds I'm using;
    I try to find a balance between having constant - as possible - blood levels and comfort & convenience.
    Pinning every day will keep the levels in your blood the most constant, but they'll be lower.
    Is it better to fluctuate a bit and hit higher peaks, or keep the levels more constant with lower levels. Opinions?

    The pic shows three example schedules using test prop. The first is 75mg a day, the second is 150mg EOD, and the last one is 250mg every third day. The first is the most constant, but your levels will never get above ~71mg a day. The last option has the most fluctuation over a three day period, but your levels will peak above 100mg. Which is optimal?
    Calculating Cycle Schedule-compare.png

  2. #2
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    In general, I would prefer to have more steady levels.

    Higher levels lead to more conversion to estrogen and I believe peaks and valleys contribute to more acne for me (purely anecdotal, I have not data).

    Having said that, I would only inject Prop daily if the volume was too high to do EOD. That is just a ton of injections and I don't need the scar tissue. I inject twice a week (104 injections a year) for TRT so I would probably try and find a balance between test levels and injections.

  3. #3
    SnatchLvr's Avatar
    SnatchLvr is offline New Member
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    I would prefer steady levels myself, but have never done every day pinning. The prop was from another post that got me wondering what others do, and was meant only as an example.

  4. #4
    D2'd's Avatar
    D2'd is offline Junior Member
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    I'm still not 100% convinced that a constant level of hormone is that crucial. Your body naturally "pulses" hormones as well so.....

  5. #5
    AlinSR is offline new member
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    Jan 2013
    This is really not that complicated. Small details don't really matter that much.

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