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Thread: Need Your Advice Plz
12-06-2001, 10:02 PM #1
Need Your Advice Plz
Okay, this is how it goes. My friend wants to go on a cycle. I've thought about it too, not sure yet, might not. We are both 19, been working out for about 2 years. My friend is 175 pounds, 6 feet or so.
He found through a contact, that he can get a bottle of 25ml of Winny for about 250 bucks (canadian). However, it comes in one bottle. He's pretty sure that it's the real thing, his friend has bought it, and the other shit that his friend bought worked well.
Now there were a few things we were wondering. If my friend goes on just the Winny, 25mg a day, for an 8 week cycle, what kinds of gains can he expect. Now remember, this is his first cycle, he doesn't want to go all out on this, this is just a baby practice cycle. It's not about the money either, he could go on more shit if he wanted to. However, he doesn't really want to put on too much noticable mass (ppl might get suspicious). But he heard Winny is the best thing for strengthening and hardening the muscles. So is it a good idea or what ?
Also, in terms of injecting it, he heard that the best way would be to just use insulin needles and inject into places like, legs, biceps, traps. Is this right ? And are the insulin needles good enough. Since the Winny is a water based steroid , it should be easy going with the small insulin needles. Also, which is the BEST place to inject it ???
We also read that if you take Winny, it's a daily injection, so like 25mg into dif areas everyday ? Monday right bi, Tuesday left bi, Wed right leg, Thurs left leg, etc... ???
We also probably won't get any anti-estrogens cause we read somewhere (i think it was the Testosterone magazine) that the Winny can't aromatize.
One more thing, is it okay to buy the Winny now, and just stash it someplace (like a locker) and save it for a few months and take it after say 4-5 months of purchase? It won't go bad will it ?
What ya'll think ???
12-06-2001, 10:04 PM #2ptbyjason Guest
Personally, I don't think either of you are ready for gear yet. You need to grow naturally for a while and get a little older.
12-06-2001, 10:06 PM #3
Well your not the first to suggest that
But, most likely my friend will go on it either way, so i was hoping you could help him out a bit, better then him doing it cold!
12-06-2001, 10:55 PM #4
Ya know Terinox, if most people are telling you that it’s not a good idea, don’t you think maybe it’s the best advice of any to follow? Your age and training experience for starters is a huge factor. I’m not trying to be a dick or anything, but if I were you I’d at least do more research on the subject before I decided to just go ahead and “Do it anyway”. For starters, go into the DRUG PROFILE section of this site and look up Winstrol Depot. That at the very least should answer most of your questions about the product and what to take with it. Second, I would search around this board for similar posts regarding Beginners and A/S, Injections; Winny questions and pretty much anything else that you could find in order to help yourself out. The archives will be full of Q and A that will help you out better than any one member’s post could. You say your friends got money to burn, there are a lot of other things you might consider before plopping down a few hundred bucks on sauce before anything. You didn’t mention diet, supplement use, workout routine, hell you’re not even sure that the stuff you got is legit! You didn’t even really mention what kind of goal that your…um FRIEND is trying to obtain. Do you understand what we’re trying to tell you here? I guarantee you, the guys that you are really going to want to obtain any advise from on this board, did a hell of a lot more research than this before they started using A/S and the ones that didn’t I assure you wish that they had.
Think it over.
12-06-2001, 11:00 PM #5
Everyone is going to tell you that your not ready for a cycle yet... just look at all the other posts that people your age have put up!
12-06-2001, 11:19 PM #6
Terinox. Tell your friend to find a perfect diet for himself. After he does that for 3 months, ask him if he wants to juice. If your diet is good enough(protein, fat , calories) and you train hard you will gain lots of mass. He will be happy with it. Then try to do it for a year and then you might start to think about gear again. Try that, it will work if you want it to work. I wouldn't take winny by itself(just to let you know).
