Although I am still several months from my first cycle I have a couple of questions. It looks like I will be able to run test cyp for my first cycle (test first cycle as recommended by this forum). Would 400mgs/week of test cyp be a good dose? How many weeks? I am on trt so when the cycle is over do I just pick up my trt dose where I left off or do wait for a specified time period before starting the trt again? Also going to need to know which labs to order and at what points in the cycle to get tested.
Almost forgot. How much over TDEE will I need to feed the gains?
This will be a very basic 1st cycle consisting of 400/mgs test/week for xx weeks (or 500mgs?), an A.I. to keep E2 in check, labs, eat more, lift more and get plenty of quality rest. Anything else?