Hello all. Hope you can help me with this one.
So couple months ago I did my first, really small dianabol cycle. I took it for about 6 weeks, only 20mg a day. After that period I just stopped taking it. Didn't take any pct cause I didnt feel any suppression. I felt just like before cycle. Maybe it is also worth noticing I didnt get any real gains from it. I was only pumped up, but no weight or strength gains. Thats why I thought it didn't have any real impact on me, so no pct was made. But anyway the thing is after like 1,5 month from taking last pill I got gyno in my right nipple. During first days I didnt even thought it was gyno, because I finished cycle quite time ago and didnt have any problems earlier. But nipple was (and still is) a little swollen and sometimes it hurts a bit when touching it. I did ultrasound and it showed that its a little gyno. I've done my blood tests about 2-3 weeks after gyno occurred, and the thing is my hormone levels were (and still are) completely normal (estradiol levels at about 23). Maybe it is also worth noticing my test is too low (338), and I also dont know was it always that way, or maybe this cycle had something to do with it. My doctor said there is nothing he can do about it then, and that there is only surgical option.
So my question is: Can I still do something about it (besides operation)? I have novladex and clomid but now I am really afraid that it can make things worse. But can it still help me even though my hormone levels are normal? What can I expect from taking it (especially as far as sides)? Can it imbalance my hormone levels? Or can it do other damage to body?
Help will be very appreciated!