12-06-2001, 11:39 PM #7
Alright, thnx for the advice. Same info I've gotten for the last month or so
In terms of research, we have done it, over the summer we went on Deca but for a very short time, just to experiment. We didn't stick with it, decided to go a little longer natural. And i'm not saying that we want to go on the mad steroid stacks. We've read up on that stuff alot, my friend has gone in some real depth. He's been to the library reading Steroid magazines/books for the past 2/3 months. He knows the stuff about how to inject, what Winny is, what else you can take with it etc... It's just an experiment cycle he wants to go on to get a bit of a boost in his strength. He knows that. It's not like he's expecting to get some odd 30 pound increase in weight. That's the whole point.
He works out about 3 days a week for about 2/3 hours per session. My routine is dif, I workout about 5/6 times a week. We continuously talk about this shit with each other. We've thought about going all natural till the end of university (4 years) then hitting the steroids harder. But then we also think about shorter cycles n shit. Like I said, I'm not sure, my friend keeps changing his mind on and off. One week he wants it real bad, the next week he's saying maybe. But it's not the research that we haven't done. We've actualy done quite a bit. And we still do quite a bit. We read magazines, books, websites, and I'm in this forum basically everyday.
It's just some basic advice I wanted from you guys. Because no matter what you say, or what I say to my friend, if he wants his Winny, he's gonna go on his Winny. In terms of the shit being real, first of all, we haven't bought it yet, but the guy who sells the shit seems to be legit. Because he's sold some steroids (Sus and DBol ) to another one of our friends and he's taken it for about two weeks and has had amazing results (increased about 10 pounds in weight, maybe more, and has gone up about 70pounds on his bench press). Now were not saying that we want this...we are just saying about the Winny. It would be an 8 week cycle max, with no steroid follow up.
Also, what's wrong with taking it alone? Wouldn't it still work okay and give the mild results my friend is looking for ? His diet is okay, he eats a lot (probably could eat more), and he does take protein, about 50 grams a day. GNC brand protein.
Plus, if my friend goes on the Winny, like I said, he's gonna wait till the summer time, and by then we're basically 20 years old each. You guys have said u'rselves that a lot of you started at a young age (was in one of the polls posted in this forum).
But still, no one is saying that my friend is sitting here with the needle all lubed up and halfway in his thighwe just wanted to know about the Winny and the injecting (insulin needles), and which would be the ideal place to inject. We already know the areas, and how, just wondering if there is a more "better" site to inject. Also, I just read today that some drink the Winny, and so maybe I can tell my friend about that, and it would be a lot safer then playing around with needles and risky some injuries, etc...
12-07-2001, 04:43 AM #8ptbyjason Guest
He is working out 2-3 hours at a time, 3 X a week. Is that right or is it 2/3 of an hour for 3 X a week. He takes in 50 grams of protein a day, eh? If he uses steroids or not, he needs to make some changes to his workout and diet. Can you get him on here? (I did read your entire post, but there is no doubt that neither of you are ready right now.) Oh yeah, and the poll about people saying they started at an early age, did you read the part where people were regretting using at an early age or did you ignore it?
12-07-2001, 12:21 PM #9
im a little confused by this whole situation. it sounds to me like you are going to do whatever your friend decides to do, unless of course you are your friend. from the looks of it, the research you have done isnt really going to do you much good because you still have so many basic questions. the best thing the two of you can do is sit down and look at your workout and diet. 50 grams of protein a day is nowhere near enough protein. you need to make some real changes as far as working out and diet are concerned before you even consider using steroids . my advice- before you go sticking anything in your friends ass (needles of course) get your friend on this site and do A LOT MORE RESEARCH about this. theres no need to rush into using, take your time and you will be much better off
12-07-2001, 07:05 PM #10
LOL, u got the wrong idea, I don't mean he gets fucken 50grams of protein a day. From just protein shakes, overall in his diet it's between 150 to 200 grams of protein. Is it that bad that taking Winny for only one 8 week cycle it will fuck us up that bad???
