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Thread: Gyno and low test - need help!

  1. #1

    Gyno and low test - need help!

    Hello all. Hope you can help me with this one.

    So couple months ago I did my first, really small dianabol cycle. I took it for about 6 weeks, only 20mg a day. After that period I just stopped taking it. Didn't take any pct cause I didnt feel any suppression. I felt just like before cycle. Maybe it is also worth noticing I didnt get any real gains from it. I was only pumped up, but no weight or strength gains. Thats why I thought it didn't have any real impact on me, so no pct was made. But anyway the thing is after like 1,5 month from taking last pill I got gyno in my right nipple. During first days I didnt even thought it was gyno, because I finished cycle quite time ago and didnt have any problems earlier. But nipple was (and still is) a little swollen and sometimes it hurts a bit when touching it. I did ultrasound and it showed that its a little gyno. I've done my blood tests about 2-3 weeks after gyno occurred, and the thing is my hormone levels were (and still are) completely normal (estradiol levels at about 23). Maybe it is also worth noticing my test is too low (338), and I also dont know was it always that way, or maybe this cycle had something to do with it. My doctor said there is nothing he can do about it then, and that there is only surgical option.

    So my question is: Can I still do something about it (besides operation)? I have novladex and clomid but now I am really afraid that it can make things worse. But can it still help me even though my hormone levels are normal? What can I expect from taking it (especially as far as sides)? Can it imbalance my hormone levels? Or can it do other damage to body?

    Help will be very appreciated!

  2. #2
    You may have passed the window for nolva to help, might have to have surgery.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    The gyno is likely due to decreased test and DHT levels as there is evidence to suggest that it is the ratio of E to T (and or DHT) that contributes to gyno. This could be in part due to the lack of a PCT and therefore decreased test production as I've seen others post similar results . . . did a cycle (usually w/o test) and did not do a PCT and within a few months after cycle ends, bam gyno! A trial of tamoxifen and or raloxifene is probably worth it to see if it makes a difference. Even though ralox is supposed to be more effective at treating gyno, you may benefit more form the tamox as it will increase test levels as well and can act as your PCT. Adding clomid to the tamox will probably help in terms of PCT as well and may even aid in reversing the gyno through either direct effects or by increasing T and DHT.

    So you can try tamox with or without clomid or ralox with clomid. Do you have any of these at home. Also it is always worth having gyno checked out by a physician so you can at the least have blood work done. Bc if your E levels are high, an AI may be helpful.

  4. #4
    Thank you very much for answer Doc!
    Actually I have tamo and clomid at my side, dont have ralox and probably wont be able to get it in next couple weeks. I have exactly 30 tabs (20mg) of tamo and 20 tabs (50mg) of clomid. Can you tell me how should I cycle it? How many and for how long? Should I expect any sides from it?

    And btw I had my gyno checked by physician and I've done blood work (I've wrote about its results in first post). So are you telling I should do it again after taking clomid and nolva?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Oh I missed that. What treatment did your doctor offer? You should stick to your doc's advice.

    If you want to go it alone, ideally you'd get more Clomid and tamox and follow a dosing scheme like clomid 100/50/50/25 and tamoxifen 40/20/20/20 and continue (tamoxifen only) for a few weeks after gyno subsides. Of course if you don't see any improvement by 4 to 6wks, then I'd just stop then.

    If you insist on only using what you have, then go clomid 50/50/25/25 and tamoxifen 20/20/20/10/10. I'd personally at the very least invest in more tamox.

    Also there's a DHT gel that is available online that is supposedly very helpful for some cases of gyno - I think your case particularly. DHT gel is not available in the US so you could ask your doc to apply for special permission to import it (which is often done when a med is not available in US and alternative treatment options are few or have failed) or you could just order it yourself.

  6. #6
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    You can order the DHT gel (Andractim) Doc referred to on line if you choose. Google it.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  7. #7
    Like I said in the first post - my endocrinologist only diagnosed its gyno, checked my blood tests and said, that because hormone levels are now normal, the only thing I can do is surgery... Thats why I kinda dont want to do it alone, but I have to do it...

    I think I'll stick to this second scheme you made, and will just buy more nolva in 3-4 weeks, when I can contact with my dealer.

    And as far as DHT gel, I dont think its the best option for me, considering I probably have genetic predispositions for some hair loss.

    Quote Originally Posted by AnabolicDoc View Post
    Oh I missed that. What treatment did your doctor offer? You should stick to your doc's advice.

    If you want to go it alone, ideally you'd get more Clomid and tamox and follow a dosing scheme like clomid 100/50/50/25 and tamoxifen 40/20/20/20 and continue (tamoxifen only) for a few weeks after gyno subsides. Of course if you don't see any improvement by 4 to 6wks, then I'd just stop then.

    If you insist on only using what you have, then go clomid 50/50/25/25 and tamoxifen 20/20/20/10/10. I'd personally at the very least invest in more tamox.

    Also there's a DHT gel that is available online that is supposedly very helpful for some cases of gyno - I think your case particularly. DHT gel is not available in the US so you could ask your doc to apply for special permission to import it (which is often done when a med is not available in US and alternative treatment options are few or have failed) or you could just order it yourself.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by AMaster View Post
    Like I said in the first post - my endocrinologist only diagnosed its gyno, checked my blood tests and said, that because hormone levels are now normal, the only thing I can do is surgery... Thats why I kinda dont want to do it alone, but I have to do it...

    I think I'll stick to this second scheme you made, and will just buy more nolva in 3-4 weeks, when I can contact with my dealer.

    And as far as DHT gel, I dont think its the best option for me, considering I probably have genetic predispositions for some hair loss.
    You apply the dht gel directly to the gyno in smaller amounts than you would if it was being used for HRT. I your case it would likely be helpful.

    The name completely slipped my mind, thanks kelkel.

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