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Thread: Considering using anabolics. Currently have 2 bottles of androgel and a box of testim

  1. #1

    Considering using anabolics. Currently have 2 bottles of androgel and a box of testim

    Im 20 years old, I have been lifting religiously for 3 years. I also train Muay Thai and Jiu Jitsu (recreational, dont compete).

    Im starting a bulk, and would like to use anabolics this time around, unfortunately the information Im getting online is hardly reliable. I would like some advice.

    Currently I have 2 bottles of androgel at my disposal (given to me), from what I've read these will not do much for me. I've actually read that even the small amount of exogenous test will send a signal to my body to produce less, and since I'm taking so little, it would actually lower my test levels. I dont know what to believe.

    From what I've read:

    Take injectable test once or twice per week at 100-200mg (winstrol, d-bol, tren fall into this category?)

    Take Arimidex or another aromatase inhibitor

    Do this for 8-10 weeks


    Does this sound right at all?

    Also, would androgel do anything for me? Should I use an aromatase inhibitor with it?
    I had gyno when I was going through the early stages of puberty

    I apologize as I imagine these qeustions have been answered many times on this forum, but my searches havent come up with good information.

    I would imagine I should have my doctor involved to keep an eye on my hormone levels. I will not start using anabolics until I know much, much more about them.

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Please read these threads

    Forget the gel and steroids at your age IMHO, your better using what you got natural instead of shutting it your natural test down, if you cant gain muscle at your age your either not training or eating correctly but IMHO steroids are not the answer for a 20yrs old.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Please read these threads

    Forget the gel and steroids at your age IMHO, your better using what you got natural instead of shutting it your natural test down, if you cant gain muscle at your age your either not training or eating correctly but IMHO steroids are not the answer for a 20yrs old.
    Thanks for the links!

    I actually have made good progress naturally, and I'm kind of a fitness nerd, I'm pretty knowledgeable when it comes to training and nutrition. But the reality is, what I can do in the next 3 years naturally, I could do by next summer with the use of aabolics, thats the temptation. My dad used them for years and recommended that I look into it.

    Thank you for the links! Maybe I will wait a few years.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    This would be one time if I was you I would disagree with your father. We know far more now then they did in the past and how AAS effects the body at age 20.

    Also always take test with any other compounds. Winnie, deca, tren, etc. And try and get injectable test. Androgel and testim barely raise test levels. I took it for years and I had to basically swim in it to get my levels any higher. Injectable was much cheaper and easier to regulate.

    Just my 2 cents

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by marcw842 View Post

    From what I've read:

    Take injectable test once or twice per week at 100-200mg (winstrol, d-bol, tren fall into this category?)

    No. Test IS testosterone. Those are not.

  6. #6
    I'm not being hostile, but this has been covered many, many times. It's been told to many, many young men on this site alone. The use of anabolic a at your age, can potentially ruin your body's HPTA, and interfere with the normal development of your brain among other things. Being 10 or 20 lbs heavier isn't worth the risk. Follow the advise of the experienced veterans on here and wait until your body is done developing. Good luck.

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