No, I'm not my friend, he is someone else. I've told him about this forum, but he doesn't used the internet as much, and not from home, cause he doesn't want any problems there.
If I do go on steroids , it won't be till summe time, or even later after that. What age would you say is good then??? I'll be hitting 20 in the summer time, is that still too young? Testosterone in your body (as i've heard) is peaked when you are 18, and then slowly decreases, and around the ages of 21/22 stays constant until about 60 or so. I think I saw this on tv a while back, I think it's accurate. So what about age, when am I ready then (according to age). And don't tell me that it's different for everyone, and it depends on their workout, etc... I already know that stuff, but in terms of a rough age, what would you say?
12-07-2001, 07:40 PM #11
Obviously your not gonna listen to anyone who tells you your too young. But you definitely need to change up at least your diet. 150-200 grams per day isnt shit. Up your protein to at least 2grams/lb. of body weight (150lbs.=at least 300grams) Im not sure if anyone else answered this but you dont have to inject winny, you can drink it, and the doses used are greater than 25mg. Everyone else on the board will agree with me that if you train like an animal and eat like one too, you will be happy with your gains. Like someone mentioned before, try that for a year, than think about AS again. Peace
12-07-2001, 08:12 PM #12
Okay, I get what you say...but then when is the time??? Like I said in my previous reply, what age is the right age then huh? What is a rough age at least ?????
Why would I need 300+ grams of protein if i'm not even on the juice yet??? Pete235 put up a cycle he's going on, and he's taking MAD steroids , and he's only getting about 400 grams of protein a day. Why would I need more then 200grams max ??? I've been told that's plenty good!
12-07-2001, 08:35 PM #13
IMO you just need a little more natural training. I wanted to get my hands on some gear too at your age, but just couldnt afford it. Now Im only 21 and have done 1 cycle to date, one in which I was uninformed on the proper doses and diet. I did 250mg/week of Sus (1 cc) for 5 weeks. Now I trained my ass off just cause thats what I always did but was reluctant to gain any mass. I regret that I did this and feel lucky to have this board now. Im currently looking into starting a cycle within the next couple months, but everyday In learning something new on this board.
About the protein, IMO eat as much as you can get in. Im only 185lbs and probably take in about 400 grams a day. It has worked for me as I have always been told to eat a shitload of protein. I have trouble not putting on weight because of this, while keeping my BF to the same level. So really its up to you because if you or your friend really want to do it, you will. Hope I could help. Peace
12-07-2001, 09:15 PM #14
Ten tell your friend to join the board and ask his own questions, for the looks of it you arent taking anyones advice here so why do you keep asking questions?!?
Everyone is trying to help you and you dont even realize it. try to make some diet changes, and tell your friend he can do what he wants... tell his to RESEARCH, and why dont YOU do some research too. look up winny in the serach and you will learn what it does, then you will discover its not what you want.
and when did you use the deca ? how much?
because i distinctly rememer you asking a injection procedure question not to long ago and how would you have used deca if you didnt know how to inject?
my advice: listen to people here, screw your friend tell him to reserach and join... an as for you train hard and eat right then see what happens. AND your test levels are EXTREMELY hight at ages 21-22 just to let you know.
12-07-2001, 09:46 PM #15
Hay MM, I've already told you all about that stuff...remember. Through the emails and stuff???
Well anyways, from what I have read on this forum, Winny is a good steroid to take to add strength and harden the muscles. I mean, maybe I can't read english anymore, but that's what I remember reading. I know it's best to take it with other steroids , but I assumed that taking that stuff alone, it would still give you some strength gains. Like a good 10 pounds on your bench for example, now that's what I just though.
In terms of going on it, like i kept saying, i'm not sure. It is expenisve, and as I said before too, no one is standing here with a needle halfway in their ass and about to inject, i'm just asking
In terms of my friend, I will tell him what you guys said, and I will ask him to join (although like i said before as well, it's too risky for him to do it from home).
So what sounds good then ? Age 23 and up for steroids ???
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